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thus talk, never felt as they ought, the from our own unenlightened reason; value of the Gospel. Suppose I allow whereas it emanated from the word of God, then, and I do willingly allow, that the which is the only pure source of true reheathen, who never heard the name of ligion. Mankind never did, by all the aid Christ, may yet be saved through him, if of philosophy and learning, rescue themthey fear God and work righteousness; selves from a state of darkness and ignowhat have you gained ? The question still rance, and attain the knowledge of the returns-Do they fear God and work true God. righteousness ? Consider the simple mat- “What means then, I ask, has the Alter of fact. Consider the actual state of mighty been pleased to take, in order to the heathen. The poor benighted hea- bring the evangelized nations of the earth thens are not only living without God, and acquainted with himself and true religion? without hope in the world, but there is no Did he interpose, as when tre first made the superstition so horrid that they do not world, and say—Let there be light, and practise-no crime so foul that they do not there was light ?' Did he send angels commit- no cruelty so barbarous that they from heaven to instruct the wandering nado pot exercise one upon another. Ah! if 'tions, and bring them back to holiness and the holy men of old had reasoned thus with happiness? No. He made use of human respect to our forefathers; if they had said, endeavours. He sent forth pious misLeave the barbarous English to themselves, sionaries to accomplish this important work, let them dwell in quiet under their spread- I conclude, from the strongest analogy, ing oaks, and listen to the instruction of that if the pagan nations be ever enlighttheir druids! if no pious missionary had ened, this important work must be done by set his foot on English ground; who shall missionaries. Hence reason and Scripture presume to say, that we might not at this. enforce upon us the duty of sending the hour have remained in ignorance and er- Gospel to every creature. If we, Sir, ever ror; strangers to God, and strangers to experienced the blessing of religion in our the hope of salvation ?

own breast, we shall anxiously desire that “Here probably some may be disposed to others may partake of it. He does not sneer at the idea of our bowing down our deserve the name of a Christian who does heads to idols of wood and stone; and pro- not thus feel and thus act. If Christianity nounce the very supposition, that we Bri- be not a blessing, why profess it? If it be, tons, so enlightened, so learned, so civi- why not labour to make others partake of lized, should remain idolaters and ignorant the blessing ? of the God who made us, as altogether « The standard of war is now taken down: foolish and absurd. Now, Sir, on the let us unfurl that of the cross. The sword, contrary, I will undertake to prove, that which has laid waste so many nations, is at the argument in favour of my position is in length put up into its scabbard: let us controvertibly just. Let us survey the fight with the sword of the Spirit. The religion of the Greeks and Romans in their times are propitious. The blessing of God highest state of civilization : never were a may be expected. Happier days are forepeople more refined, more polished, more told. They approach. The star which fully versed in all those arts and sciences led the wise men to adore the new-born Sawhich adorn society ;- yet never were a viour, shall guide the nations of the earth people more addicted to superstition, never to the same Saviour now exalted to the did mankind worship gods of more dis- highest heavens. gracefui characters. Human sacrifices ge “The Society which calls for our support nerally prevailed in the heathen world: and professes to direct its chief attention to we learn from Plutarch and Livy, that the Africa and the East. Now, if there be any Greeks and Romans, on extraordinary occa parts of the earth which more than others sions, celebrated these horrid rites to ap- call for our help, they are those just menpease their offended deities! This is an tioned. I scarcely know how we obtained indisputable, stubborn fact. The vast em our India possessions; perhaps it is as well pire of China has been civilized from time not to know; but this I know, that the inmemorial; yet still idolatry, the great people of India are our subjects, that they est idolatry, prevails : still new-born infants are sunk into the grossest wickedness, into and aged persons are cruelly murdered the most absurd superstitions, which keep It is therefore most evident, that if no them in a state of degradation, misery, and pious missionary had ever visited our island, irreligion. Now I allow, we are not called we should at this moment have been no upon to take fire and sword in our hands, better than heathen idolaters. The truth, and to force upon them the profession of I conceive, is this, that from our earliest the Christian religion; such a conduct is infancy we have been instructed in true as irrational as it is wicked; but surely it religion, and we suppose, that the knows is our duty to afford them instruction, exledge which we have obtained procecds ample, and the means of happiness and ci


vilization. . Here is an immense field open " This town, Sir, has had the honour to before us—it is already white to harvest - give birth to a man who has loug been an it demands our labourers.

ornament to human nature and to the age « The very name of Africa must, me- in which he lives; he has not, I allow, thinks, excite some deep feelings of remorse fought battles, and exalted his country to in our minds. Could any tongue of - man glory by the splendour of his victories, but declare half the evils which that unhappy' he has induced her to wipe away a disgrace country has suffered by our means, it which had long stained her character, and would unfold a tale of horror, that would to hold out to other nations a signal examcause us all to fall down upon our knees and ple of justice, mercy, and religion !-And deprecate the judgments of God, lest they this, in my estimation, is far greater glory. should immediately come upon us. We than many of those brilliant achievements' have waded deep in blood, we have dealt which dazzle the eyes of ill-judging men. in human flesh, and torn our fellow-crea “Our young women certainly are not called tures from their natire land, and doomed upon to preach the Gospel; we think their them to slavery, misery, and death, because doing so inconsistent with the rules of they had a skin different from our own. Sir, Scripture, and with that retired modesty so if I have injured any person, it is my duty desirable in every female character ; but to make restituțion; if I cannot make restitu- who would not wish to see them earnest in tion, I must make compensation in the best promoting the Gospel of 'Cbrist? They have manner that I am able. Even-hauded juss in all ages been addicted to works of piety. tice requires it of me. " We cannot call up Women attended our Saviour when he was the ghosts of the son's and daughters of upon earth, ministered to his wants, stood Africa, whom our cruelty has murdered in by his cross, and were the first to witness the middle passage and in our colonies, em- and attest his resurrection. The best orbody them in fiesh and blood, and send nament of their sex is that of a meek and them back to their own habitations. Death quiet spirit, and this spirit can only be enwill not release his captives at our bidding. gendered by the influence of true religion ; But we may make some compensation - we and in proportion as they are under the inmay send to Africa the blessing of the Gos- fluence of true religion, they will exert pel; and a greater blessing I am sure you themselves to promote the kingdom of our cannot send. Let it be once felt, it will be dear Redeemer; not by noisy disputations, as the light of the morning which chases but by those mild and unobtrusive, yete, away the darkness of the night; it will not steady and efficacious means, which are only chase away the ignorance, barbarism, suited to their circumstances in life: by witchcraft, and those horribly unnatural su-, their example, their conversation, their subperstitions, in which the people of Africa scriptions, their influence, their solicitation. bare been involved; but it will guide them Estimable indeed is the female character, to God, to Christianity, and to Heaven. when it turns aside from idle follies and the

“I would draw the attention of our young frivolous pleasures of the world, and depeople to this subject. The formation of votes itself to God, to works of piety and juvenile Societjes seems very important, be- mercy. cause we would wish our youths to shake “Many of us, who are fathers and masters off that frivolity of character which is en of families, are far advanced in life; we gendered by dissipation and the love of feel ourselves travelling on with hasty steps pleasure, and to think and act like men, to the grave. We cannot long plead the who have not only important parts to per cause of God. We cannot long exert ourform on earth, but who are partakers of selves in promoting the Redeemer's kingdom, the hope of glory and immortality. We But we see our children rising around us, could wish them in their early days to im. and know that they are destined to supply bibe a spirit of true religion, and to feel in- our place: and what is our wish? Is it not terested, deeply interested, in the spread of this--that when we are no more, when the Gospel! I would have them read the we shall sleep with our fathers, they inay lives of Swartz, and other eminent mission.' be a generation to serve the Lord? Let us aries, till they imbibe their spirit, and are see then engage in the good ways of God, tempted to imitate their example. In my anxious to do good, anxious to promote the opinion, Sir, there is not a more noble cha- cause of Christianity, and anxious to adorn racter on earth than that of a real mission- it by a holy life and conversation. Then, ary. The man who is willing to sacrifice when we arrive at the end of our days, we every thing for the cause of Christ; who has may say with old Simeon – Lord, now letno sinister end in view; who, warmed and test thou thy servant depart in peace, acanimated by the love of God and man, de- cording to thy word; for wine cyes have votes himself to the conversion of the seen thy salvation'." heathen, and to 'that work sacrifices lois A, Terry, Esq. said, that he was induced friends, his country, his ease, and perhaps to come forward on this occasion, in vios his life, in my opinion possesses à noble lence to his own feelings, because he was a soul.

member of the Church of England, and be spirit and in truth-we therein do rejoice, cause he was a layman. Sorry, indeed, yea and we will rejoice." should he be if his reverend friend, who had The Rev. J. Bigt said, he trusted it would just addressed the meeting, should not find not be deemed obtrusive or irregular, if he himself seconded by the laity of that church ventured to solicit their attention to a few of which he was a Minister. The latter had words on the occasion of the present meetindeed frequently been reproached for not ing. He had been induced to come forward coming forward in such a manner for the by the allusions which gentlemen who had propagation of their religion as might have already spoken þad made to Dissenters ; al been expected. He hoped, however, that . lusions, which he must say were highly calhetter prospects were now in view. After culated to diminish the number of Dissentthe excellent speeches which had been de- ers. Those gentlemen, while they avowed livered, it was not necessary to weaken their their firm and conscientious attachment to impression by any remarks which he could the interests of that Church of which they make on the nature of the duties incumbent are members, had delivered sentiments se upon those who heard them. But he must liberal towards Christians of other denomiimpress upon their minds the necessity of nations, that he (Mr. B.) could not repress following up the sentiments conveyed in the the desire he felt to attest his unfeigued appetition from Hull to Parliament, for throw- probation of those sentiments, and his paring open the East Indies to the labours of ticipation of the spirit they breathed. He Christian missionaries. · Never was there a was desirous to show that he, as a Dissenter, more numerous and respectable meeting and all Dissenters with whom he had any seen in this town, than on that occasion; congeniality of mind, could cordially rejoice and call the members of the Church of in the constitution of the Church MissionEngland who approved of that petition ary Society, and wish them “ good luck in would, he trusted, show their sincerity by the name of the Lord.” supporting the present Society, The dif- Mr. B. then proceeded in nearly the folferent classes of Dissenters and the Method- lowing terms :-" We, Sir, are pleased with ists h ad already established similar societies; this institution because it is a Missionary and what would be the event if the Church Society. We are not of those who consider of England should fall below them in the work of missions as of recent date, or point of zeal and activity for the cause of standing on human authority. We refer to Christianity? We should belie our own the age of our Lord and his Apostles, and principles if we did not feel anxious to dis- find that missions are of the same antiquity tribute to others that excellent Liturgy, by as Christianity itself, and authorized by the which we hoped we had benefited so much same Head. We cannot forget how much ourselves. But still he contended it was our own country owes to missions, and that not inconsistent to wish success to the la- the unspeakable advantages and superior bours of other sects of Christians. What religious privileges which we actually enjoy, ever might be thought of the question be came to us by that means. What thoughttween Churchmen and Dissenters at home, ful man is there who does not find all the if certainly was little in comparison with the philanthropy of his nature excited in such great question-whether the heathens a cause? When human misery is thus should become Christians at all, or whether brought before us, in something like its they should remain beathens ? Under tbis full extent, we find of how much compasview of the subject, he did not know that he sion we are capable. Then, too, we feel could do better than make use of the words somewhat of the importance of our being; of an honest and zealous Quaker, whom he that our existence in the world is not uses had lately heard address a public assembly less; that we have the honour of being the in London, “ If," said he, “the Episco- instruments and fellow-workers of God.' palian leading his convert into the temple Sometimes our hearts are deeply affected made with hands, can by the use of his while we survey the dreary and desolate reformulary lead him to renounce the devil, gions of superstition and idolatry. We and all his works, the pomps and vanitics of wourn over the waste places of the earth, this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of and shrink when we contemplate the habi-, the fleshı; to deny ungodliness and worldly, tations of cruelty. At other times, we are lústs, and to live righteously, soberly, and animated while we accompany the holy and godly in this present evil world; or if the zealous men who go forth, charged with Baptist, with his opinions on the rite of bap- a supply for all their wants, the remedy for tism, can induce a poor banished heathen to all their diseases. While we look, the

wash away, his sins in the true laver of re- darkness is dispersed, and the desert blos. ... generation; or if one of the Society of soins as the rose.

Friends, with his opinions of the blessed “Let it not be thought extraordinary, Sir, Spirit; at all times and in all places ready if we are pleased with this Society, because to hear those who call upon him, can lead it is conducted by members of the Estahim to worship Him who is a Spirit, in blishment, and bears the name of the Church


Missionary Society. Although we are Dis- none because they follow not with them; senters, we expect much good from these bat, on the contrary, evince a pleasure in very circumstances. It will, we hope, re- animating them by smiles and expressions move the prej udices which may have ex- of encouragement, and heartily bid God isted in the minds of pious and affluent per- speed' to all who labour for the same obsons, who otherwise might not have been jeet in different parts of the same vineyard. induced to give their attention to the sub- « The direction of the efforts of this Soject. When they perceive that some of the ciety cannot fail to be highly gratifying to greatest and best members of their own every truly British heart, especially with Church are engaged in this work, it will be respect to Africa. It is almost impossible satisfactory to their minds, that it has no- to think on Africa without an aching heart, thing inconsistent with the interests of that without a feeling almost of self-reproach. church. We hope and believe that it will When we consider the wrongs inflicted on combine and bring into useful co-operation its inhabitants by our countrymen, under much of the wealth and influence of the the authority of the legislature, we have land, which in other circumstances might feelings allied to those which arise from have been withheld. We consider the cause consciousness of personal guilt. But that of missions as the cause of Christianity; stain on our country is no more; it is no we cannot, therefore, but be glad that the longer a national act. The legislature has Church of England has given it the sanc- not only withdrawn its sanction from the tion of her name, and the benefit of her ex- practice, but recorded it among the list of ertions. It will also have a good effect in crimes. The legislature can do no more ; behalf of other missionary institutions, by it can give no compensation for the past, Tecommending them to the public esteem, nor can it totally prevent an illicit traffic and convincing all, that though Christians on that distant and extensive coast. How of different sects are separately occupied in necessary, then, the efforts of such a Society propagating Christianity by means of mis- as this! Every one present must have been sions, yet there is nothing in the principle much affected by the information afforded of missions at all calculated to serve mere by the Rev. Secretary of the Parent Instituparty views. 926

tion. To know that the Gospel is now It would be unjust, Sir, to omit that we preached at the instance of an English Soare disposed highly to applaud this Society, ciety, where once Englishmen appeared because of its genius and character. We only as the agents of violence and rapine; cannot fail to remark, with pleasure, its to know that poor children rescued from evident simplicity and liberality. To us, smuggling slave-ships, are not deserted, but the Church of England, in this respect, ap- adopted and trained up in the paths of pears in an attitude peculiarly graceful, and science and Christianity, operates someto be proceeding in the steps of primitive thing like a balm to a wounded conscience. and apostolic Christians. Here we behold "I have trespassed so much longer on your an established Church, uninvested with time than I intended, and am so grateful secular power, completely disengaged from for the indulgence with which these hasty even the means of compulsion, unfurling no remarks have been received, that I will instandard of earthly dominion, bat erecting trade no longer than just to offer one obtheir banner in the name of the Lord. It servation connected with the general subis perfectly consistent with all our feelings ject of missions. I am afraid, Sir, that we and principles to adınire those who are en- do not always consider this subject in a gaged in a spiritual warfare, with weapons right point of view.--We are too apt to not carnal---who send forth their messen- treat it as an affair of mere benevolence. gers to disperse, not the edicts of a tem- We may be readily disposed to concede reporal prince, but the code of the King of lief to these persons, as an act of charity : kings--not as the officers of an earthly bat we do not consider them as having any government, to take foreible possession of claims on our justice. In fact, Sir, it is our

their provinces, but as Christian preachers daty, each in bis respective sphere, and ac; -men wielding, not the sword of the ma- cording to his ability, to contribute to the

gistrate, but the sword of the Spirit. Sir, cause of missions. Not only is it highly beit is no dishonour to the Church of Eng- coming that we should do so--it is a sin land, as an established church, to be emi- not to do it; a sin too of no cominon magnent for these peaceful and Christian-like nitude. Let us remember, that, on another qualities. It is peculiarly grateful, too, to day, these poor creatures will be witnesses perceive the Catholic spirit with which the for or against us. Happy for us if we are members of this Society regard their fellow then addressed, Inasmuch as ye did it unto labourers in the field of the world. They one of these destitute and perishing headiscover no disposition to engross the whole, thens, ye did it unto me'.” much less to prefer the barrenness of what W .Betty, Esq. heartily approved of the they cannot cultivate, to its being fertilized institution, and prayed God to bless it. by the exertions of others. They forbid [To be concluded in our next.]

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MEMOIR OF THE REV. MR. : age. My father, answering +0

JACOBI, MISSIONARY. , this, exhorted me to look carefully The following interestinó particu- on the ways of God with me; not lars are extracted from the Re

to presume to guide my own fate; port of the Society for promoting

moting but as he had no objection to my Christian Knowledge.

o determination, he wished me the

i blessing of God to it. Alas! this I THINK it now my duty to give was his last letter ; the last words some account of my life; together of which were, “ May the Lord with the motives that induced me finish his work!" He soon after to deliver myself, with body and died, and thus took my promise, soul, up to the particular work of to be a missionary, with him before God.

the Heavenly Throne. When a boy of seven years, my '. When eighteen years of age, I father, one of the most learned left college for the university at and pious ministers of the church Leipsic, where I studied two years of Saxony, telling me something upon my own fortune. Here many about this country, said, “ Behold, temptations assaulted me from all God has certainly yet great designs quarters; the allurements of senwith England, and it is a mighty sual pleasure were easily overinstrument in his hands to establish come; but a more formidable enehis kingdom on earth.” He then my, the modern divinity (if I may telling me of the missions, I felt so term it) had very nigh caused so deeply touched, that I cried out, my foot to slip in the path of faith. “ Father, I will one 'day go to The lectures of the professors re- . England, from thence to be sent presented the Bible as a mere hu. out among the Gentiles,” And man book; in a word, infidelity from that time all my thoughts was recommended and preached were filled with this design. Child-, from the pulpit designed for the ish as this might appear, my father preaching of faith. I had a hard kept these words in his heart; and contest; but it pleased God to es.. when I afterwards had been four tablish my heart again, and to years at the college, and the hour open my eyes more fully upon the of his death approached, he wrote wonders of his word. I then burnt me, that I might tell him, before all my manuscripts of the new me. he died, what my resolution about thod of divinity, and visited these my future state of life was. I an- lectures no more; I retired, and swered, that I was determined, if gave myself entirely to private it pleased the Lord, to follow what study. Another temptation then I thought my calling to the mis- arose, to make me an apostate from sion. I was then sixteen years of the Lutheran church; but after


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