690 "Meant me, by venturing higher than my lot. Why, but to keep ye low and ignorant, "His worshippers? He knows, that in the day "Human, to put on Gods; death to be wished, 66 700 710 Though threatened, which no worse than this can bring! "And what are Gods, that Man may not become "As they, participating godlike food? "The Gods are first, and that advantage use Knowledge of good and evil in this tree, "That whoso eats thereof forthwith attains "Wisdom without their leave? and wherein lies "The offence, that man should thus attain to know? "Or is it envy? and can envy dwell 720 "In heavenly breasts? These, these, and many more 730 66 'Causes, import your need of this fair fruit. "Goddess humane, reach then, and freely taste." He ended; and his words, replete with guile, So savoury of that fruit which, with desire, Pausing awhile thus to herself she mused: "Great are thy virtues, doubtless, best of fruits! '(Though kept from Man,) and worthy to be admired; "Whose taste, too long forborne, at first assay "Gave elocution to the mute, and taught "The tongue not made for speech to speak thy praise. "Of knowledge-knowledge both of good and evil, — By thee communicated, and our want: "For good unknown sure is not had; or, had "Was death invented? or to us denied "This intellectual food, for beasts reserved? "For beasts it seems: yet that one beast which first 740 750 760 "Hath tasted envies not, but brings with joy "The good befallen him-author unsuspect- Friendly to man-far from deceit or guile. "What fear I then? rather, what know to fear "Under this ignorance of good or evil"Of God, or death-of law, or penalty? "Here grows the cure of all, this fruit divine, "Fair to the eye, inviting to the taste, 770 "Of virtue to make wise! what hinders then 780 So saying, her rash hand, in evil hour, Of knowledge: nor was godhead from her thought. 790 Greedily she engorged without restraint, And knew not eating death! Satiate at length, And heightened as with wine, jocund and boon, "O Sovran, virtuous, precious of all trees "In Paradise! of operation blest "To sapience, hitherto obscured, infamed; "And thy fair fruit let hang as to no end "Created; but henceforth my early care, "Not without song, each morning, and due praise, 800 "Shall tend thee, and the fertile burden ease "Of thy full branches offered free to all; "Till, dieted by thee, I grow mature "In knowledge, as the Gods, who all things know; Though others envy what they cannot give : "For, had the gift been theirs, it had not here "Thus grown. Experience, next, to thee I owe, "Best guide! not following thee, I had remained "In ignorance; thou openest wisdom's way "Hath tasted envies not, but brings with joy "The good befallen him-author unsuspect Friendly to man-far from deceit or guile. "What fear I then? rather, what know to fear "Of virtue to make wise! what hinders then 770 780 Of knowledge: nor was godhead from her thought. 790 Greedily she engorged without restraint, And knew not eating death! Satiate at length, And heightened as with wine, jocund and boon, "O Sovran, virtuous, precious of all trees "In Paradise! of operation blest "To sapience, hitherto obscured, infamed; "And thy fair fruit let hang as to no end "Created; but henceforth my early care, "Not without song, each morning, and due praise, 800 "Shall tend thee, and the fertile burden ease "Of thy full branches offered free to all; "Till, dieted by thee, I grow mature "In knowledge, as the Gods, who all things know; |