Imágenes de páginas

rest, the office is not regarded as permanent, | and not supported by its transient incumbents. It leaves them at liberty to attend to any thing which suits their predilection, however inconsistent with their assumed faith. This is doubtless one reason why we have so numerous applications from this quarter. The intercourse which we frequently have with them connected with the conviction of their dreadful state in the sight of God, calls forth our compassion and prayers in their behalf. We have thought that perhaps the Lord had brought them under these circumstances, and awakened in them these desires for the books, to commence the work at the very fountain of corruption, and with the mere admittance of such a thought in the mind, how is it possible not to be awakened to deep in


13. A disclosure of facts derogatory to the character of the old man, our teacher, constrained us to dismiss him; and as the former teacher was discharged because less promising in qualifications, we have been for a few days, without Chinese assistance. As the circumstance is one of great importance, considered in its effects upon the parties engaged and the multitudes to be taught, we endeavored to leave the matter to the Lord's direction. On Monday, the very day that our minds had been much interested in prayer on this subject, the first teacher, uncalled, returned, and with a mind entirely disposed to recommence his labors. When the weather would admit, we have spent an hour or two before breakfast in teaching the people from house to house. We consider it as a very important part of our duties, and nothing but the frequent rains and bad state of roads has prevented. This is the rainy season, commencing in June or July, and continuing until November or December. It is gratifying, in these visits among the Chinamen, to find that the books have been widely distributed, and that their minds are receiving a little light on these important subjects. Last night we were visited by two priests who knew Mr. Gutzlaff, and had been taught something of the Savior. The name of Jesus from their lips was like music to the ear. May it soon thrill their own souls with exceeding joy.

15. A few of the unbound books were

taken by a native to be prepared for distribution, and were returned a short time since. Not one is left. The excitement for books has spread among those of other languages, and Burmans and Malays have been requesting them at our hands. Hitherto we have been able to meet the demands from the followers of the prophet; but our stock of Malay Testaments is now exhausted, and the tracts considerably diminished. Two Hadjees, from the Malayan peninsula, called and received the books with gratitude. It is truly animating to have men of different nations and religions come and in

quire in different languages for the word of God. It reminds us of the blessed period when all nations and languages shall serve Him. An event witnessed to-day, shews us, however, that the hope of the proximity of this period must rest upon the almighty power, which nothing on earth or in hell can resist. The Catholics have been displaying one of their feats of gross idolatry, to the gaze of the wondering heathen. An image of the virgin was exalted in a splendid sedan chair, and carried in procession around the church, while the chanting of the priests, the clangor of the bells, and the roar of guns produced an effect as congenial with paganism, and as revolting to Christianity, as any of the pompous Buddhistic pageants of Brahminical or


After this scene closes, a feast is spread, and a scene of debauchery in honor of the virgin's assumption ensues. A party stopped at our premises in such a condition as convinced us that we had not been misinformed.

20. For four successive evenings we have been visited by young men of distinction. The first was a young prince whom Mr. Tomlin recognized as the person to whom he had given an English Bible, on his first visit to Siam. He is one-andtwenty years of age, of a very amiable countenance and pleasing address, but, like all his countrymen, is exceedingly inquisitive, and fond of examining with a childish curiosity every foreign article. He too appears very partial to Europeans, and Americans, and has paid some trifling attention to the language. He took the last bound book on the table. We endeavored to direct his attention to the only Sovereign and Savior of sinners, and were happy after his departure to make special intercession at our Father's throne for his conversion. "Princes also shall worship." The second evening two of the Prah Klang's sons called. The elder was inquisitive about the books; whether they were not written by Siamese; if not, whether they were not printed by them, and who had taught the missionaries the language; questions, no doubt, originating with the father. The young man took an unbound volume with him, which we hope he may be led to examine as minutely and much more profitably than the when, why, and where of its production. Last evening one of the prince's companions and this evening the prince himself repeated their visit. The former was much less modest than his superior, and asked for whatever he fancied and thought attainable. I mention it becharacter, and often renders our visitors cause it is a prominent trait in the Siamese very troublesome.

An interesting Inquirer.

Aug. 22. Our minds have been animated by an event of the day. A priest, of a very respectable appearance and train, sent


messenger to inform us that he had read the book with approbation, and being unable to comprehend some of the doctrines, would be grateful to receive from our lips a solution of his difficulties. He waited a short distance from us till the messenger returned him a favorable answer. He remained a long time and plied us with such questions as convinced us that he had thought deeply on the subjects. The Savior of sinners was the burden of his inquiries; who he was?-what was the distinction between him and the Father?-how he expiated the sins of the guilty?-whether his love extended to men of all nations? whether God the Father bore an equal affection to the world?-and how a sinner could become interested in his redemption? -He was particular in inquiring about the nature of sin-the means and process of sanctification-and the manner of divine worship. Such was the earnestness of the man, that, when he thought his questions not perfectly understood, he would turn to a Chinese youth and ask him to put the question in his language. Mr. Tomlin endeavored to satisfy his inquiries, and at the same time suggested such truths as he thought most suitable to his case. The Lord in his rich grace bring him and multitudes more to a saving knowledge of his Son.

23. A greater crowd of priests to-day than ever. My fellow-laborer, whose acquaintance with the language renders him the "Mercurius," has scarcely had a moment's leisure. The name of Jesus is becoming familiar to many of them, and the book of "Prah Chow Yas-soo" is a common inquiry. Prah Chow is a respectful title implying Lord.

25. All the unbound volumes of the tract are now disposed of. We did intend to have backs put to them, and for that reason refused to give them for awhile, but the demand has recently been too pressing to admit of delay. There has been no necessity to go abroad to preach the gospel. We have had difficulty at times to go out for an hour's active exercise.

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sity is greatest. Should as many men as you could send, come to the different stations, and while they are studying the most current languages, be looking around them for scenes of the greatest promise, not a moment of time would be lost. The Chinese and Malayan languages are indispensable to almost every place in these countries, and under no circumstances can they be sooner acquired than with the help of those who have mastered them. This may be done while they accompany the missionaries in their active labors, and thus acquire as their own groundwork the experience of years. As Bankok is a new station, and one which should by all means be retained; and as it is probable the same bold and persevering spirit displayed in gaining its possession, might open scenes of equal promise in the surrounding countries, it appears highly important that at least two or three men should be sent to this place as soon as possible. Mr. Tomlin and myself expect to visit Juthya, the ancient capital, Chautibou, (an important settlement of Chinese and others, on the coast,) and perhaps Cambodia, in the course of a few months. Our object is, to scatter the good seed over as wide a tract of country as possible; and at the same time explore the land. We have Chinese books in great abundance, and expect seven hundred more of the Siamese tract, by the first opportunity. The thought is far from being pleasant to our minds, that from the paucity of missionaries, we cannot take a step without some evident disadvantages. It appears like invading an enemy's country, with such a small force, that if we proceed, we cannot secure what has been taken, and if we garrison, none will be left to extend the conquests. On this account the claims of Siam are, perhaps, of more immediate urgency than any other place in these regions. Beside this, my fellow laborer is not likely to continue very long in Siam. He has left Singapore now without a Chinese missionary; his family is there; and his health, which is much impaired, is better there than here. He was obliged to leave Siam on account of illness before.

The readers of this work have seen by the statement of the Committee, inserted in the number for April, that the Board intend, if the missionaries and the means can be obtained, as it is believed they can be, to send not less than seven missionaries, during the present year, into this wide field, which God seems in so remarkable a manner to have opened and prepared for them. Some of these may immediately establish them

Openings for Missionary Labor. Thus you perceive that we have much to encourage us in the work of the Lord, among this people. We regard it as the seed time, and if not permitted to reap ourselves we expect to "rejoice together" with them that do. One thing I feel anxious to urge, and that is, the importance of immediate assistance. A host of missionaries, with the spirit that can hazard their lives for their Lord and Master, would have little difficulty in finding stations and employ-selves as missionaries in Siam and at Canton, ments. A number, who, according to present appearances need hazard nothing, would find them both prepared to their hands. There is not a place that I have visited, where laborers are not wanted, and it is difficult to determine where the neces-people can read, render Siam a promising field.

while others may proceed on exploring tours in the adjacent parts of the continent or in the islands of those seas. The spirit of inquiry that exists and the fact that so large a portion of the

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accompany him to the church. She says there is no such custom among females in this country. I hope, however, by visiting the family, preaching to them, &c., ultimately to induce her to come. It may seem singular that a Tamul man is not able to command his own household, especially when the condition of females is so degraded here. But the fact in most cases is, that the parents and brothers of the wife have much more authority over her and her The children, than the husband has. property here in most cases belongs to the wife. Hence parents in this district, seeking husbands for their daughters, make it their great object to get those who will take good care of the property that is given in dowry. Hence it is much more common for the husband to go and live with his wife's parents, than for the wife to be taken to him with his parents.

11. Messrs. Winslow and Spaulding spent the day here in laboring in the seminary. We had preaching in the chapel both parts of the day, besides other religious meetings.

Jan. 20, 1831. Niles preached a sermon from Jeremiah i. 6 and 7. "Then said I, Ah, Lord God, behold I cannot speak for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not I am a child, for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." It was a season of great interest. Niles preached with great propriety, energy, and feeling. Nearly all the congregation were in tears. These are both young men of great promise both as to piety and talents. They are the 25. At Oodooville. After breakfast we first young men from our seminary who had all the larger boys and schoolmasters have received license to preach the gospel. of the native free schools together, connectThe object of raising up native preachers is ed with that station, and spent about two one of vast importance, and one which lies hours in exhortation and prayer. It was a very near our hearts. Indeed, it may with very pleasing eight, and a very encouragtruth be said that it is the principal objecting audience to speak to. Many of them for which our seminary was established and for which it is continued. But while it is one of vast importance, it is also one of great difficulty. The history of missionary efforts in Southern India illustrates this point in a very melancholy manner. May the time soon come when a great company of learned, pious, and zealous young men shall go forth as preachers of the everlasting gospel to this great people.

22. Held a meeting this morning with all those in the seminary who wish to be considered as candidates for uniting with the church in April next. Fifty-three attended this meeting. It is not to be expect ed, however, that all, or perhaps even half of these will come forward on that occasion.

23. Sabbath. Two daughters of the Changany schoolmaster were this day publicly baptised in the chapel. He has been hopefully pious several years, and was admitted to the church about seven months

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appeared to have a very good knowledge of the first principles of Christianity, and a considerable number professed to be anxiously seeking the salvation of their souls. The communion of the church at that station being appointed for the next Sabbath, in the afternoon preached a preparatory lecture from the words of Moses "Who is on the Lord's side?"

26. Spent some time this evening in observing the eclipse of the moon. As the account of the commencement and the ending of the eclipse in the native almanac differs considerably from ours, many were very anxious to witness the result. I took pains at noon to let them see that the clocks and dial agreed. Many were present at the time when it was expected to commence, and among them some strong heathens, who were anxiously hoping to witness our defeat. But when they saw it commence at the very moment that we had told them, they were evidently much mortified and disappointed. This is the third defeat of the kind that they have experienced in three years.

March 15. Have been much encouraged for many weeks past by the appearance and progress of the larger children in the native free schools, who assemble here not only on the Sabbath, but also on the forenoon of every Tuesday, to be exercised in reading the Scriptures, and repeating their cate chisms and prayers. After this I spent some time in questioning them, and in exhortation and prayer. I often derive great

assistance on these occasions from Niles. The children manifest an increasing knowledge of divine things. Some of them assure me that they are in the daily habit of secret prayer. A few of the schoolmasters appear to be considerably awakened and anxious to obtain the salvation of their souls. All of them have evidently received a severe shock during the progress of the revival. The schoolmaster who teaches in Moolai, a village in the west part of Changany, gives me reason to hope that he has passed from death unto life. His eldest son, a boy of about twelve years of age, also appears very well. He is in the habit of reading the Scriptures at home, in the evening, to his mother and the other members of the family, and of saying all that he is able in favor of the Christian religion. After I had finished my exhortation to-day, and was about to pray with the children and schoolmasters, the little boy above mentioned, unasked, kneeled down, and in the presence of all, offered up a short but very appropriate and devout prayer; after which I prayed with them. As it was quite unexpected my mind was very pleasantly affected by the circumstance. I was forcibly reminded of that saying of our blessed Savior, quoted from the 8th Psalm, "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise."

After the boys and girls are dismissed, the several teachers read a chapter in the Old Testament and another in the New, and receive appropriate explanation and instruction. In this way they are fast acquiring a knowledge both of the Old and New Testaments. None of them will acknowledge themselves heathen, but profess to believe the Scriptures to be the word of God and Jesus Christ to be the only Savior. Some of them are undoubtedly sincere, and all are probably convinced that idolatry is vain, and that there is no salvation in the Tamul religion, though their proud hearts may rise in rebellion against the humbling doctrines of the cross.

27. Sabbath. Our congregations are becoming larger since the harvest, and our chapel will hardly accommodate those who attend. We can scarcely say to the people "And yet there is room.' At our afternoon service, for some weeks past, about eighteen or twenty females have attended. But it is very uncertain how long they will continue to attend.

29. For two weeks past Mrs. M., accompanied by Niles, has held very encouraging meetings for females at the house of the Changany schoolmaster. About twentyfive attended and heard very attentively; still, their prejudices are strong and they cannot yet be persuaded to attend public worship on the Sabbath at the station.

Miscellaneous Notices.

We have held several meetings in a new bungalow that has lately been erected in this village.

On Saturday evening I hold a meeting either with the members of the church, or with those who profess a desire to be admitted to its privileges. Mr. Poor meets with one of these classes of persons for six weeks, and I with the other. We then exchange classes for the next six weeks.

Bible class in the seminary, who recite On Sabbath evening I regularly meet a from the English Bible two chapters from the Old Testament in course. They have proceeded as far as the first book of Samuel. They recite it in English rather than in Tamul for the sake of becoming familiar with the English Bible.

I also continue the practice of holding a short meeting every day, (Sundays excepted,) at 12 o'clock with our workmen and domestics. I commonly read a few verses from the Bible, give them some appropriate instruction and exhortation, and then conclude with prayer.

On Sabbath morning at 8 o'clock all the children from the native free schools are required to be present in the chapel to commence the Sabbath school. They are then divided into classes, each superintended by one of the members of the church belonging to the seminary, who hears them read the Scriptures and tracts, repeat their catechisms and Scripture history, questioning them, as they proceed with their lessons, to see if they understand them, and giving them such instructions as their circumstances require. It is indeed a pleasing sight, to behold the ten small rooms for prayer, filled each with a class, besides other classes in different places, all learning lessons of heavenly wisdom, which may, by the divine blessing, prepare some of them, at least, for the holy enjoyments of the eternal Sabbath.

The following instance of superstition is one among thousands that might be mentioned to show that this people are slaves to their superstitious fears; and that they need the gospel as the only means of deliverance from their bondage.

A few months ago, as I was passing along the road just north of the old church, I saw one of my nearest neighbors pulling down his house, that was almost new, for the purpose of rebuilding it about four rods distant. On asking him the reason, he was unwilling to inform me. But I soon ascertained by inquiring of others, that he expense merely because a screech owl had was putting himself to all this trouble and lighted upon it. This was considered a bad omen; and he expected that some great evil would soon befall either himself or family, if he suffered his house to remain in that place. He was therefore at the trouble and expense of removing it to avoid the

Mr. Poor and myself have appropriated Wednesday evening to village preaching. I impending danger.

The loss of the mission premises at Manepy by fire, was mentioned at p. 369 of the last volume. The friends of Christianity in India, of various denominations, have contributed liberally themselves towards re-building them, and have solicited contributions from others. Among these was the late bishop Turner.

Manepy is already so far repaired that, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward have taken up their abode there. They will proceed with the repairs as fast as possible. We have a prospect of collecting considerable sums in India towards repairing the loss. Many kind friends tenderly sympathize in our affliction and loss, and will do much for Mr. and Mrs. W. and of course for the


Our quarterly season of communion at Oodooville in April was one of great interest. Thirty-four new members were received to the communion. There were be tween seven and eight hundred spectators present on that joyful occasion. Not less than 150 communicants united in commemorating the dying love of our Redeem



the church; but, a small part of them only can be considered as candidates. Some

will, we trust, so approve themselves as to be admitted at the next quarterly communion. Cases of serious discipline in our church have not of late been frequent; and of the 200 individuals received to communion since the mission commenced only six or eight have been excommunicated, though a much larger number have been from time to time suspended from church privileges. Several are now under this discipline. In general we have great reason for thankfulness that church discipline has been attended with very pleasing results. For the greater convenience of exercising necessary discipline we have lately formed separate churches, one at each sta tion, and divided the members accordingly, foruiing ourselves at the same time into an association on the plan of a presbytery, for mutual aid in regulating the concerns of the different churches. We shall, as before, hold our quarterly communions together.

Condition and Prospects of Idolatry.

The exercises of the day were very in- It is just now a time of great processions at the temples. In some cases the assemteresting and we may reasonably hope that a few more stones have been loosened, at blage of persons at temples of inferior note least, if not pulled out from near the foun- has been less than usual this season, and dation of heathenism in this region. We the offerings at them are said to have fallen have the prospect also of receiving a con- off considerably; but it may be owing in a siderable number at our next quarterly great measure to the poverty of the people, communion which will be, God willing, in in consequence of failure in their crops of July, at this place. Though the revival has grain, and want of market for their tobacco. partially subsided we have still great en- There is, however, evidently a gradual decouragement to labor. Our congregations crease of zeal for idolatry, and considerable are now larger at this place than I have numbers have probably relinquished it, who ever known them. Indeed there is not have not as yet becoine Christians. The room to accommodate the people in our principal temple of Siva, which is near seminary chapel which is 60 feet by 30. Jaffna, is suffering in consequence of one of We greatly need the old church and could the managers having pawned a gold crown we command funds for the purpose, we of the god Siva and several ornaments of should feel it very desirable to prepare it his wife Parvutee for money to a considerafor public worship as speedily as possible.ble amount; and the inability of those conIt is indeed a noble building and would accommodate two or three thousand people. May the time soon arrive when we shall see it filled with humble and attentive worshippers of the true God.

her ornaments.

cerned to redeem them. The usual public processions of the idols at their temple are, therefore, suspended, as the god cannot ap pear without his crown, or his wife without At the principal temple to Skundun, in Nellore, the ceremonies, which are to conclude by drawing the great car tomorrow night and the ornamented one the next morning, go on more prosper This list has since been received and will ously. A man from this neighborhood yesshortly be published.

I hope soon to send you a list of all the members of our church which I am preparing for that purpose.

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terday cut off his tongue in honor of the idol. The amputated part is put in a leaf under a vessel of water, so that the water is continually dropping upon it. As it drops, the tongue is to waste away in the water and grow in the man's mouth! At a temple called Kathergaman, south of Kandy, in the interior, devotees often cut off parts of their tongues, which are said to grow again; and sometimes they cut their throats and obtain grace from the idol to have them again healed. A man, however, a year or two ago, from Jaffna, cut his throat so as to die.

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