Imágenes de páginas
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fcribed to the Supreme Deity, are either epithets taken from the qualities attributed to him, or the places where he was worfhiped, or from the actions he had performed, &c. This diverfity of names hath often misled thofe of the learned, who have applied themselves to the ftudy of the Celtic religion, juft in the fame manner as hath happened to thofe, who applied: themselves to the Greek or Roman mythology. In the ancient Icelandic poetry, we find the Supreme God denominated in more than a hundred and twenty-fix different phrafes. They are all enumerated in the Scalda, or Poetic: Dictionary. It would therefore (as Gangler ob ferves) require fome application, to give the reafons of all these different denominations, many of which allude to particular


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Of the God Thor, the Son of Odin,

EREUPON Gangler demanded, What are the names of the other Gods? What are their functions, and what have they done for the advancement of their glory? Har fays to him, The most illuftrious among them is THOR. He is called Afa-Thor, or the Lord Thor; and Ake-Thor, or the Active Thor. He is the strongest and braveft of Gods and Men (A). His kingdom is named Thrudwanger. He poffeffes there a palace, in which are five hundred and forty Halls. It is the largest house that is known; according as we find mentioned in the poem of Grimnis. “There "are five hundred and forty Halls in the "Winding Palace of the God Thor; and * I believe there is no where a greater fa"bric, than this of the eldeft of fons." The Chariot of Thor is drawn by two He-Goats. It is in that Chariot that he goes into the country of the Giants; and VOL. II. thence



thence they call him the rapid Thor. He likewife poffeffes three very precious things. The first is a Mace, or Club, called Miolner, which the Giants of the Froft, and thofe of the Mountains, know to their coft, when they see it hurled against them in the air: and no wonder; for with that Mace has this God often bruised the heads of their fathers and kindred. The fecond jewel he poffeffes, is called the Belt of Prowess; when he puts it on, he becomes as ftrong again as he was before. third, which is alfo very precious, are his Gauntlets, or Gloves of Iron, which he always wears when he would lay hold of the handle of his Mace. There is no perfon of fo much learning, as to be able to relate all his marvellous exploits; I myself could tell you fo many, that day would end much fooner, than the recital of what immediately occur to me. Then says Gangler to him, I would rather hear fomething about the other Sons of Odin. To this Har answered in these words:

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THOR, fays

of the northern nations *. The function afcribed to him of launching the thunder, made him pafs for the most warlike and formidable of all the Gods. It was alfo Thor who reigned in the air, diftributed the seasons, and raised or allayed tempests. "Adam of Bremen, is "the God who, accord"ing to these people, .. governs the thunder, "the winds, the rains, "the fair weather, and "harvest." (See Hift. Ecclef.) This Mace or Club, which he hurled against the Giants, and with which he crushed their heads, is doubtless the Thunder, which moft frequently falls upon elevated places. He was in general regarded as a divinity favourable to mankind; as he who guarded them from the attacks of Giants and wicked Genii; whom he never ceafed to encounter and perfue. The name of his palace fignifies, in Gothic, "The place of re"fuge from Terrour." As he was the first-born

of the Supreme God; of to speak in the language of the EDDA, " The "Eldeft of Sons;" the first and principal intelligence proceeding from the union of the Deity with Matter; they have made him a middle divinity, a mediator between God and Men. It is probable that a great many people venerated him alfo, as the intelligence who animated the Sun and Fire. The worship of the Perfians had in this refpect, as in a great many others, the moft exact resemblance to that of this people. The Perfians held, that the most illuftrious of all created intelligences was what they paid homage to under the fymbol of Fire or the Sun, wherein the intelligence refided. They called it Mithr-as, or the Mediator Lord. (The word As still fignifies Lord, in Perfian.) They, as well as the Scandinavians, kept a perpetual and facred fire, in confequence of this perfuafion. The Scythians, according to Herodotus and He

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Tychius, adored this divinity under the title of Goeto-Syrus, which fignifies The Good Star. This word Syr, or Seir, which the Perfians employed to denominate the Sun, feems to be the fame with Thor, only in a different dialect. The ancient people of the north pronounced the th in the fame manner as the English do at prefent; not very different from fs. They had a particular character for that letter, which was afterwards loft in the other dialects of the Saxon language. All the Celtic nations have

in like manner,' been accustomed to the worship of the Sun; either as diftinguished from Thor, or confidered as his fymbol. It was a custom that every where prevailed in ancient times, to celebrate

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a feaft at the winter fol ftice, by which men testified their joy at seeing this great luminary return again to this part of the heavens. They facrificed horfes to him, as an emblem, fays Herodotus, of the rapidity of this planet. This was

the greatest folemnity in the year. They called it in many places, Yole, or Yuul, from the word Hiaul, or Houl, which even at this day fignifies the SUN, in the languages of Bafs Britagne, and Cornwal *. When the ancient Pagan religion gave place to the Chriftian, the rejoicings, feasts and nocturnal affemblies which that feftival authorifed, indecent as they were, were not fuppreffed, left, by endeavouring to gain all, all fhould be loft.

*This is giving a Celtic derivation of a Gothic word, (two languages extremely different.)-The learned Dr. Hickes thus derives the term in question. "Jol, Cimbricum, Anglo-Saxonicè fcriptum, Geol; et "Dan. Sax. Iul, o in u facile mutato, ope intenfiui præfixi 1 et ge, fa-. "ciunt, ol, Commefatio, compotatio, convivium, fympofium.'

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(Ifl. O1. cerevifiam denotat, & metonymicè Convivium. Ÿ” ́ Junii Etym. Ang. V. YEOL.

Our ingenious author, however, is certainly right as to the origin and defign of the YULE-FEAST: the Greenlanders at this day keep a SUN-FEAST at the winter folftice, about Dec. 22. to rejoice at the return of the Sun, and the expected renewal of the Hunting feason, &c. Which cuftom they may poffibly have learnt of the Norvegian Colony formerly fettled in Greenland. See an account of this festival in Dav. Crantz's Hift. of Greenland, 2 Vols. 8vo. 1767. Vol. I. p. 176.



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