level, on the Yeulba creek, 281 miles W. from Brisbane. Population 180. Yongala, S.A. A township and railway station on the Port Pirie and Terowie line, 1689 feet above sea-level, 159 miles N. of Adelaide, 67 miles from Port Pirie, and 6 miles from Petersburg. Population 360. York, W.A. A township in a wheatgrowing district, and railway station on the Beverley line, situated at the foot of Mount Bakewell, on both sides of the river Avon, 77 miles (by rail) E. of Perth. Population, with district, 3590. York, Cape, Peninsula, Qd., is the northeastern extremity of the continent, between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Carpentaria; is separated from New Guinea by Torres Straits, which at Cape York, the north-eastern extremity of Australia, is 80 miles wide. The peninsula is watered by the Stewart, which falls into the Pacific, and the Macdonnel, Batavia, Coen, Lukin, Mitchell, running into the Gulf of Carpentaria. York Mountain, N.S.W. A peak in the Blue Mountains, about 70 miles from Sydney, near the Western railway, 3292 feet high. York Sound, W.A. In the Kimberley Division, S. of Bigges Island; receives the waters of the Rees river. Yorke Town, S.A. A township 171 miles W. from Adelaide. Communication by water or nearest railway station, Port Wakefield. Salt lakes are in the neighbourhood, and salt is manufactured. Population 360. Yorke's Peninsula, S.A. A tract of land between the gulf of St. Vincent and Spencer gulf, and running out in a S. direction in the shape of a boot; includes the counties of Daly and Fergusson, and is intersected by the railways from Port Wakefield to Wallaroo and Moonta, and from Kadina to Snowtown. The district is not fertile, but it contains a large area of land rich in copper, and several mines are being worked. The population is estimated at 26,000. Youndegin, W.A. A postal station in a large agricultural district, 95 miles E. of Perth and 35 miles from York. Young, N.S.W. A township in a goldmining, wine-growing and agricultural district, and railway station on the Murrumburrah branch line, 1416 feet above sea-level, on the north side of the Burrangong, 250 miles S.W. of Sydney. Circuit court and general sessions are held here. Population, with district. 12,000. Newspapers, Burrangong Argus and Burrangong Chronicle. Young, N.S.W. One of the new counties lying to the west of the Darling, and containing the town of Wilcannia. Young, S.A. A county with an area of 2076 square miles, situate to the north of the Murray river, from the north-west bend to Overland Corner. Young, Sir Henry Edward Fox, C.B., third son of the late Colonel A. W. Young, for some time Governor of Prince Edward Island; appointed Lieut.-Governor of the Eastern Province of the Cape of Good Hope. Married 1848 Augusta Sophia, daughter of Charles Marryat, who was brother of the well-known novelist. Governor of South Australia from August 2nd, 1848, to Dec. 20th, 1854; opened up the Murray navigation, and saved the colony from financial ruin by his vigorous measures during the panic which followed the discovery of gold in Victoria and New South Wales. Governor of Tasmania from Jan. 8th, 1855, to Dec. 10th, 1861, when he retired, and died in England 1870. Young Men's Christian Associations. The first of these institutions was established at Sydney by Mr. John Fairfax in 1853. Yudanamutana, S.A. A copper-producing district, about 460 miles N.W. of Adelaide. Nearest railway station, Mundowdna. No work is now being done. Z Zaachen. A Dutch navigator; dis-with the Main line, but in an opposite covered and named Arnhem's Land from | direction, for a distance of 67 chains. the North-West Cape of Western Australia to the 15th parallel of S. latitude, in 1618. Zig Zag. One of the greatest engineering works in Australia; ranks amongst the boldest and most substantial railway works in the world. The Western railway enters the Blue Mountains by a series of zigzags at Lapstone hill, an elevation of 470 feet being attained in a distance of 30 chains. Thence the line continues to ascend, and reaches the highest level, 3658 feet above the level of the sea, at the Clarence, 88 miles from Sydney, and 50 from the first zigzags at Lapstone hill. The line then descends on a gradient of 1 in 42 towards Lithgow valley, reaching the higher points of the great zigzag 91 miles from Sydney, at an elevation of 3362 feet. At this point the line runs nearly parallel After passing two viaducts and through a short tunnel, it reaches the lower points of the zigzag at an elevation of 3261 feet, and thence continues to descend towards Bathurst, which is 145 miles from Sydney, and has an elevation of 2153 feet. Between Mount Clarence, 88 miles from Sydney, and Wallerawang, 105 miles, there are 7 viaducts of 2225 feet in length, averaging in height from 10 to 70 feet, and in span from 10 to 54 feet, the average being 30 feet, also three short tunnels. The total excavations were 3,040,000 cubic yards, of which about 1,783,000 were through rock; and the cost of construction was about £812,000. The contractor was the late Hon. Patrick Higgins, and the engineer was Mr. John Whitton, Engineer-in-chief of the New South Wales railways. MESSRS. HUTCHINSON & CO.'S ON AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Round the Compass in Australia. By GILBERT PARKER. In demy 8vo, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d. With Numerous Illustrations. AN ENGAGING, THOROUGH, AND AUTHORITATIVE WORK ON AUSTRALIA. COMPRISING: A General Review of Australian Affairs brought up to date; a fascinating and faithful Description of Life in the Towns and Cities, as in the heart of the Continent; Notes on the Public Men of the Country; and a Discussion of Industries and Development, with the Past, Present, and Prospective Sources of Wealth. BY G. COLLINS LEVY, G.C.М. A Handy Guide to Australasia (INCLUDING NEW ZEALAND AND FIJI) : Its Resources, Finances, and Physical Features; together with a Complete List of the Mercantile Houses of Great Britain doing Business with Australasia, the Tariffs of the various Colonies, etc., etc. With Maps. Crown 8vo, cloth, as. 6d. AN AUSTRALIAN "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." SEVENTH THOUSAND. The Black Police: A Story of Modern Australia. By A. J. VOGAN. With Map and Illustrations by the Author. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 5s.; or in paper boards, zs. BY HELEN MATHERS. POPULAR EDITION. Sam's Sweetheart: An Australian Novel. By HELEN MATHERS (Mrs. Henry Reeves), Author of "Comin' Thro' the Rye," "Cherry Ripe," etc. In crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, 2s. 6d.; or in picture boards, as. The Web of the Spider. A STORY OF NEW ZEALAND ADVENTURE. By H. B. MARRIOTT WATSON, LONDON: 25, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. Incorporated by Acts of the Legislature of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. LETTERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS granted on the Head Office at MELBOURNE and the following branches : In Victoria. Albert Park, Alexandra, Bacchus Marsh, Bairnsdale, Balaclava, Ballarat, Benalla (Glenrowan), Blackwood, Boort, Bridgewater, Bright, Buninyong, Casterton, Castlemaine, Cheltenham (East Brighton), Clifton Hill, Clunes, Cobden, Cobram, Colac, Coleraine, Dimboola, Dookie (Cashel), East Collingwood (Victoria Street), Euroa, Fitzroy, Footscray, Geelong, Hamilton, Hawthorn, Horsham, Jung Jung, Kerang (Macorna), Kew, Koroit, Kyneton, Lancefield, Learmonth, Macarthur, Maffra, Malvern, Mildura, Moonee Ponds, Natimuk, Newlyn, Newstead, Nhill, Northcote (South Preston), North Melbourne, Penshurst, Port Melbourne, Prahan, Pyramid Hill, Richmond (Burnley Street and Swan Street), Romsey, St. James (Devinish) St. Kilda, Sale, Sandhurst, Scarsdale, Serviceton, Shepparton, Smeaton, South Melbourne, Stratford, Swan Hill, Taradale, Terang, Traralgon, Trentham, Tungamah, Violet Town, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Yarraville, Yarrawonga. In South Australia. Adelaide, Angaston, Auburn, Balaklava, Border Town, Caltowie, Carrieton, Clare, Crystal Brook, Edithburgh, Eudunda, Farina, Gawler, George Town, Hamley Bridge, Hindmarsh, James Town, Kadina, Kapunda, Koolunga, Kooringa, Laura, Minlaton, Mintaro, Moonta, Mount Barker, Mount Gambier, Nairne, Narracoorte, North Adelaide, Nuriootpa, Orroroo, Penola, Petersburg, Port Adelaide, Port Augusta, Port Broughton, Port Pirie, Port Victoria, Port Wakefield, Quorn, Red Hill, Riverton, Saddleworth, Salisbury, Strathalbyn, Terowie, Truro, Wallaroo, Willunga, Wilmington, Woodside, Yongala, York Town. In Western Australia. Perth, Freemantle, Geraldton, Albany, Northam, Newcastle. In New South Wales. Sydney, Broken Hill, Cordillera. Also on Agencies in New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland and Tasmania. Approved bills negotiated or sent for collection, and all other banking business with the Australian Colonies and New Zealand transacted. W. W. OSWALD, Manager. 123, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C. |