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the Lord, we shall, in a peculiar

manner, bring down upon our heads REV. SIR,

his holy wrath and indignation. · It has happened within the circle With one circumstance in the cases of my acquaintance, that several alluded to above I cannot but be young men whose destinations in struck; and that is, the want of an life were already, fixed, have, on outward call, which I think the becoming serious, left their origin- soundest of our divines consider to al callings for the ministry in our be as necessary as the inward imchurch. For many of those indi- pulse of the Spirit. viduals I have the highest respect, I am ready to allow that the acand believe them to be influenced tuating motives were a love for in their determination by consci- souls, and a desire of extended · entious motives. I cannot, how- usefulness: but those alone, withever, refrain from expressing a out concurring circumstances, can doubt which I feel, whether they never, in my humble opinion, jushave considered the subject in its tify our entering the ministry when different bearings ere they made we were not originally destined for their resolution. Though, perhaps, its duties. The success of a minisit may be a trite, yet it is neverthe- ter in a peculiar manner depends less à true observation, that the upon God; and unless the unction ministerial office is weighty and re- of his Spirit accompanies our sponsible in the extreme; and when words, we may preach with all the the import of the solemn vow re- force and eloquence of St. Paul, quired of those who would officiate yet never be instrumental in callin our establishment is considered, ing one soul seriously to repentthere is every reason for us to ance. On the contrary, we may, pause and reflect before we take by continuing in our original ståupon us so vast a burden. We tion, be useful, under Providence, can no longer expect the guidance to numbers. Young laymen whose of Heaven, than when we are in the views are turned towards the mi. path of duty; and if we forsake nistry, and perhaps many of their is that station of life wherein it has friends, often fall into an error by pleased God to call us,” we may, supposing their case to be pecuinstead of the blessing, incur the liar. Probably, however, there wrath of the Almighty. There are but few serious characters who are many instances in Scripture became so in youth, that have not where Jehovah punished severely had similar ideas, though maturer the temerity of those who presum- . grace, accompanied with delibeed to intermeddle with the holy ration and prayer, has convinced office without his call and sanction.' them that their duty was to conI trust the youthful reader who tinue in their original callings. may feel interested in these obsery. Another idea also. prevails, that ations will not think I am influenced such a desire indicates a superior by captious motives; on the con- degree of zeal and grace; but it trary, I can assure him that I have may be doubted whether, in many none other wish than that they may cases, it does not rather evince a induce him duly to weigh the mat- weakness of belief. It requires ter in its various lights, and pre- more faith and firmness to meet vent him from rushing into an of- and perform our duty conscienfice where, if we enter uncalled by tiously in the world, than to-shun

the contest by shrinking from our by whom thou wilt send,” till nepost. Many practices of the world cessity is laid upon them, and they are, without doubt, peculiarly are forced to exclaim, with St. painful to the tender conscience, Paul, “ Woe is me if I preach not and the gross deviation from the the Gospel." And here it may scriptural standard of right and not be irrelevant to remark, that wrong ruffles the spiritual mind in revivals of religion, when beyond description; nevertheless, God has wanted the services of our Lord, who knew all this, pray- great and fervent preachers, he ed noť for us that we should be has generally chosen them from taken out of the world, but that among those already in the miniswe should be kept from the evil. try. Our reformers, together with Our passions, we all know, influence Luther, Calvin, Whitfield, Wesley, us much, and those of the young and others, evidence the truth of convert, though strong, are not al- this observation; and perhaps the , ways the purest; when the fire only exception that could be namcrackles and sparkles most, it does ed is the first promulgation of not produce the greatest heat. Christianity, when the boasted We therefore, as we advance, learning of Greece and Rome bowfind, on close examination, that ed to the plain but fervent preachiour actuating motives have gene- ing of despised fishermen. That rally in them a mixture of alloy; glorious event, however, under all and perhaps young men should its circumstances, was peculiar, consider ere they determine upon and cannot be brought forward in so serious a step, whether, at the the present instance as a precedent bottom, there may not exist a lurk for common times. ing desire of popular applause, Enough has probably now been which; we may rest assured, ori- said on the subject of the ministry ginates, not from God, but froin itself, and it may be proper to con. self. In religion, as well as learn- sider the matter in another light, ing, it often happens that

namely, as it respects the useful

ness of pious laymen. And surely . «Shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, the experience of every day shows - But drinking largely sobers us again.”... that, in the various professions of Perhaps it may be urged, that it life, opportunities are never wantwas usual among the primitive ing for those who are well disposed Christians for men, even at an ad- to extend the knowledge of the vanced period of life, to leave tem- truth; and it is not a too hazardous poral professions for the ministryassertion when we say, that many · But in all those cases I think his- 'have greater facilities for doing

tory concurs in representing them good as laymen than they would . as being moved by strong and ur- have had as ministers. A Sunday gent solicitations of the visible school opens to an active layman a church : such'was remarkably the field of usefulness in some respects fact in the instances of Cyprian little inferior to the ministry: and Ambrose, whose conduct was among untutored children there is probably too much in the opposite ample scope for, zeal the most 'extreme to that under discussion ; energetic and warm. Besides, it these, however, along with others, can never be meant for all to be tend to support this position, that ministers; and unless there are

the true ministers of Christ gene. shining gifts as well as graces, no - rally for a while resist instead of good reason can be assigned for a seeking their office, through a con- change so momentous; a man nay viction of its awful responsibility: beexcellent in business or inscience, like Moses they cry, “ Lord, send but may never shine as 'á preacher, But, even supposing an instance Dr. Woodward *. -How pure, yet where eminent gifts are combined how ardent was their zeal! Among with grace, the proper sphere for those gracious characters there their display may not, by the ap- seem to have existed no wild nopointment of Providence, be in tions of forsaking their callings in the ministry. For instance: had life; but each endeavouring to Mr. Wilberforce in youth, or after- fulfil with zeal the duties of his wards, entered the ministry, the particular station, they contributsenate would never have heard his ed to the spread of a heavenly touching eloquence against the flame which united hundreds slave-trade, and perhaps that hor- throughout these kingdoms in the tid traffic might still have dis- praise of God, and was the blessed graced our national character: means of bringing numbers now many other important services to in glory to the knowledge of the the cause and church of Christ truth. The memory of the just is would also have been lost. Had blessed, and may we follow, with the late excellent Mr. Thornton ardour such good examples ! exchanged his counting-house for But, notwithstanding what has the pulpít, his general usefulness been said, I do not mean to conwould have been restricted, and 'tend but that cases may arise which the hundreds upon whom his boun- justify our engaging in the ministy was bestowed might have conti- try, though such was not our ori. nued to suffer without relief. Cor- ginal destination. The well-known nelius, in the time of the Apostles, John Bunyan, and the late good though miraculously converted, John Newton, were illustrious exseems not to have left his profes- amples of grace, and seemed calsion; yet, doubtless, he would in culated, by the extraordinary cir. his station be useful : and, in short, cumstances of their lives, to beit is needless to multiply instances come useful ministers. Such cases, where characters, both in public however, are rare, and few, of and private life, have been and are course, have similar pleas of justinow of more use to the church of fication, · I cannot conclude withChrist as.laymen, than they could out remarking, that it is with ex- , possibly have been as ministers. treme difidence that I submit these The writer is acquainted with pious observations to your readers. I Christians in a less exalted station wish not to sit in judgment upon than those mentioned above, who cases like those we have considerhave acknowledged with gratitude ed, and I would rather that my the opportunities of usefulness hand should perish, than that it which God has been pleased to should write a single sentence grant thein in their own proper which should needlessly damp the sphere. And, indeed, the beauty ardour, or make sad the heart, of of Christianity consists, not in any pious youth circumstanced as " changing our callings, but in con- above. Nevertheless, I confess. scientiously and diligently per- that I think what has been said is forming our duty in that state of worthy of some regard and consi. life wherein God is pleased to place deration from these characters; us.-See 1 Cor. xii, where St. Paul * See an interesting little publication, soundly argues and illustrates this entitled, “ An Account of the Rise and point. ' And here, Sir, I cannot Progress of the religious Societies in the but introduce to the notice of your City of London, &c. By Josiah Woodreaders those pious and ingenuous*

Ward, D. D.;" which, I fear, is now become

scarce. A new edition, with an excellent youths who constituted the first of the religious societies described by ty years since.

preface, was published at York about tutus

. Birden

but as practice is ever more satis- be expected from that circumfactory than precept, I could wish stance, peculiarly distinguished for to put the question at issue upon zeal and usefulness; and whether, this point, which you or some of all things considered, their service your experienced correspondents to the church of Christ has been may possibly condescend to an- greater as ministers than it might swer, namely, Whether, in the have been had they continued course of experience, young men pious and active laymen? who have left secular callings for

TIMOTHEVS. the ministry, have been, as might




Annals of the Poor. By the Rev. the author has interspersed througli

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