Imágenes de páginas




1. Translate Lazare Hoche, p. 17, 1. 17, to end of p. 18.

2. Give short accounts of the persons, and describe the position of the places named in the above extract.

3. Give, with examples, the different uses of le, la, les; and state where the indefinite article in English is replaced by the definite in French.

4. State the rules for the formation of the plural of compound words formed by:

(i.) Two nouns.

(ii.) A noun and an adjective.

(iii.) A noun joined to a verb, preposition, or adverb.

5. Turn into French :

(i.) As we were so poor, of course but little money could be spared to buy us even necessary clothing.

(ii.) "Bold as they are, your brothers would not have ventured on such a perilous ascent," said an old Swiss to a young Englishwoman, to whom, and to the different members of whose family he had acted as guide for many years.

(iii.) Brief, brave, and glorious was his young career,

His mourners were two hosts, his friends and foes;
And fitly may the stranger, lingering here,

Pray for his gallant spirit's bright repose.

6. Make a table of the primitive tenses of a verb, and of those derived from each.

7. Mention any peculiarities in the use of mille, cent, vingt. Give the French for: a week; a fortnight; Henry the Eighth; Charles the First; Napoleon III., son of Louis Buonaparte (brother of Napoleon I.) was elected emperor by seven millions five hundred thousand suffrages in 1851. Prince Lewis was born on the 26th of August, 1843.




1. Give the plural and meaning of blanc-seign, pour-boire, hôtel-Dieu, mal-de-tête, chou-fleur, essuie-mains, oil-de-boeuf, nouveau-riche, châtain-clair, zéro, stating in each case the reason your answer.


2. Why do we write :

(i.) Les généraux républicains reculaient devant les La Rochejaquelein, les Bonchamp, les d'Elbée, les Lescure.

(ii) Les deux Corneille ont légué leur nom à la postérité. (iii.) Les Condés ont été l'appui du trône français.

(iv.) Tous les siècles ne produisent pas des Bossuets et des Massillons.

3. Give the derivation of bureau, épars, espiègle, métier, bracelet, ambre, toilette, monde, aigu, fièvre, étincelle, nez, bête, prôné.

4. Distinguish between tout-à-coup and tout d'un coup; plus tôt and plutôt; autant and tant; de suite and tout de suite.

5. Translate :—

Lorsque j'étais candidat à l'Ecole Normale (c'était au mois d'Octobre de l'an de grâce 1848) je me liai d'amitié avec deux de mes concurrents, les frères Debay. Ils étaient Bretons, nés à Auray, et élevés au collège de Vannes. Quoiqu'ils fussent du même âge, à quelque minutes près, ils ne se ressemblaient en rien, et je n'ai jamais vu deux jumeaux si mal assortis. Matthieu Debay était un petit homme de vingt-trois ans, passablement laid et rabougri. Il avait les bras trop longs, les épaules trop hautes, et les jambes trop courtes: vous auriez dit un bossu qui a égaré sa bosse. Son frère, Léonce, était un type de beauté aristocratique : grand, bien pris, la taille fine, le profil grec, l'œil fier, la moustache superbe. Ses cheveux, presque bleus, frissonnaient sur sa tête comme la crinière d'un lion. Le pauvre Matthieu n'était pas roux; mais il l'avait échappé belle: sa barbe et ses cheveux offraient un échantillon de toutes les couleurs. Ce qui plaisait en lui, c'était une paire de petits yeux gris, pleins de finesse, de naïveté, de douceur, et de tout ce qu'il y a de meilleur au monde. La beauté bannie de toute sa personne s'était réfugiée dans ce coin-là.


Women (Preliminary).


1. Turn into French: After Leo X.'s accession to power Raphael's reputation increased so fast that princes contended for the slightest sketch from his pencil. Leo X. set the example of loading the painter with too much work. Raphael was obliged to satisfy all his caprices, even to the point of painting life-size the elephant sent to him by the King of Portugal. He even had to yield his brush to political intrigue, now representing Francis I. under the guise of Charlemagne, and again painting S. Michael and the Holy Family, which Lorenzo de Medici gave in 1518 to the French monarch.

2. Question 1 in the "Seniors" Paper.

3. Give the equivalent English for: (i.) M. votre mari est-il au service? (ii.) Un nom trop prôné par les gazettes. (iii.) Faire antichambre. (iv.) Que trouves-tu à redire dans ce portrait? (v.) Je lui envoyai un ordre en blanc pour toucher sur mon homme d'affaires la somme qui lui manquait. (vi.) On vous donne le change.

4. When a collective noun is used, does the verb always agree with it.

5. How can one determine whether a word ending in ant is being used as a present participle or as a verbal adjective? Are both declinable ?

6. What tenses are formed from the present participle? Which is the historic tense in French?

7. Mention any peculiarities in the conjugation or use of the following verbs:-Nager, épeler, peindre, désobéir, certifier, passer, couvrir, manquer, satisfaire, devoir, haïr, fleurir.

8. Translate (without a dictionary):



Ah çà,” continua-t-elle," par où commencerons-nous? Je vous ai d'abord amené une femme de chambre; c'est un vrai trésor, vous en serez contente. Elle nous attend dans ma voiture; venez, nous allons faire des emplettes. Ne prenez pas d'argent," me ditelle; "j'ai promis à M. Chenu d'être son trésorier, et d'ailleurs à peine en aurons nous besoin pour quelques fantaisies. Nous allons chez les marchands où je me fournis d'habitude: ils enverront leurs mémoires."


Women (Pass).


1. Translate:

Aussitôt que je pus me soutenir, je me fis conduire au couvent où j'avais été élevée. Les exhortations de la soeur Sainte-Ursule, la liberté de gémir au pied des autels, et les caresses de mon cher Adolphe, me rendirent le courage de vivre, et de m'occuper de ses intérêts. Par son testament, M. de Senneterre m'avait nommée tutrice de notre fils, et lui avait donné pour curateur un grandoncle qui vivait dans une de nos terres, et qui n'avait pour toute fortune qu'une longue probité, une vieillesse aimable, des cicatrices, la croix de Saint-Louis et douze cents livres de pension.

2. Senior Paper, Questions 3 and 4.

3. Give the singular of bestiaux, porte-mouchettes, choux-fleurs, baux, petits pois, aulx, secours.

4. Distinguish between une fausse porte and une porte fausse; un mauvais air and l'air mauvais; un furieux animal and un animal furieux; un seule homme and un homme seul; un habit nouveau and un habit neuf.

5. Comment on the way in which quelque, feu (adjective), demi, chacun, vingt, cent, bénir, and faire are used.

6. Name the six exceptions to the rule that the past participle used without an auxiliary is declined like an adjective.

7. Turn into French :

It must be a fine city that impresses one with its splendour before breakfast, after driving all night in a mail coach. It was six o'clock in the morning when I left the post office, in Vienna, to walk to an hotel; the shops were still shut, the milkwomen were beating at the gates, and the short quick ring upon the church bells summoned all early risers to mass. A sudden turn brought me upon a square. In its centre stood the most beautiful fabric that has ever yet filled my eye. It looked like the structure of a giant, encrusted with fairies-a majestically proportioned mass, and a spire tapering to the clouds, but a surface so marvellously beautiful, so traced and fretted, so full of exquisite ornament, that it seemed rather some curious cabinet gem, seen through a magnifier, than a building in the open air.




1. How would you explain briefly and clearly when the passive voice should be used?

2. Translate Minna von Barnhelm, p. 15, "Ganz gewiss, gnädige Frau," to "Empfangen Sie Seine Belohnung und meine Thränen."

What do you consider to be the chief difficulties in this passage?

Explain anlegen, nicht anders, heisst.

3. Translate:

(i.) How do you do?

(ii.) Go to the left, and then turn to the right.

(iii.) The General has ordered the troops to advance.
(iv.) The town has been burnt by the enemies.
(v.) You should have gone.

4. When is the infinitive used without zu? rules, and illustrate your rules by examples.

Give general

5. Distinguish between der See and die See, der Thor and das Thor, der Heide and die Heide, and decline each noun both in the singular and plural.

6. How may inseparable compound verbs be known from separable? Name the prefixes.

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7. Translate:

An ass had the misfortune to be met by a hungry wolf. "Have mercy on me," said the trembling animal; "I am a poor sick beast. Look what a large thorn I have run into my foot!" Really! I am indeed grieved," replied the wolf. "Conscientiously speaking, I feel myself compelled to put you out of your misery." He had scarcely said this, when he tore the supplicating donkey to pieces.

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