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which he had been educated. Queen Mary, in 1553, repealed these laws, but they were re-enacted with fresh rigours by Elizabeth when she came to the throne in 1558. At the time these laws were made, it was not contemplated that there could be such a thing as dissent from the newly-established Church of England, but when the Puritans arose the men who fought the battle of religious and political freedom against a Tudor queen, and against all the Stuart kings-fresh laws were framed to check them, and fetters the most oppressive and the most harassing were forged for them as they had been forged for the Roman Catholics. Every one within the realm was ordered to go to church on Sunday, or to be fined twelvepence -sum in those days equal to more than two days' wages for a labouring man-and those who did not go for a month were fined £20. Subsequently, in the reign of Charles II. (1660-1685), it was ordered that no one should be admitted to office in any corporate town who had not within a year previously taken the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Church of England, and certain oaths were prescribed to persons elected which no Romanist could take. The Book of Common Prayer was ordered to be used in every place for public worship, and no one was allowed to be a schoolmaster, or to have anything to do with the instruction of youth (dancing, for instance), unless he had signed a declaration of conformity to the Liturgy. Meetings of more than five persons for the purpose of worshipping God otherwise than by asing the Prayer Book were liable to be broken up by force, and the preachers fined. The Test Act, passed in the twentyfifth year of Charles II., required all civil and military officers, and all persons in the service of the Crown, to take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, to declare their disbelief in the doctrine of transubstantiation, and to receive the sacrament in the Church of England; and another law of the same king forbade any one to sit in Parliament or to vote for a member until he had taken such oaths as no Romanist could possibly take.

William and Mary (1688-1702) assented to a law granting Protestant dissenters the right of meeting for public worship if the place of meeting were duly registered; but the laws which gave this and certain other privileges to Protestants, welded yet closer the rivets of intolerance on the unfortunate Catholics, who were still forbidden to meet, or to celebrate the Mass. Statutes of George I. (1714-1727) and George II. (1727-1760) confirmed the odious Test Act, and extended it. Not only were all officers in the army and navy, and all persons public posts still compelled to desecrate the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and to take startling oaths, but all ecclesiastical and collegiate persons, all preachers, teachers, schoolmasters, lawyers, and high constables were compelled, under pain of deprivation, fine, and forfeiture, to take the oaths of premacy and allegiance, and to abjure the Pope and the Pretender.

In 1779, the year before the words at the beginning of this article were spoken, an Act was passed relieving the Protestant disenters from almost all their disabilities, those created by the Test Act and Corporation Act excepted. But the people thus Enfranchised could not bear that a slight concession made the year before to Romanists, and allowing them to meet for worship under certain restrictions, should remain unrepealed. It was not ough that the Romanist should be shut out from every post of every kind in the public service, that he should be precluded fum getting a living by instructing in any branch of knowledge, and that he should be unable to practise at the bar; the lately rsecuted felt they could not erjoy their freedom if their Low-sufferers by the law were also relieved, though only in part.

A number of organisations, calling themselves Protestant Associations, had been formed in England and Scotland for the purpose of obtaining the removal of disabilities from Protestant Desenters. They chose Lord George Gordon for their chief, ad had they searched the whole country over they could not Save found a representative more thoroughly unsuited to guide

It was not till 1829 that the Catholic Emancipation Act allowed Erran Catholics to sit in Parliament, or to vote at elections, nor was it the present reign that a full measure of freedom was meted out the professors of all religions, including the Jewish religion, and that the law both in principle and practice ceased to persecute.

them to their legitimate aspirations, though it must be confessed there was no fitter incarnation of their weaknesses and their folly. They were indignant at the slight concession given to their fellow-Christians, and they resolved, if possible, to procure the repeal of it, and if that was not to be, then they would do whatever their too ready hands might find to do. At the suggestions of Lord George, petitions were got up and nume rously signed, begging the Legislature to deliver the land from the guilt of allowing certain of the inhabitants to pray together! Every means were taken to make the petition from the Protestants of London a "monster petition." Advertisements were issued, speeches were made to inflame the public mind, and per sonal entreaties were not wanting to induce the people to add their names.

Towards the end of May, 1780, a crowded meeting was held in Coachmakers' Hall, where Lord George spoke at length, addressing the people in a highly inflammatory harangue. He promised to present their petition to the House of Commons, of which he was a member, if they would attend him with not less than 20,000 persons, on the 2nd June. Resolutions were passed pledging the Association to meet with as many friends as they could muster on that day in St. George's Fields; and in order the better to distinguish those of the "true Protestant" party, it was agreed that the petitioners and their friends should wear blue cockades in their hats.

On Friday, the 2nd of June, Lord George Gordon met his followers, some 60,000 strong, in St. George's Fields, and after addressing them in a foolish speech, full of intolerant and strife-stirring words, marched them, six abreast, over London Bridge, up Flect Street and the Strand to Palace Yard, of which they took riotous possession. The Houses had not yet met when the processionists arrived; there were not any police to keep order, and the troops had not any instructions. Very soon the disposition of the assemblage was apparent. Thousands had only availed themselves of the Protestants' petition to indulge their natural instincts to commit robbery and violence, and as soon as the members of either House of Parliament began to arrive, these persons commenced to be natural. Earl Mansfield, one of the most upright and able Chief Justices England ever had, had agreed to preside over the House of Lords instead of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, who was ill at Tunbridge. As soon as his carriage came into Palace Yard it was attacked, the windows were broken, the body was much damaged, and the venerable old man with difficulty escaped into the House, with torn robes and disordered wig. The Archbishop of York was subjected to like violence, and the Bishop of Lincoln, whose carriage was literally demolished, was taken fainting into a house, whence he escaped in disguise over the leads. The Duke of Northumberland was pulled out of his carriage and robbed of purse and watch; the Lord President of the Council and other peers were also so roughly handled that they could hardly get into Westminster Hall. The Lords continued to arrive, and business commenced; but little progress had been made when Lord Montfort rushed in to say that Lord Boston was in the hands of the mob, and in imminent danger of his life. One who was present says:-"At this instant it is hardly possible to conceive a more grotesque appearance than the House exhibited. of their lordships with their hair about their shoulders; others smutted with dirt; most of them as pale as the ghost in Hamlet;' and all of them standing up in their several places, and speaking at the same instant. One lord proposing to send for the Guards, another for the justices or civil magis trates, many crying out, Adjourn, adjourn!' while the skies resounded with the huzzas, shoutings, or hootings in Palace

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Lord Boston escaped from the crowd just as the House of Lords were proposing to go out and rescue him; but it being impossible to go on with business, the House adjourned at eight o'clock, and its members managed to get away unperceived by side ways and passages.

Some 200 members of the House of Commons assembled, but the noise of the Protestant rioters almost drowned their voices in debate. Lord George Gordon presented the monster petition, and moved that the House should consider it in committee forthwith. An amendment was moved that it should not be considered till the 6th instant (four days on), but the sense of the House could not be taken, because the rioters had

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Fig. 26.


altitudo, height, because it shows the height of the top or vertex corresponding to the number of degrees in a right angle. Straight of the triangle from its base. In Fig. 24 (page 209), c E is the alti-lines are then drawn from one extremity of the arc to each of tude of the triangle A B C, and D E the altitude of the triangle the points of division, and the length of each line in succession, A B D. If, then, we have to determine the altitude of an equilateral from that which is drawn to the point nearest to the extremity triangle already drawn, as in of the arc from which the lines are drawn, to that which is the triangle A B C in the same drawn to the other extremity, is transferred to the scale. The figure, it is manifest that we radius of any circle, whether large or small, is the chord of an have only to draw a straight line angle of 60 degrees; but the from the point c perpendicular learner must bear in mind to the base A B; or, what is the that no chord of an angle of same thing, bisect the base A B, 60 degrees, except that which and join the point of bisection is marked on his scale, will and the point c, which is the top, suffice for the length of the vertex, or apex of the triangle. line A B, as the proportions But to proceed with the problem under consideration. of the chords of the other Let the straight line A represent the altitude of the equi- angles of the scale have been x lateral triangle required. Draw any straight line B C of indefinite determined by the aid of length, and from a point D, taken as nearly as possible in the the quadrant of a circle centre of the line, draw D E at right angles to в C. Then, along whose radius is equal to the the straight line D E set off D F equal to A, and from D as a chord of an angle of 60 degrees of the length laid down on centre with the distance D F, describe the semicircle H F G, the scale. cutting the straight line B C in the points G and H. Then from Gas centre with the distance G D, describe the arc D I, cutting the semicircle H F G in L, and from H as centre with the distance H D, describe the arc D K, cutting the semicircle H F G in M. Through F draw the straight line I K parallel to в C, or, what is the same thing, touching the arcs DI, DK (see Problem X., page 192), and through the points L and M, draw the straight lines D N, D O, meeting I K in N and o. The triangle D NO is an equilateral triangle, having its altitude D F equal to the given altitude A.

If we join L F, the triangle D L F is an isosceles triangle, having the side D L equal to the side D F, As the sides D L, D F are equal, the angles which they subtend, namely, the angles DL F, D F L, are equal to one another. Now, the third angle, L D F, of the triangle D L F, is an angle of 30 degrees, and each of the angles D L F, D F L is therefore equal to 180-30 divided by 2, or 150÷2=75 degrees.

Again, in the triangle L N F, the angle L N F is an angle of 60 degrees; the angle F L N is equal to 180-75, or 105 degrees, since the angles FL N, F L D are together equal to two right angles, and of these the angle F L D has been shown to be an angle of 75 degrees; and the angle NFL is equal to 90-75, or 15 degrees, since the angle N F D is a right angle, and L F D an angle of 75 degrees. Its value can also be found by subtracting the value of the angles F N L, NLF from 180, thus: 180 (60+105)=180-165=15 degrees.

PROBLEM XX.-To draw an angle which shall contain a given number of degrees.

Although it is plain, from the preceding problems, that it is possible to draw many angles containing a given number of degrees without the aid of any instruments, except a pair of compasses and a ruler, it is necessary to resort to the protractor or scale of chords in drawing the great majority of angles when the extent of their opening is stated. The protractor has been described already (page 113). The scale of chords will be found on any "Plane Scale" of boxwood or ivory, sold by mathematical instrument makers, and consists of a line graduated or divided in such a manner as to show the opening of any angle from 1 degree to 90, in degrees only. The method of using the scale of chords is as follows:

On any straight line, X Y, set off a portion, A B, equal to the opening of an angle of 60 degrees, as marked on the scale of chords. Fig. 27. From the point A as a centre, with A B as radius, describe the arc B Z. Then, supposing it be required to draw an angle of 40 degrees, apply the compasses to the scale of chords, and open the legs to the extent of 40 degrees, as marked on the scale. From B as a centre, with the radius thus obtained, draw an arc, cutting the arc B z in the point c. Join A C; the angle B A C is an angle of 40 degrees.

To construct a scale of chords, a quadrant of a circle is drawn, and the arc of the quadrant is divided into ninety equal parts,



45 60 75 20

Fig. 28.

To render this perfectly intelligible, in Fig. 28 B A C is a quadrant of a circle, and the angle B A C is an angle of 90 degrees. As it would require an arc of considerable size to divide it clearly into 90 portions of equal size, let us be satisfied with dividing the arc B C into six equal parts in the points D, E, F, G, H. The straight lines drawn from A to each of these points divide the angle B A C into six equal angles of 15 degrees each, and the angles B A D, BAE, BAF, BAG, B A H, are respectively angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 degrees. Draw the lines B D, B E, B F, B G, B H, B C, from the extremity B of the arc B C through the points D, E, F, G, H, C. These lines represent the chords of the angles B A D, BA E, BAF, B A G, B A H, and B A C respectively, or chords of angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees, and by setting off the length of each in due order along any straight line, we construct a scale of chords for angles having these openings, based on the quadrant of a circle whose radius is equal in extent to the length of the chord of an angle of 60 degrees, as marked on the scale. To make an angle greater than 90 degrees by means of the scale of chords, it is only necessary to draw a semicircle instead of a quadrant of a circle, and having set off 90 degrees on the arc, to set off in addition the chord of the number of degrees by which the given angle exceeds 90. Thus, in Fig. 28, to draw an angle of 120 degrees, first draw the semicircle B X, with a radius equal to the chord of an angle of 60 degrees, as marked on the scale. Open the compasses to the whole extent of the scale, and setting one foot on B, with the other draw a small arc, cutting the arc в X in c. Then reduce the opening of the compasses to the extent of the chord of an angle of 30 degrees, and setting one foot on c, with the other cut the arc cx in K Join A K; the angle B A K is an angle of 120 degrees, being formed by the angles BA C, C A K, the former of which is an angle of 90 degrees, while the latter is one of 30 degrees.


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Fig. 29.


A scale of chords can be readily constructed without drawing lines from one extremity of the arc of the quadrant to every point of section in succession between the extremity from which the chords are drawn and the other extremity. The method which we are now going to bring under the reader's notice has the advantage of simplicity; but in Fig. 28 the actual chords of the angles from 15 to 90 degrees are shown in succession, and the angles themselves that the chords subtend are also shown by straight lines drawn from the point в to the different points of section of the arc. In Fig. 29, having drawn a quadrant of a circle, A B C, as before, join A B, the chord of the right angle A C B, and divide the arc A B into nine (or ninety, if it be large enough) equal parts in the points a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. Then, setting one foot of the compasses at A, draw arcs through the points a, b, c, etc., in succession, cutting the straight line A B in the points numbered 10, 20, 30, etc. The distances along A B intercepted between the extremity A and each arc in succession are respectively chords of angles of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 degrees.

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1. VERTICAL SECTION OF HEAD OF PORPOISE, SHOWING THE NASAL PASSAGE. II. VERTICAL SECTION OF RABBIT'S HEAD, SHOWING OUTER WALL OF THE NASAL CANAL, LEFT SIDE. III. UNDER-SIDE OF HEAD OF SPOTTED DOG-FISH, IV. NASAL SAC OF STURGEON. Ref. to Nos. in Figs.-I. 1, 2, cavities of the skull; 3, septum between the lobes of the brain; 4, nasal passage; 5, slit-like orifice; 6, folded membrane; 7, upper end of air-passage, grasped by the sides of the nasal canal; 8, soft palate; 9, hard palate; 10, tongue; 11, valve. II. 1, cavity of the brain; 2, 3, ethmo-turbinals; 4, lower turbinal; 5, nostril; 6, palate; 7, nasal canal; 8, bulla of ear; 9, bristle running through Eustachian tube.

for a shorter time, and will not reproduce them at will. Moreover, these sensations furnish but few starting-points for thought, or speculation, or reason to proceed from. We seldom employ the smell in investigation, unless it be upon objects which give no indication whatever to any of the other senses; and when we do so, we are not satisfied until we have other confirmatory evidence as to the nature of those objects. The chemist in the laboratory will make use of this sense, as a rough-and-ready method of detecting gases which cannot be otherwise easily dealt with, but he always confirms their presence by other tests if possible. Any one who has presided over the practical experiments of

detect pungent gases like ammonia and chlorine, but cannot dis tinguish between them, or between aromatic gases like alcohol and chloroform. On the whole, we make such little use of our organ of smell, its acuteness being as often an inconvenience as an advantage to us, that we endure the loss of this sense with more patience and with less sense of privation than that of any other. The estimate we form from experience of the compara tively small value of this sense, is apt to make us misjudge its importance to the lower animals. But if we imagine that the impressions which this sense brings to animals are as dull, indistinct, and unreliable to their consciousness as to ours, a little

observation of the habits of animals will soon lead us to suspect our error. The sense seems to be the keenest in the carnivora, and man is so sensible of his inferiority to these in the sense of smell, that he supplements his deficiency by their acuteness. The little terrier will inform his master, the rat-catcher, if the rat is at home, by his impatient scratching at the mouth of the hole. The huntsman sees a fox cross an alley in a wood; Reynard has gone he knows not whither, and has left no trace which is available to his dull sense. But a hound comes in sight, and when motioned to the place he sniffs the ground in uncertainty but for a moment, and then flings up his nose towards the sky, and with one long, melancholy howl calls his comrades of the pack, and, in almost less time than it takes to write it, they are all in full cry on the trail, making the echoes ring with their confident music. Who has not observed the pointer, as he stops in the midst of his swift, business-like beat, motionless, as if Medusa's head had turned him to stone? Yet, if you mark him well, his whole frame is instinct with tremulous emotion; his eyes glisten, and seem starting from his head; his nostrils twitch, and his limbs quake with excitement. The game lies hidden in deep cover; it is impossible for him to see it; but as you look at him you feel certain that he is as vividly conscious of its presence, as if his eye saw, or his foot were upon it.

We have seen, in writing of the other senses, that while beasts seem to have these in greater efficiency than men, this is because their attention is not abstracted from their indications, and not because the organ is any more perfect or elaborate in its structure; but in the case of the smell, a corresponding development and complication of structure accompanies a keener sense. The great difference between the skull of man and that of the beast consists in the fact, that in the latter the brain and the brain-case-which it accurately fits-are much smaller; the jaws and therefore the hollow of the mouth-are much larger and longer. Now, the nasal cavity which lies between these partakes, in the beast, of the elongation of the jaws, and not of the curtailment of the brain. The nose is almost always at the end of the muzzle, and the long chambers of the nose only pass under the brain at the posterior part of their course, where they also begin to descend to enter the throat. Hence, instead of comparing the face to a three-storeyed house, as we did in speaking of the man, it should be compared to a two-storeyed shed, with a lean-to behind for the accommodation of the brain. The turbinated bones are, therefore, not so much one above as one behind the other, the front or inferior one being very much enlarged and contorted, or folded, so as to fill up the large chamber. This bone is very differently shaped in the different animals. In the sheep it arises by a broad plate, which runs inward from the outer wall of the nose, and then divides into two plates, both of which assume the form of scrolls, one curling upwards and the other downwards; and the number of turns of these scrolls is so great, that if a transverse section of the nose be made, the edge of the bone looks like the capital of an Ionic column. In the hare and rabbit the bone has a different form, and consists of a number of plates one above the other, which subdivide into other smaller horizontal plates or ridges, all of which are, so to speak, gathered together into one stem at each end. The seal has a bone of the same structure, but much more subdivided and complicated; and the extraordinary development of the organ in these swimming carnivora, would lead us to suppose that they hunt by scent. It will be seen that the design of all these structures, however different their form may be, is to increase the surface over which the pituitary membrane, as it is called, can be spread. Now, in man, the membrane of the lower scroll-bone is not so specially the seat of the organ of smell as of a refined and acute sense of touch; for the nerve which supplies it is not from the olfactory bulb, but from the fifth pair of nerves. It is this nerve which is excited by the application of snuff: so that the snuff does not act as an odour, but as an irritant, and the pleasure may be compared, by those who do not appreciate it, to the pleasure of scratching in other parts of the body. In beasts, however, the nasal branch from the fifth pair of nerves would seem to be a nerve of special sense; and, besides this, since the turbinated bones are not one above, but one behind the other, the air passes successively over them all, instead of below the ethmo, or upper turbinated bones, as in man. Perhaps it is not out of place here to remark upon some functions discharged by the nose, which are not olfactory. In

the porpoise the brain has no olfactory lobe, and there are no olfactory nerves; and therefore the nasal passages are made subservient to the supply of the lungs with air. A reference to the engraving will show how the canal from the slit-like opening at the top of the head passes down past a valve, which closes it against the water when the animal is submerged, and then onward to the head of the windpipe, which here does not open on the floor of the œsophagus (or food-throat), but is continued up, and thrust into, the nasal canal, while the muscles of the soft palate and food-throat grasp it firmly. If the animal chooses, however, he can force the water from his mouth past this perforated plug, and make it issue in a stream from the blow-hole. Though the function of smelling seems to be thus entirely sacrificed to other uses, in the nose of the whale and porpoise, it will be seen from the engraving that an orifice leading from the part of the canal external to the valve passes into a chamber, upon whose folded sides a membrane is spread which has branches of the fifth pair of nerves distributed to it. Through this organ, no doubt, the porpoise can test the purity of the water in which it is immersed.

The hog uses his disc-shaped snout to turn up the earth, and the tapir curls his flexible nose round the grass to tear it up; but these slight differences from the usual development of the organ sink into insignificance beside the enormously elongated trunk of the elephant. In this beast, the two narrow tubes into which the nasal chambers are continued forward, run to the very end of the organ, where there is, on the upper side, a finger, which seems to be as serviceable as any of our own. Strong bundles of muscles run along the trunk on all sides, and radiating ones pass between these, so that the beast can move his trunk in any direction he pleases.

In birds the sense of smell is by no means so efficient as in mammals. This we may pronounce with certainty, because not only is the organ, and its accessory apparatus, less developed, but the habits of birds indicate that they are but little guided by the sense of smell. Raptorial birds, like flesh-eating animals, have better-developed olfactory organs than grain-feeding fowls. The main nerve of smell of the vulture is five times the thickness of that of the turkey, although the carrion-feeding bird (first-named) does not exceed the other in weight; but it would seem that this sense in the vulture and condor is only useful to them in selecting while at their meal, and does not guide them to the meal itself. A number of confined condors had some steaks of flesh, wrapped in paper, placed before them, but they gave no sign of being aware of their presence; when, however, the paper was removed, they were seen tumbling over one another in their eagerness to snatch the food.

The general peculiarities of the organ of smell of birds are the following:-The nerve leaves the skull by one hole, and not through many, as in beasts; the membrane to which the nerve of smell goes is confined to the base of the beak, and the outer nostrils are not at the end, but at its sides or base; and though these nostrils are sometimes protected by a scale (as in the pheasant), or a sheath (as in the stormy petrel), or a bunch of stiff feathers (as in the raven), there are never any flexible cartilages moved by muscles. That singular wingless bird, thence called the apteryx, affords the only exception to the above statements, for its nostrils are at the end of its bill, the upper turbinated bones are of very large size, and many nerves pierce the skull, as in the mammalia. These peculiarities indicate greater acuteness in the sense of smell; and this is thought to be associated with its habit of probing among loose earth, to hunt for worms, by scenting them.

In the pelican there are no external nostrils whatever; and this is, no doubt, reasonably accounted for by the fact that this bird fishes under water with its long bill, and detains its prey for inspection in its capacious pouch. While in this position, the contents of the bill send off effluvia to the nose by the back way of the palate; and since the nostrils of the bird, if it had any, would be above the water, and its prey below it, they could be of no service.

In the higher reptiles, the internal organ is very like that of birds; but in some the nostrils are wide apart, and in others, as in all the crocodiles, they are united into one, which in the true crocodile of the Nile is shaped like a half-moon, and closed by a valve from behind; and in the gavial, or slender-snouted crocodile of the Ganges, the skin round the nostril can be raised so as to allow it to be just lifted above the surface, while the

rest of the animal is concealed. In both cases the nostril is

placed at the tip of the snout, for reasons which those who have read the lessons on the ear will understand. Space fails to write of the organ in the serpent, the frog, and the siren; but, in passing on to describe it as it occurs in the fish, it should be remarked, that in all the foregoing animals there is a communication between this organ and the air-passage to the lungs. The position of these hind nostrils, as they are called, are, as we have seen, very various. In some cases, they open just behind the teeth, as in the toad; and in others, far back in the alimentary canal. They are sometimes double, and sometimes single; but they are always present: and consequently these animals all breathe naturally through the nose: and for this reason it has been difficult to discuss the function of smell without trenching on the function of respiration. In fish, on the contrary, there are no lungs; and therefore the hind outlet of the nose is not present, and the organ is solely an organ of smell.

Its usual form is that of a roundish sac, opening on the side of the muzzle by one or two external holes. The sac is either round, in which case a column of cartilage rises in the centre, and radiating folds run from this to the circumference; or elongated, when a bar of cartilage runs across it; and on each side of this plates pass off to the sides; and these secondary plates at their middle portion are elongated into flaps, which float freely in the water of the sac. An example of the first form is seen in the sturgeon, and of the last in the ray and dog-fish. In the drawing of the dog-fish, one sac is represented with a fore-andaft flap to the nostril, the fore-flap being pulled forward by two threads, so as to disclose the interior; while, on the other side, these flaps have been wholly removed, to expose the organ. These cartilaginous flaps are moved by proper muscles, so that the water in the sacs can be rapidly changed by their action; hence these fish have been said not only to smell, but to scent their prey. In the lamprey, or nine-eyed eel, the nasal sac is single, and in the middle line above the head. In the nautilus, Professor Owen has detected an organ of smell; and the pretty little organs which are thrust up from the back of the naked sea-slug are considered to be of the same nature. We have already pointed out the organ in the lobster; but where the sense resides in insects is yet unknown.

Notwithstanding these difficulties and uncertainties, it is hoped that it has been shown that there is sufficient evidence of contrivance in the nasal organ in the animal kingdom, to make us exclaim with David, "How wonderful are thy thoughts! how great is the sum of them!"



WHEN for the sake of emphasis a word (which is not the subject) is placed at the beginning of a principal sentence, or a subordinate sentence precedes the principal sentence, the subject is placed after the finite verb (a present or imperfect), -Da geht Ihr Freund, there goes your friend. Hier steht sein brer here stands his brother. Zu lange schon hast Du geschmet too long already hast thou slumbered. Jest muß ich , now I must go. Als ich gestern nach Hause kam, regnete es et starb, when I returned home yesterday, it was raining very Lard. Heute fann er nicht lesen, und morgen will er nicht, he cannot ad to-day, and to-morrow he will not.

1. Jahren is both transitive and intransitive; when transitive, it is conjugated with haben (§ 71. 1), and signifies to convey in a Tehicle, to drive, as :-Der Kutscher hat mich schnell gefahren, the 3oachman has driven me rapidly. Der Schiffer hat mich schnell bten, the boatman has rowed me rapidly. When intransitive, it is conjugated with fein (§ 71. 1), and signifies to ride in a Tehicle, as-Ich bin gefahren, I have ridden (in a carriage, boat, or other vehicle).

2 Reiten is also used transitively and intransitively, and inifies to ride, as on horseback, as:-Der Araber reitet tas Firt and tas Kameel, the Arabian rides the horse and the camel. Ich habe ein schnelles Pferd geritten, I have ridden a fleet horse. When used intransitively (§ 71. 1), it is conjugated with fein, Er ist sehr schnell geritten, he has ridden (on horseback) very rapidly.

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1. Will der alte Soltat heute in den Wald gehen? 2. Er will hingehen, aber heute kann er nicht, denn er hat viel zu thun. 3. Der Haus knecht ist auf den Markt gegangen, um Fleisch zu holen. 4. Um gefund zu bleiben, muß man ortentlich und mäßig leben. 5. Der Holzhauer ist in den Wald gegangen, um Holz zu hauen. 6. Der Meßger geht von einem Dorfe zum antern, um Ochsen zu kaufen. 7. Er geht aus einem Dorfe in tas antere, kann aber keine Ochsen finden. 8. Was will er mit ten Ochsen? 9. Er will sie schlachten; wir müssen ja Fleisch haben. 10. Der Bauer hat zwei Pferte, welche der Brauer kaufen will. 11. Ich gehe in die Start, um einen Hut oder eine Müße zu kaufen. 12. Er hat Bücher zu lesen und eine Aufgabe zu schreiben. 13. Wo will der Freund Ihres Bruters hingehen? 14. Er will nirgends hingehen, er will bei seinem Cheim bleiben. 15. Wollen sie auf den hohen Berg gehen? 16. Ich will dahin gehen, aber nicht heute. 17. Können Sie morgen auf das Land gehen? 18. Ich kann dahin gehen, aber ich will nicht. 19. Wann will 3hr Vater seine Pferde wieder haben? 20. Er muß sie morgen früh haben, weil er morgen Abend nach Frankfurt fahren will. 21. Warum will er nicht dahin reiten? 22. Weil er kein gutes Reityferd hat, und das Wetter sehr kalt ist.



1. It is too cold for him to-day to go over to Frankfort. There runs the hare over the hill. 3. There drives your brother. 4. The confectioner is gone to the bakehouse in order to bake bread. 5. The butcher goes to market in order to buy sheep. 6. Your coachman has driven me rapidly here. 7. Do you see that man upon that horse which we saw yesterday? 8. The soldiers ride on beautiful horses. 9. They say one rides in those carriages comfortably. 10. We have ridden in your coach to 11. Tread not beyond the law! 12. The new steamboat passes down the river to-day for the first time.

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SECTION XXX.-COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. German adjectives are compared by suffixing to the simple form of the positive, er for the comparative, and eft for the superlative; thus, positive mild (mild), comparative (milder), superlative mild eft (mildest). (See §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)

1. When the positive ends in cl, en, or er, the of this termination is, in the comparative, omitted, as :-etel (noble), edler* (nobler). It may be here remarke 1, that adjectives of this class add for the superlative ft only; thus, etel, etler, exelft. Adjec admits. tives, when compared, are commonly contracted when euphony

Adjectives in the comparative and superlative are subject to the same rules of inflection as when in the positive degree. (§ 37. 1.)

The disposition to contract two concurrent syllables finds a parallel in almost every language. Thus, in English, we have entrance for enterance; wondrous for wonderous, etc. So hoped, prayed, etc., words but one. containing each two syllables, are pronounced as though consisting of This is a serious difficulty in the way of foreigners learning our language, but one which in the German, by a conformity of orthography to pronunciation, is entirely avoided.

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