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Testament; take of it; eat; And here to lay his hands upon all the bread This is my Body which is broken for many for the remiffion of fins. In like manner also having mixed Here he is to take the cup into his hands the cup with wine and water, and bleffed it, he gave it to them, faying: Drink ye all of it; And here, the cup being first fet down on the altar, he is to lay his hands upon it, and upon every veffel, in which there is any wine mixed with water to be confecrated This is my Blood, which is fhed for many for the remiffion of fins; Do this for a Memorial of me: For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do fhew forth my death till I come.

Therefore in commemoration of his paffion, death, and refurrection from the dead, his afcenfion into heaven, and fecond coming with glory and great power to judge the quick and the dead, and to render to every man according to his works, Here the Prieft is to lift up his hands and eyes to heaven, we Offer to thee our King and our God, according to his inftitution, And here to point with his right hand to all the bread this Bread and And here to point with his left hand to the cup and every veffel on the Altar, in which there is any wine and water this Cup; giving thanks to thee through him, that thou haft vouchfafed us the honour to ftand before thee, and to facrifice unto thee. And we befeech thee to look favourably on these Gifts, which are here fet before thee, O thou self-sufficient God: And do thou Accept them to the honour of thy Chrift; and fend down thine Holy Spirit, the witness of the fufferings of the Lord Jefus, upon this facrifice, that he may make Here the Priest is to lay his hands upon all the bread this


Bread the Body And here to make the fign of the cross over all the bread of thy Chrift, and And here to lay his hands upon the cup and upon every veffel on the Altar, in which there is any wine and water this Cup the Blood And here to make the fign of the cross over the cup and over every vessel on the Altar, in which there is any wine and water of thy Chrift; that they who fhall partake thereof, may be confirmed in godlinefs, may receive remiffion of their fins, may be delivered from the devil and his fnares, may be replenished with the Holy Ghoft, may be made worthy of thy Christ, and may obtain everlasting life, Thou being reconciled unto them, O Lord Almighty.

We farther pray unto thee, O Lord, for thy Holy Church from one end of the earth to the other, which thou haft purchased to thy felf by the precious blood of thy Chrift, that thou wouldest preferve it unfhaken and undisturbed with ftorms and tempests to the end of the world. We pray alfo for the whole Epifcopate rightly dividing the word of truth, [and especially for thy fervant N. our Bishop. This is to be omitted when the Bishop bimfelf officiates.] Farther we call upon thee for my Unworthinefs who am now Offering, for the whole Prefbytery and all the Clergy, that thou wouldeft endue them with wifdom, and fill them with the Holy Ghoft. Farther, we call upon thee, O Lord, for the King, and all who are in authority under him, that leading our whole lives in peace and concord, we may glorify thee through Jefus Christ our hope. Farther, we offer to thee for all the Faithful, who have pleased thee from the beginning of the world; the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apoftles, Martyrs, and Confeffors, and all whofe names


thou knoweft. Here the Priest shall paufe a while, be and the people fecretly recommending thofe fouls departed, whom each thinks proper. We farther offer to thee for this people, that thou wouldest render them a royal priesthood, an holy nation, to the glory of thy Chrift; for those that live in virginity and chastity; for the widows and fatherless; for all who live in honourable marriage and child-bearing; for the infants among the pcople; that thou wouldest not permit any of us to become caft-aways. Farther, we pray unto thee for this place and the inhabitants thereof; for the fick; for those that are in hard flavery, banishment, or prifon; for those who travel land or by water; that thou wouldeft be to all of them an helper, ftrengthener, and fupporter. Here the Priest fhall paufe a while, he and the people fecretly recommending thofe, whom each thinks proper. We farther befeech thee alfo for our enemies and those that hate us, and for all who are Without, and wander in error; that thou wouldest affwage their malice, turn their hearts, and bring them into the

*This is only to be faid, when there are any Catechumens.

† And this when there are any Energumens.

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way of truth. [Farther, we pray unto thee *for the Catechumens of the church, that thou wouldeft perfect them in the faith; for those who are under poffeffion, that thou wouldest deliver them from the power of And this when there the evil one; for our breare any Penitents. thren who are in the state of penance, that thou wouldeft accept their repentance, and forgive both them and us whatever offences we have committed against thee.] Farther, we offer unto thee for the good temperature of the air, and the increase of the fruits of the earth; that we par

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taking of the abundance of thy good things, may continually praise thee who givest food to all flesh. Farther, we pray unto thee for all those who are absent on a juft caufe, that thou wouldeft preferve us all in godliness; and keeping us ftedfaft, unblameable, and unreproveable, wouldeft gather us together into the kingdom of thy Christ our King, the God of every fenfible and intelligent being. For to Thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, is due all glory, worship, and thanksgiving, honour, and adoration, now and for ever, throughout all ages, world without end.

And all the people fhall fay with a loud voice,


Then the Priest fhall fay the Lord's prayer, the People repeating after him every petition. OUR Father, who art in heaven; Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trefpaffes, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



Then fhall the Prieft turn to the People, and fay,
The peace of God be with you all.
Anfw. And with thy spirit.

Then the Deacon being turned to the People, fhall fay,

Let us commend our felves to God through his Christ.


Then the Priest shall turn to the Altar, and say the following prayer.

God, who art great, great in name, great in counfel, and mighty in thy works, the God and Father of thy holy Son Jefus our Saviour: Look mercifully upon us, and upon this thy flock which thou haft chosen through him to the glory of thy name. Sanctify us in body and foul; and grant, that we being cleanfed from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, may partake of the myftick bleffings now lying on thine altar; and judge none of us unworthy of them, but be thou our fupporter, our helper, and defender, through thy Chrift; with whom to Thee and the Holy Ghoft, be glory, and honour, laud, praise, and thanksgiving, for ever and Amen.


Then the Deacon being turned to the People, fhall fay, Let us attend.

Then the Priest shall turn to the People, and say, Holy things for Holy perfons...f

And the People fhall answer,

There is one Holy, one Lord, one Jefus Chrift, bleffed for ever, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Here the Priest shall turn to the Altar, and fay, the People joining with him.

Glory be to God in the higheft, and on earth

peace, good-will towards men: Hofanna to the fon of David: Bleffed is the Lord God, who cometh in the name of the Lord, and hath manifefted himself unto us. Hofanna in the highest.


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