The Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia, Limited. bead Office: LONDON: 123, BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, E.C. BRANCH Offices in Australia: MELBOURNE: 114 AND 116, WILLIAM STREET. (NEW SOUTH WALES-35, BLIGH STREET, SYDNEY. OFFICES: QUEENSLAND-BRISBANE AND ROCKHAMPTON. Capital £2,250,000, in 375,000 Shares of £6 each, OF WHICH 320,000 SHARES HAVE BEEN ISSUED. Trustees for the holders of Debentures or Debenture Stock. WILLIAM FERGUSON, Esq., of Kinmundy, Aberdeenshire, Chairman of Great North of Scotland Railway Company. A. C. LORAINE FULLER, Esq., 2, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. ANDREW GEORGE ANDERSON, Esq. HON. WILLIAM HALLIDAY, M.L.C. FREDERICK WILLIAM ARMYTAGE, ESQ. | ARCHIBALD MENZIES, Esq. Bankers. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND, LIMITED. Solicitors. MESSRS. MARKBY, STEWART & Co. Auditors. MESSRS. C. F. KEMP, FORD & Co. Secretary. JAMES W. ASH. The Company carries on the business of Stock, Station, Estate, Financial, Shipping, Mercantile and General Agents. Advances are made on Wool and other Produce consigned for sale in the Colonies and London. Auction Sales are held by the Company in Melbourne of Wool, Hides, Skins, Tallow, Grain, etc. Loans made and arranged on Pastoral Properties. Subscription-To countries outside Australasia, £2 12s. per year, post paid. SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: Publisher's own THE ABOVE RATES are for consecutive insertions only. allowed a further reduction of 5 per cent. if paid for in advance. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding 24 words are charged as 6 lines; exceeding 6 lines, as 12 lines; and so on for larger advertisements, every fractional part of 6 line space being charged as 6 lines. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, and DEATHS, if under 6 lines (about 45 words), 3s. each insertion, and when inserted in both THE AGE and THE LEADER, 48. Funeral Notices, 5s. per insertion. ALL SPECIAL POSITIONS EXTRA. SPECIAL COLUMN (i.e., in the columns preceding leading article), 1s. per line, 20s. SPECIAL COLUMN DOUBLE COLUMN ADVERTISEMENTS (excepting PROSPECTUS ADVERTISEMENTS in ORDINARY COLUMN, 8s. per 12 lines per LAW and AMUSEMENT ADVERTISEMENTS, 6s. per 12 lines per insertion. LONDON OFFICE: OUTER TEMPLE, 222-5, STRAND, W.C. ADVERTISING AGENTS: STREET & CO., 30, CORNHILL, E.C., AND OTHERS. THE AGE Is the most popular paper in the Australasian Colonies, Its circulation is unrivalled, surpassing by more than six times that of any other morn ing newspaper in Melbourne. As an Advertising Medium it cannot be approached by any of its contemporaries. The South Australian Register (ESTABLISHED 1836). A First-Class Eight-Page Daily Paper (64 columns), published in Adelaide, and contains the most complete Political, Commercial, Mining, and General Intelligence. Price Twopence. A The Adelaide Observer (ESTABLISHED 1843). First-Class Weekly Paper, Paper, cir circulating largely in South Australia and the other Colonies, comprising Forty-eight Pages. A large portion of its space is specially devoted to Agricultural and Pastoral Interests, Sporting, General Literature, etc. Price Sixpence. The Evening Journal (ESTABLISHED 1869). Published in Adelaide. A cheap Evening Paper, with a large circulation. Price One Penny. LONDON OFFICES-80, FLEET STREET. W. K. THOMAS & CO., Proprietors. London Office for AUSTRALIAN PRESS TELEGRAMS, 80, Fleet Street, E.C. The Sydney Morning Herald, The oldest of the existing newspapers in Australasia, and maintains a large and increasing circulation throughout the Colonies, Great Britain, and the Continents of Europe and America. Its main features are General News from all sources by Cable and Telegraph, and from a General staff of Correspondents, including special correspondents in London, besides those in Paris, Berlin, Rome, St. Petersburg, etc.; also New York, San Francisco, and the chief cities in Australasia. The Editorial and Literary Staff are men of the highest attainments, as shown by the leading columns and the general conduct of the literary department. The great object of the proprietors has always been to give their readers the most trustworthy intelligence, and consequently the Commercial, Mercantile, and Mining departments have become regarded as undoubted authorities. The widespread circulation of the Sydney Morning Herald continues to render it a most valuable advertising medium. The proprietors are in correspondence with the principal advertising and news agents in the chief cities of Great Britain, Europe, America, and Australasia. THE SYDNEY MAIL, A 56-page Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, is well established, and stands highest in Australasia, having special facilities for obtaining the latest and most authentic news from all parts of the world. The chief departments, besides dealing with Agriculture, Pastoral, Horticultural, Commercial, Mining, and Shipping Intelligence, Sporting in all its branches, Women's Column, Household and Domestic. The Illustrations are of Current and Art subjects, and in this department the Sydney Mail is first in rank in Australasia. THE ECНО, A popular Evening Journal of General News, Politics, and Original Comments on passing events, CHIEF OFFICE: Sydney, New South Wales. The Sydney Daily Telegraph, KING STREET, SYDNEY. The Daily Telegraph is the Only Penny Morning Newspaper Published in New South Wales, and its Circulation, as GUARANTEED and CERTIFIED to, is nearly double that of any other newspaper in the colony. It is the Best and Cheapest Advertising Medium in Australasia, and there is not a town on the continent in which copies of this paper cannot be obtained. LONDON OFFICE, OUTER TEMPLE, 222-5, STRAND, W.C. Files of Papers are kept for Reference and Convenience of Advertisers and Visitors. LIST OF AGENCIES FOR RECEIVING ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC. LONDON-T. B. BROWN, 143, Queen Victoria Street; GORDON & GOTCH, St. Bride's Street; STREET & Co., 30, Cornhill; MITCHELL & CO., Red Lion Court, Fleet Street; CLARK, SON, & PLATT, 85, Gracechurch Street; REUTER'S ADVERTISING COMPANY, 24, Old Jewry; ROBERT WATSON, 74, Fleet Street; ALFRED BARNARD, 49, Fleet Street; W. M. WILLS, Cannon Street; ALGAR & COMPANY, 11, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street; R. MOSSE, 18, Queen Victoria Street. BIRMINGHAM-R. KIRK, 90, New Street. LIVERPOOL-LEE & NIGHTINGALE, 15, North John Street. • GERMANY-HEINR EISLER, Office de Publicité Entranger, Hamburg. NEW YORK-E. N. ERICKSON, Temple Court; T. B. BROWN, 353-55, Canal Street. Copies of The Daily Telegraph may be obtained at the office of any of our agents. THE ARGUS. Published Daily in Melbourne, Australia. PRICE TWOPENCE. The ARGUS is the Leading Paper in the Colonies, the oldest in Victoria, has a large circulation, and consists of 128 columns daily, 224 columns on Saturdays. There are few houses of business of any note in any of the Australasian Colonies in which it is not found. THE AUSTRALASIAN (ILLUSTRATED). Published Weekly in Melbourne. PRICE SIXPENCE. The Largest Journal in the Australasian Colonies. It consists of 290 columns, and contains Literary, Scientific, Rural, and Sporting subjects particularly adapted to country readers. It circulates extensively through the various Colonies of Australia, is read on the most remote stations in the newly-settled country on the Gulf of Carpentaria, New Guinea, Pacific Islands, and in the most secluded goldfields of New Zealand. The above papers thus offer to MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS, HOTEL KEEPERS, PUBLISHERS, and others a medium of unequalled extent and variety for their Advertisements. All information respecting ADVERTISEMENTS can be obtained at the LONDON OFFICES, 80, FLEET STREET. WILSON & MACKINNON, Proprietors. MESSRS. HUTCHINSON & CO. EDITED BY PHILIP MENNELL, F.R.G.S. The Australasian Dictionary of Biography (Including New Zealand and Fiji). Comprising Notices of Eminent Colonists, from the Inauguration of Responsible Government down to the Present Time [1855-1892]. By PHILIP MENNELL, F.R.G.S., In crown 8vo, half leather and cloth gilt, os. 6d. net. It is proposed to afford in handy form information respecting Australasian men and women of mark. The Australasian Dictionary of Biography will discharge the twofold purpose of perpetuating the memory of deceased notabilities and of recording the careers of the living. It is intended to re-issue the work periodically, and the price will, it is hoped, secure for it a wide circulation and a permanent place as a work of general reference. LONDON: 25, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. Messrs. HUTCHINSON & Co.'s New Handsome Library Edition OF POPULAR NOVELS BY AUTHORS OF THE DAY. In cloth, gilt top, 2s. 6d. each. The Guardian says:-"Messrs. Hutchinson's Popular Library is really a most promising and remarkable sign of the times. Here we have the old-established novel docked of its superfluous spaces and margins, and offered to the reader neatly bound, nicely printed, comfortable to handle, with plenty of matter and interest, and all for the modest sum of 2s. 6d. NEW VOLUME. A MODERN ULYSSES. By JOSEPH HATTON, Author of "By Order of the Czar," etc. BRANKSOME DENE. By Colonel MULLENEUX WALMSLEY. HUTCHINSON & CO., 25, PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.C. |