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feeling, and made vocal every pulse of the Irish heart in those immortal lyrics, which will last as long as the language-who has associated himself for ever with the history, the struggles, the sorrows, and the hopes of the land he loved (loud cheers). I cannot conceive that from any one here a single argument can be necessary to impress upon the country the propriety and necessity of the call which you this day make upon Irishmen. call will be promptly answered. It will be answered wherever the Irish race has penetrated. In the crowded cities of England, and forests of the western world, where millions of our exiles are now creating life, and industry, and prosperitywherever the Irish name is known, Irishmen will be emulous to pay the tribute of their homage to the man whose world-wide fame is to them, and will be to their posterity, a source of enduring pride (loud cheers). Unfortunately, my lord, we in Ireland have been hitherto liable to the reproach of being classed among those who have been called incuriosi suorum-careless of the men who have lived and laboured for us, and too prone to look beyond ourselves for objects of love and reverence. glancing at the monuments in the streets of our beautiful city, which attract the notice of the stranger, we see great men worthily glorified; but these monuments stand forth, as it were, in silent condemnation of us for neglecting the children of own soil; and they would seem to indicate either that there have been no Irishmen deserving of public honour, or that in Ireland the only man who ought to be unhonoured is an Irishman (loud cheers). I trust and hope the time is gone when

that reproach can be applied to us. Our presence here to-day is a guarantee that it is passing away, and that the spirit of the olden time, when another Charlemont acted at once the part of a patriot and of a munificent patron of arts and letters, is happily revived (loud cheers). And now, if we have a spark of the spirit of nationality still living in our souls, let us combine together, forgetting our political acerbities-forgetting our sectarian contentions (cheers)—let us combine in God's name on this common and holy ground in one cordial, earnest, successful effort, to show that we appreciate, as we ought to do, the genius and the fame of the poet of our country (loud and protracted cheering).

Lord Talbot de Malahide proposed the next resolution, which was to the effect that although the duty properly devolved on Irishmen to initiate the undertaking, they considered it due to the universality of the fame of Thomas Moore that his admirers, without distinction of country, should be afforded the privilege of testifying, by their contributions, their appreciation of his genius, and their veneration for his memory. His lordship observed that this was an important national movement to testify their admiration of the national bard of Ireland-the last of those men distinguished by their genius, by whom the arts of poetry and music had been illustrated in this and other lands. Moore was not only a poet, but a great prose writer; and in other branches of literature he was eminently successful; in fact it would require the eloquence of the great poet himself to do justice to the many excellencies of his mind and the worth

of his character (hear). His works were known wherever the English language was spoken, and it was not drawing upon their imaginations to prophesy that in less than a century they would be known in every part of the civilised world (cheers).

Mr. John Francis Waller, barrister, seconded the resolution in an able address amidst loud applause.

Lord Milltown said that before the resolution was put he wished to say a few words. He did not wish it to go forward that at a meeting of Irishmen assembled for a purpose like the present he was silent. He most heartily concurred in every sentiment put forward that day respecting the necessity of some tribute to their departed poet (hear, hear). In offering their tribute of admiration to the poet he thought that they ought not to forget the patriot (hear, hear). It was refreshing in those days to feel that from the very earliest to the latest productions of Moore there was throughout them all a strong, decided, and devoted love for his native land (hear, hear). While his hand

struck the chords of the harp, singing the departed glories of his native land, it was not accompanied by any of the tones of the slave. They had heard with delight not only the effusions of the poet but the aspirations of the patriot (cheers). It could not be forgotten that Thomas Moore was not only an Irish poet, but also in the truest and fullest sense of the word, an Irish patriot (loud cheering).

The resolution was then put and carried.

Sir George Hodson, Bart., moved that a committee consisting of several noblemen and gentle

men should be appointed to carry out the object of the meeting.

Mr. Fitzsimon (son-in-law of O'Connell) seconded the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

Lord William Fitzgerald proposed the next resolution, viz. the appointment of treasurers and secretaries, and in doing so expressed a hope that the gentlemen named would have no sinecures (laughter and cheers).

Sir Thomas Esmonde had great pleasure in seconding the resolution. He remarked that the excellent mother of Thomas Moore was a native of the county Wexford, with which he (Sir Thomas) was connected by birth and property. He believed she had always taken pride in it, and he trusted that county would vie with any other in doing honour to the memory of her illustrious son (cheers).

The resolution was then put and carried.

Sir William Rowan Hamilton addressed the meeting nearly as follows:-My lord, I have been, within these few minutes, informed by the honorary secretary to this meeting, that in consequence of the regretted absence of a noble lord (Cloncurry), who was to move, at this stage, a resolution, it is desired that I should take his place in the programme; and though I had not expected such a call, I willingly obey it. Any person, indeed, might well feel flattered by being invited to be present at such a meeting and on such an occasion as this is. There may have once been a time, I do not assert that there was so, when in some circles the name of Moore may have been a watch word of

faction; it is now a symbol of union (cheers). The spirit of party may seek to draw all objects within its own vexed whirlpool; but let us hope that the spirit of literature shall still move with halcyon wings above the agitated waters, and seek to calm the waves, till they become one glorious ocean mirror, reflecting back the light and unity of heaven and studded over with barks of beauty, bearing gifts of peace to men (loud applause). I feel that it might have been more proper, or at least more prudent, for me to have read the terms of the motion with which I am to conclude. Obscurely toiling, as I habitually do, in the deep recesses of science, hoping, perhaps, after long labour, to dig up some ore, which may yet be stamped by competent authority, and circulated as current coin, but having no hope of winning that electric sympathy, which it is the prerogative of the poet to excite, it might have been wiser for me to have resisted the temptation which accident has thus thrown in my way, and to have been wholly silent on a theme on which I have so few pretensions to speak in a manner worthy of the nation. I might plead that the sweetness and pathos of the melodies of Moore in boyhood touched my heart, and touch me still. I might add that I once enjoyed a small, a very small degree of personal acquaintance with our lost countryman, and that to know Moore even a little was to love him (applause). But the truth is, that the gnome of the mine, accustomed to the subterranean clang of hammers beating against rocks, has, on this occasion been conquered by the spell, and has felt himself drawn upwards and outwards, by the subtle and sweet fascination

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