THE MERCANTILE BANK OF AUSTRALIA, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies Statute of 1864 of the Legislature of Victoria. AUTHORISED CAPITAL-200,000 Shares of £5 each Called up Capital £400,000 NUMBER OF SHAREHOLDERS-ABOUT 1350. DIRECTORS-The Honourable Sir M. H. DAVIES, Knt., M.P., Chairman (Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria). WILLIAM ANDERSON, Esq. Honourable JAMES BELL, M.L.C. JOHN MOODIE, Esq. General Manager-FREDERIC MILLIDGE, Esq. HEAD OFFICE-MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. Manager-JAMES BRODIE AINSLIE, Esq. Accountant-JOHN ADAMSON, Esq. Solicitors-Messrs. DAVIES, PRICE, & WIGHTON. Auditors-C. W. ELLIS, Esq., F.I.A.V. C. J. RICHARDSON, Esq., F.I.A.V. Branches-BALLARAT, GEELONG, PRAHRAN, COLLINGWOOD, MENTON. LONDON OFFICE-39, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. DIRECTORS-Sir GRAHAM BERRY, K.C.M.G., 8, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, S.W.-JOSEPH HARWOOD, Esq., 90, Canon Street, E.C.-GEORGE WILLIAM BOOKER, Esq., 39, Lombard Street, E.C. (Managing Director). Accountant-ROBERT NIVEN, Esq. London Bankers--The ALLIANCE BANK, Limited, GLASGOW. Dublin Bankers-Messrs. GUINNESS, MAHON, & Co. DEPOSIT AGENCIES. EDINBURGH. Agents-Messrs. FYFE, IRELAND, & DANGERFIELD, S.S.C., 43, Hanover St.; JAMES F. MACKAY, W.S., 41, Charlotte Sq. Agents-Messrs. BLACK, HONEYMAN, & MONTEATH, Writers, 88, Agents-Messrs. PATK. COOPER & SON, Advocates, 42, Union Street. Agents-Messrs. DICKIE & PAUL, Solicitors, Whitehall Chambers. ABERDEEN DUNDEE West Regent Street. DEPOSITS RECEIVED for fixed periods of from One to Five Years at Rates of Interest which may be ascertained on application. LETTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS OF EXCHANGE upon the Head Office and Branches issued, Telegraphic Transfers made, and every description of Banking business with the Australian Colonies transacted. 39, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. 4 THE UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, LTD. ESTABLISHED 1837. INCORPORATED 1880. Paid-up Capital, £1,500,000. Reserve Funds, £1,000,000. Together £2,500,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ... ... TOTAL CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUNDS 3,000,000 £5,500,000 Head Office-1, BANK BUILDINGS, LOTHBURY, LONDON, E.C. RICHARD JAS. ASHTON, Esq. Directors. JOHN F. MCMULLEN, Esq. ARTHUR FLOWER, Esq. Manager-WILLIAM RICHMOND MEWBURN, Esq. Assistant Manager-WILLIAM EDWARD CARBERY, Esq. Secretary-JOHN H. L. SELFE, Esq. The Bank has Agents and Correspondents in the principal ROEBOURNE) North-West COSSACK Coast. TASMANIA. HOBART. OATLANDS. LAUNCESTON. NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND. WELLINGTON. PALMERSTON NORTH. NAPIER (Hawke's Bay). HASTINGS GISBORNE (Poverty Bay). NELSON. BLENHEIM (Marlborough). GREYMOUTH (West-coast). CHRISTCHURCH SOUTHBRIDGE LYTTELTON (Canterbury). ASHBURTON TIMAEU WAIMATE. DUNEDIN. OMABU. FIJI ISLANDS. } (Otago). towns of Europe, and in India, China, Japan, Ceylon, Mauritius, North and South America, and Africa, by whom Circular Notes issued by the Branches in sums of £10, £20, or £50 are negotiable. Letters of Credit and Bills of Exchange on the Branches are issued by Head Office, and may also be obtained from the Bank's Agents throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. Telegraphic Remittances are made to the Colonies. Bills on the Colonies are purchased or sent for collection. Deposits received at Head Office on terms which may be ascertained on application. THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. (Incorporated under Royal Charter, 1835.) 4, THREADNEEDLE ST., LONDON. W. A. MCARTHUR, Esq., M.P. JOHN SANDERSON, Esq. Secertary-PRIDEAUX SELBY. ALBAN G. H. GIBBS, Esq. VICTORIA. Accountant-RICHARD WALTER JEANS. Numerous Branches throughout the Colonies of NEW SOUTH WALES. LETTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS OF EXCHANGE granted. BILLS NEGOTIATED OR SENT FOR COLLECTION. TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS made. DEPOSITS received in London at interest for fixed periods on terms which may be ascertained at the Office. BANKING BUSINESS of every description transacted with the Colonies. PRIDEAUX SELBY, Secretary. THE COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY OF SYDNEY. ESTABLISHED 1834, INCORPORATED 1848. Capital, £600,000. Reserve Funds, £810,000. HEAD OFFICE, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES. SYDNEY BOARD. RICHARD JONES, Esq, Chairman. G. J. COHEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. HON. H. MOSES, M.L.C. | ED. W. KNOX. | Hox. H. E. KATER, M.L.C. | T. A. DIBBS, General Manager. LONDON BOARD. OFFICE, 18, BIRCHIN LANE, LOMBARD STREET. SIR JAMES ARNDELL YOUL, K.C.M.G. B. BUCHANAN, E A. O. ROBINSON, Esq. BRANCHES IN SYDNEY. KNOX, M.L.C. NATHANIEL CORK, Manager. Eastern Branch-Oxford Street, George Street West, King Street, Newtown, Paddington, Pitt and Bathurst Streets, Redfern. Southern Branch-Haymarket, George Street South, St. Leonards, Waterloo and Alexandra. BRANCHES IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Adelong, Albury, Armidale, Ballina, Barraba, Bathurst, Bega, Berrigan, Berrima, Berry, Bingara, Blayney, Bombala, Bourke, Bowral, Bowraville, Braidwood, Brewarrina, Burrowa, Camden, Campbelltown, Candelo, Canowindra, Carrathool, Carcoar, Casino, Cobar, Condobolin, Cooma, Coonamble, Coopernook, Cootamundra, Coraki, Corowa, Cowra, Cudal, Cundletown, Daysdale, Delegate, Dubbo, Dundas, Dungog, Fernmount, Forbes, Germanton, Glen Innes, Goulburn, Grafton, Granville, Gundagai, Gundaroo, Gunnedah, Gunning, Harwood, Hay, Hinton, Inverell, Jerilderie, Kangaroo Valley, Kempsey, Kiama, Lismore, Lithgow, Liverpool, Maclean, Maitland, Manilla, Milton, Mitchell, Mittagong, Molong, Moree, Morpeth, Moruya, Moss Vale, Mudgee, Mulwala, Murrumburrah, Murrurundi, Murwillumbah, Muswellbrook, Narandera, Narrabri, Newcastle, Nowra, Nyngan, Orange, Parkes, Parramatta, Paterson, Penrith, Picton, Port Macquarie, Queanbeyan, Quirindi, Raymond Terrace, Richmond, Robertson, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Silverton, Singleton, Smithtown, Tamworth, Taree, Terong, Tinonee, Tocumwall, Tumbarumba, Tumbulgum, Tumut, Wagga Wagga, Walcha, Walgett, Wallerawang, Warialda, Warren, Wee Waa, Wellington, Wentworth, Wilcannia, Windsor, Wingham, Wollongong, Woodburn, Yass and Young. BRANCHES IN QUEENSLAND. Brisbane, Beenleigh, Bundaberg, Charleville, Cunnamulla, Dalby, Fortitude Valley, Goondiwindi, Mackay, They also negotiate approved Bills upon the Australian Colonies, send out Bills for Collection, receive Fixed Deposits, and transact every description of Banking Business with Australia, through the above-named establishments of the Bank in New South Wales and Queensland, and its Agents in Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. 18, BIRCHIN LANE, LOMBARD STREET, E.C. NATHANIEL CORK, MANAGER, The Hon. J. M. DAVIES, M.L.C. The Hon. GEORGE COPPIN, M.L.C., J.P. JAMES MASON, Esq., J.P. GEORGE MEARES, Esq., J.P., C.M.G. LONDON BOARD. JOHN CONNELL, Esq. ALEX. J. MALCOLM, Esq. HENRY BROOKS, Esq. Head Office-Melbourne. General Manager-HENRY GYLES TURNER, J.P. London Office-1, Bishopsgate Street Within. Manager-GEORGE NIVEN. Accountant-G.W.WALLACE. Bankers-The Bank of England, and the City Bank, Ltd. Edinburgh Deposit Agency-11, South Charlotte Street. Messrs. MITCHELL & BAXTER, W.S., Agents. Glasgow Deposit Agency-149, West George Street. Messrs. D. J. SMITH & Sydney Office: 273, George Street. WILLIAMSON, Agents. 27, King William Street. Brisbane Office: 130, Queen Street. Branches in the principal towns in Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia. This Bank grants drafts on all its Branches and Agencies, negotiates and collects Bills payable in the Colonies, and undertakes every other description of Colonial Banking and Exchange business on the most favourable terms. The London Office receives Deposits at rates which can be learned on application, and opens Current Accounts for the convenience of Colonial constituents. BANK OF VICTORIA, Current Accounts opened for the convenience of Colonial Constituents. Bills on the Australian Colonies negotiated or collected. Letters of Credit and Drafts on Demand issued on the Branches and Agencies of the Bank throughout the Australian Colonies and New Zealand. 28, CLEMENTS LANE, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C. WILLIAM FAIRCLOUGH, Manager. BRANCHES AND NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION (Ld.). AGENCIES. Aden, Australia, Capital Authorised, £2,000,000. India, Ceylon, China, Japan, Straits, Madagascar, Zanzibar. Subscribed and Paid up, £600,000. LONDON 40, THREADNEEDLE STREET, E.C. 25, COCKSPUR STREET, S.W. EDINBURGH—19, ST. ANDREW SQUARE. DUNDEE-6, PANMURE STREET. Money remitted to any part of the world by Draft, Letter of Credit, or by Telegraph. Bills of Exchange, Interest Warrants, and Coupons collected and cashed. Circular Notes issued; Current Accounts opened; Banking Business generally undertaken. Interest allowed on Deposits, for 1, 3, 5, or 7 years certain, 4 per cent. per annum. BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital Incorporated by Act of General Assembly, 29th July, 1861. BANKERS TO THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT. Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Shareholders... ... ... Head Office-1, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Directors-RICHARD H. GLYN, Esq., President; Colonel ROBERT BARING; JOHN A. EWEN, Esq. (of Messrs. Sargood, Son, & Ewen); the Right Hon. Sir J. FERGUSSON, Bart., G.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., M.P.; E. HERBERT FISON, Esq.; The Right Hon. A. J. MUNDELLA, M.P.; THOMAS M. STEWART, Esq. HENRY B. MACNAB, Manager. C. G. TEGETMEIER, Secretary. Auditors-Messrs, PRICE, WATERHOUSE, & Co. London Bankers-THE BANK OF ENGLAND; Messrs. GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE, & Co. Chief Office in Colonies-AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. WILLIAM TURTON HOLMES, General Manager. BRANCHES. IN AUSTRALIA-Adelaide, S.A.; Melbourne, Victoria; Newcastle and Sydney, N.S.W. IN NEW ZEALAND-Auckland, Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Greymouth, Hamilton, Hokitika, Invercargill, Napier, Nelson, New Plymouth, Oamaru, Thames, Timaru, Wanganui, Wellington, Westport, and at 98 other towns and places throughout the Colony. IN FIJI-Suva and Levuka. THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, LONDON, GRANTS DRAFTS on any of the above-named places in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji. OPENS CURRENT ACCOUNTS for the convenience of its Colonial constituents. Colonial Securities, Shares, etc., drawing Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due. |