PUBLIC OFFICES. (c) Mineral Inspector, £800; Architect, £850; Receiver-General, £600-20-700; Assistant do., £300-15-400; Book-Keeper, £400-20-600; Senior £500, 350, 220, 180, respectively. Clerk in Dublin, £400-20-500; Assistant do., £300-15-400. LEGAL BANCH-Solicitor, £1,500; 4 Clerks, from £400, 250, 150, 120, rising 15, 10, 10, 5, to c CUSTOMS. (See page 41). The Customs have such a great number of Officers, at so very different salaries, that we find it necessary to add this Special Tea and East India Department-Controller, Assistant Do., 4 Principal Clerks, 12 I. Clerks, 24 II. Do., 30 III. Do., 5 Writers, 2 Extra Clerks, with Salaries as above. London Docks-Controller, Assistant Do., 3 Principal Clerks, 11 I. Clerks, 21 II. Do., 25 III. Do., 5 Writers, 4 Extra Clerks, with Salaries as above. St. Katherine Docks-Controller, Assistant, Principal Clerk, 4 I. Clerks, 8 II. Do., 10 III. Do., 6 Writers, 7 Extra Clerks, with similar salaries. East and West India Docks-Controller, &c., 5 I. Clerks, 11 II. Do.. 13 III. Do., 2 Writers, 1 Extra Clerk, with similar salaries, Medical Inspector £700-800; Controller of Out-door Department £600-25-700; 2 Inspectors General of Do. £600; Assistant Do. £550; I. Class Surveyors £500; 8 II. Do. £450; 7 Assistant Do. £400; 9 (a) 5 first two years, then 10. (b) A week. (c) A day. Do. Do. £350; 17 I. Examining Officers £300; 18 II. Do. £250; 22 III. Do. £200; 30 IV. Do. £160; 37 V. Do. £140; 51 VI. Do. 120; 2 Measurers of Shipping £250; Registrar of Out-door Officers £120-10-150; 50 I. Ont-door Officers £85; 100 II. Do. £75; 150 III. Do. £65; 240 IV. Do. £60; 280 V. Do. £55. Note:-All Out-door Officers, Water. men, and Watchmen, receive ls. day-pay additional. Gauging Department-Principal Inspector £500; 4 I. Inspectors £450; 6 II. Do £400; 5 I. Gaugers £350; 8 II. Do. £300 ; 12 III. Do. £250; 16 IV. Do. £200; 22 V. Do. £150; 29 VI. 1o. £125; 50 Messengers from £70 to 125; 4 Constables £70-80; 150 Watermen from £61 to 71; 20 from about £50 to 60. Liverpool has 39 III. Clerks, paid as in London; a Collector £1,800, oy, &c., just as in London, but a smaller number of Officers. Receiver General's Office-Receiver General £1,000; Chief Clerk £50) -20-600; 3 I. Clerks £350-20-450; 5 II. Do. £250-20—350; 6 III. Do. £150-10-250. Controller of Legacy and Succession Duties Office-Controller £1,500; Assistant Do. £900-1,000; 2 Chief Clerks £600-50-800; Superintendent £550-25-700; Do. £450-25-600; 6 Senior Clerks £450-20550; 28 I. Clerks 320-15-420; 30 II. Do. £230-10-300; 30 III. Do. £150-10-220; 30 IV. Do. £90-10-140; 8 Keepers of Papers £80 180. Accountant and Comptroller General's Office-Accountant, &c. £1,000; Assistant Do. £650-25-750; 5 Senior Clerks £520-20-620; 12 I. Clerks 400-20-500; 18 II. Do. £300-15-380; 18 III. Do. £160-10--260; 20 IV. Do. £90-150; 9 Copying Clerks. (a) One of the Chief Clerks receives this sum and performs the duty. |