Imágenes de páginas

mit his dearest concerns rather to the mischances of evil, than to the unerring rules of scriptural truth? Let but vanity be questioned, whether it has not betrayed many a generally received moral and Christian duty, in order to acquire public notice, as something deeper than his neighbours, and as Bp. Sherlock said, " in order to be esteemed a very discerning man". -or in some prominent act of public munificence, with a view to praise, not altogether clear from some sinister motive! When an impartial examiner takes up such a charge as this, he discovers his carelessness of the only eye which could penetrate into his hidden motive and what is this carelessness but a symptom of infidelity?

2. We are advised and encouraged to make known our wants and necessities to God; and to offer Him thanks and praise for all blessings aud mercies granted and promised. Let us try this rule with the lives we have led; and we shall find on the reverse an habitual neglect of it. We are quick enough to entreat and thank those who are, as we believe, possessed of the power to grant favours and promotion for either our children or ourselves, and we are most urgent in our solicitations, lest the benefit be given to those who think it better worth their while to apply, and even to shew a strong importunity therein; and when the preferment has been gained, and the patron has declared himself our best friend, we are in haste to proffer the warmest and most zealous thanks we can express; but if we can detect ourselves in neglecting a dutiful and submissive petition to the throne of universal Grace, for any spiritual want, or for aid to enable us to recal our steps from the path in which we have erred, and have been deceived; or to relieve us from any anxiety and tribulation; or if, as soon as we experience the comfort of that relief for which we have been so urgent, we sit down in cold-hearted possession of the gift, and take it as we are apt to take the daily blessing of light and food, as things of course, and unworthy of thanks, we must then be assured that we have to complain of a grievous symptom of infidelity.

3. But it cannot be very surprising, if in our worldly concerns we find these latent marks of the great enemy, that we should also discover them in our religious calling. We are in this

nation boastful of our denomination of Christians, and something has been sounded in our ears by holy men and by our Church, concerning our salvation; but we find that our faith is entirely excluded from conversation or allusion ; that these are for private study only; that they are always called ill-timed, pharasaical, methodistical, and canting; that they are not made part or principal part of education in genteel circles, but are reserved for central and national schools for poor children; except that much importance is attached to the purchase of an elegantly bound bible and prayer book, or more frequently the latter only, to be carried to Church on Sunday mornings and Christmas day. When we find that in consequence of these neglects, young people are apt to grow up with formal rather than radical information of the most sublime and grateful of all subjects, and the most easy to their capacity, and the fittest to have the advantage of the early impression on their minds; and when, on the contrary, we see the most sedulous care and repetition of their exercises to render them many degrees more perfect in the politer acquisitions of the pagan and classical mythology of the ancient Poets, of the elegances of the Belles Lettres, and of the ingenious devices of metaphysical and mathematical refinements of the schools; we must in all these cases charge ourselves with the ignorance too commonly prevalent of the one only important science, and its fatal consequences, and we must then assure ourselves of the absolute and immediate necessity of application to the chief of all physicians to heal us and our children from these certain characters of infidelity.

4. Our reason, acuteness, and discerning enquiry were evidently gifts intended to conduct our understandings into eternity, and not to be limited to the affairs of this brief and uncertain state of primary existence : but, if we would devote a small portion of them to the study of the religion which we profess, and the rest to our affairs, to the extension of our commerce, to forensic eloquence, to legislative authorities, and the multifarious arts of government, and the intercourses of the world, we should find them to be all compatible studies, which would render our probationary state far more readily understood, and

happier in its course; for then all these would be regulated by a rectilinear guide, the want of which is the certain cause of error and failure; it is like any architect beginning an edifice without his line and rule! This, then, is another common symptom of infidelity.

5. It must be considered that, although much fame and exaltation in life is acquired by these accomplishments, and although they are to be deeply cultivated because they tend to improve mankind and the state of society in which they are introduced, yet that they are all calculated for this world only, and will be of little service to us except by recollection, in a more refined and future state of existence; and therefore they are to be necessarily esteemed of inferior value to those studies of revelation which were delivered for the eternal salvation of life; which, for any thing we know to the contrary, may commence with us before the day is closed upon us. If we meet daily with those who defer this study to some future day, which may never arrive, and suffer the rest of their days to pass on without preparation, they are guilty of less caution than they observe in their affairs and engagements, which they are stationed here to fulfil. Such persons may be fairly examined, whether this neglect is not also a symptom of infidelity.

6. In the habits of life, we may every day discover the utmost carelessness and frequent violations of positive commands, and especially of some which in the decalogue are not only read to us every Sabbath day, and to the obedience of which we are accustomed to respond a solemn prayer that our hearts may be inclined; but when it is considered how short is the space of time which elapses between this prayer and the violation of the command, an alarming and terrific record is probably reserved for us to hear at the final bar of offended justice; and who shall be hardy enough to say that this also is not an increase of the symptoms of infidelity.

7. But some, when thus charged, stand up to justify; and retort, that what is everlasting is not eternal; that

that revelation has never excluded mercy, until it is offended and rejected; that it encourages the hope of pardon, while it condemns, provided the offender turns from his negligences, and learns the science of humility, repentance, and gratitude; but that, if they suffer the day-spring from on high to pass by them unnoticed, and they find themselves placed at the bar of divine judgment unprepared with any defence, the evidence recorded against them may be found too strong for their justification, and the redemption which they have either rejected or forgotten be closed against them for ever! They will then find that all their speculations


were a very dear bargain" (Bp. Sherlock); and St. Matthew tells us in very unequivocal terms, if they would not, while they have time, listen to him, what will be the irrevocable alternative.

There is perhaps more than common need for these admonitions at the present moment, since there never was a period when the enemy with more inveterate malignity sought the ruin of the Church, or laboured to compass it with more consummate artifice and deceit, yet not giving place to him, no not for an hour, Gal. ii. 5. (See and study the present truly venerable Bp. of Durham's able and most interesting Lectures on Infidelity, vol. i. 461.)


Not to extend these observations too far, I trust that if any man "found faithful," they will not be applicable to him; but it is the breach of this sacred trust, and the misuse of all the talents committed to his charge, that constitute a reprovable and deep-rooted disease, which destroys his own eternal interests and those of his fellow creatures who have a just claim upon them, and upon their example to their fullest extent, and who, thus left and deserted, have a right to charge him, and it is much to be feared that he will be hereafter also charged, with not merely the symptoms but the aggravated disease of infidelity.

A. H.

Sir John Harington, knt.

any omission or offence committed in Sanslator of " Orlando Furioso,"

the brief course of 70 or 80 years, cannot shut out the mercy of God for ever. These weak arguers may be assured

which occasioned his contemporary George Peele to describe him as

"well-letter'd and discreet, That hath so purely naturalized Strange words, and made them all free denyzons *:

[ocr errors]

was the author of Epigrams, some of which were posthumously published. The first edition, as Epigrams both pleasant and serious," 1615, 4to. contains in number 116, and "The most elegant and witty Epigrams, Digested into fovre bookes, three whereof never before published," 1618, 8vo, again 1633, folio, has 341, leaving, according to the author's own copy, 63 unprinted. Two specimens will show the slight regard had to the manuscript.

In praise of a book cald the Gentle Craft †, written by a shomaker.

[B. iv. Ep. 11.]

I past this other day through Powles Churchyard,

And saw som reed a book, and reeding laft; The tytle of that book was Gentle Craft, The proiect was, as by their speech I heard, To proove, among som less important things, That shomakere and souters had been kings: But as I markt the matter with regard, A new sprong branch yt in my minde did grafte, [writt itt, And thus I said: Sirs, skorn not him that A guilded blade hath oft a dudgeon haft,

And sewr I see this writer roves a shaft Neer fayrest inark, though haply hath not

hitt yt.

For never was the lyke book sould in Powles Yf so with gentle craft yt could perswade Great princes midst their pomps to learn a trade, [sowles. Once in their lives to work to mend their

The lines in italics in the above and

following epigrams, are omitted in the printed copies.

An odious play and yet in courte oft seene, A sawcy knave to trump a king or queen:

4. Then was tres Cozes next a game whose number,

The women gamsters at ye first did cumber, For at this game a looker on might see, If one made not a pair, yet two made three: 5. After came Lodam hand to hande, or [quarter, At which some maids so ill did keepe ye That vnexpected, in a short abode, They could not cleanly bear away their lode: 6. Then noddy followed next, as well it



Although it should have gone afore by right.
At weh I saw, I name not any body,
One never had the knave, yet laid for noddy:
The last game now in vse is bankrout,
Weh will be plaid at still I stand in doubt,
Vntill Lavalta turn the wheele of tyme,
And mak it come about againe to Prime.

Supposing the above lines written circa 1590-1600, the games enumerated were probably those in some "request" in the court circle. Prime, or Primero, a Spanish game played with six cards, was long in fashion, though difficult to obtain the knowledge of an adept, as Sir Thomas Elliott, in a proheme of the knowledg whiche maketh a wise man, 1533, believed Wisdom " soone lerned, in good faythe sooner than Primero." Dr. Wilson, in a Discourse upon Vsurye, 1572, would impress his readers with a belief there was "lewde hazarding of great wealth and reuenues without all wytte, vpon a mayne chaunce at dyce, or vpon a carde or twoo at Primero." Among the Games most in use in England, France, and Spain, published without date, about the close of the seventeenth century, and chiefly borrowed from Cotton's

Of the games at the Court that have been in Compleat Gamester, 1680, is a descrip


[Book iv. Ep. 12 ]

I heard one make a pretty observation, How games have in the court turn'd wth the fashion:

1. The first game was the best when free from crime, The courtly gamsters all were in their prime: 2. The second game was poste, vntill wth posting, [bosting; They payd so fast 'twas time to leave their Yet oft the gamesters all have been so fair, That with one carde one hath been sett a pair: 3. Then thirdly follow'd heaving of the


A game without civillitie, or law,

* Honour of the Garter. 1594. The Gentle Craft is now only found as a common chap-book.

tion of Primero, which gave place to Ombre, and nine instead of six cards appears the principal variation between the two games. At that time, it is said, the reputation of Primero was quite diminished, while Ombre was in extraordinary request. Post and Pair was a game of brag, much favoured in the west of England. Cotton's remarks explain the above lines. "This play depends much upon daring; so that some may win very considerably, who have the boldness to adventure much upon the vye, although their cards are very indifferent, you must first stake at Post, then at Pair; after this, deal two cards apiece, then stake at the seat, and then deal the third card about."

[ocr errors]

To find Mawe in courtly request, does not accord with a Dialogvs concerning the strife of our Churche, &c. 1584, declaring there be too many of those graue deuines which bestow mo bowres vpon the ale-bench at mumchaunce, or at mawe, then they do in catechising their people." However, the popularity of the first three games appears in the following extract from the comedy of Nobody und Somebody. n. d. where Sicophant is instructing Somebody to cheat Nobody, and is overheard by the Clown acting as servant to the latter character.

[blocks in formation]



Mr. URBAN, James-street, Westminster, Feb. 7. WITH reference to the observations which in your last Supplement, p. 587, Mr. Fosbroke has bestowed on the account of the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, published in the "Vetusta Monumenta," I beg to assure him that the Cotton MS. Cleop. c. III. was not, as he supposes, obscurely. quoted" from the County Histories of Atkyns or Rudder. Even without resorting to the manuscript itself, there was no occasion to refer to any imperfect translation of it, since the original had been printed by the GENT. MAG. February, 1827.

accurate Editors of the new "Monasticon." That work being in my own possession, I had recourse to it before I had an opportunity of examining Mr. Fosbroke's elaborate Collection of Gloucestershire Records. As to the supposed derivation of the name of Tewkesbury, I merely gave it as I found it in the ancient Chronicle, without expressing my own belief in it, nor am I at all disposed to enter into its vindication. I am too well aware how little reliance ought to be placed on such legendary relations.

It is to be regretted that Mr. Nash was not so fortunate as to see the interesting fragment of the stall mentioned by Mr. Fosbroke, which in that case might have been represented in the plate of miscellaneous details. The descriptions of the drawings were furnished by Mr. Nash, to whose skill and taste as an architectural draughtsman, Mr. Fosbroke has borne honourable testimony. In justice to myself, I cannot conclude without observing that, with respect to my own share in the publication, all that I undertook to do as a Member of Council of the Society of Antiquaries, was to supply a general summary of the History of Tewkesbury Abbey, extracted and condensed from the received authorities. This, indeed, I expressly stated. I had no new discoveries to offer, and was only anxious that this portion of the


Vetusta Monamenta" should not go forth to the public open to the objection which had been raised against some former ones, namely, that of being wholly unaccompanied with letter-press illustrations of the subjects engraved. THOMAS AMYOT.


Bristol, Feb. 2.

THE privilege of free enquiry hav

ing been for so many years a distinctive feature in your Magazine, permit me, through its medium, to notice a paragraph contained in a paper pubfished in your last Supplement, "On the derivation of the word Tewkesbury."

It is there said, that "the upper part of the curious and beautiful stalls " in Tewkesbury Abbey, which the Vetusta Monumenta states to have been lost, were in 1824 discovered by your Correspondent on the roofing of the Countess of Warwick's Chapel, though

called by the clerk a coronet for the kneeling effigies of Sir Edward De


The Chapel here alluded to, seems to be inadvertently confounded with another on the opposite side of the chancel, erected by Isabel Countess of Warwick, on the roof of which I believe no fragments whatever are to be found. But upon the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, on the south side of the chancel, is a kneeling effigy surrounded by pieces of disjointed stone-work; the largest of these is a mass wrought into the form of a cupola, about four feet in diameter, with a series of cinquefoils and pediments carried round the edge, the other principal fragment is a parallelogral fillet, upon which several beautifully carved leaves are placed in a coronal manner, and from within this, has evidently risen a hollow cone or spire, terminated by a boquet or finial.

The stalls to which the passage in the work above mentioned alludes, are, I conceive, the three standing south of the altar, in which the priest_and deacons sat during certain parts of the service; as from the specimens, now in the transept, of the oaken stalls that lined the choir, the expression cannot be applied to them. The former (two of which are correctly represented in Lysons's Etchings for Gloucestershire), are perfect, with the exception of the upper part of each pedinient, which has unfortunately been broken from these curious and beautiful stalls; and are not, I fear, at present to be found in any part of the Church. Now, as all that is wanting to complete them is a piece of stone for each, not one fourth so large as the chief fragment on the adjoining Chapel (all of which, from their peculiar form, appear perfectly distinct), these must have served a different purpose and a careful examination would, I doubt not, favour the opinion that they originally formed a canopy to the kneeling effigy which your Correspondent concludes to be intended for Gilbert the last Earl of Clare. Had not a long residence in Tewkesbury afforded me repeated opportunities for minutely examining the objects

contained in its noble Church, I should not intrude a remark upon any opinion advanced by so learned an antiquary as your Correspondent. But do not the arms of Despenser, painted on the surcoat of the effigy, warrant the hitherto received opinion that it is intended to represent Sir Edward Despenser, who died in 1375? to whose memory the Chapel of the Holy Trinity was erected by his widow, with his effigy, kneeling on the roof, directing its face toward the high altar. Yours, &c.

G. M.

Mr. URBAN, Feb. 14. coge me if he would comVOUR correspondent D. A.Y. would

municate the nature and authority of the MS. from which he takes the pedigree of Kempe of Thwayt, printed in your last Supplement, p. 594.

I have a considerable collection of Kempe Pedigrees, transcribed some years ago from the original MSS. of Le Neve, in which no issue is given to the Thomas Kemp, who married Anne Moore of Ipswich: and a pretty close investigation, which I have lately had occasion to make of the Pedigree of Kemp of Thwayte, has led me to presume strongly (though I have not been able to procure absolute evidence of the fact) that the Kempe who married the coheir of Hobart of Thwaite (and whose Christian name, by the bye, was Thomas, not John,) was the seventh son of Robert Kempe of Gissing, grandson of the Robert who married Elizabeth de Grey (not Delpey) of Merton, and father of Sir Robert, the first bart. of the Gissing family. My conjecture is mainly, however, founded on the fact, that Sir Robert Kemp, the second bart. was chief party to the marriage settlement in 1649, of Thomas Kempe of Thwaite, son and heir of the Thomas who married Hobart; an office he is much more likely to have undertaken for his first cousin, as my hypothesis would make this Thomas, than for a person two or three degrees further removed in relationship. The familyname of the wife of that Thomas, who was so married in 1649, I have not

*This is, I believe, recorded in the MS. Chronicle of the Abbey, discovered by Sir William Dugdale in the Cottonian Library. At all events, a curious painting upon the east wall determines the name of this Chapel; and the tiles in the pavement present us with the arms of Sir Edward, impaling those of Elizabeth De Burghurst his wife.

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