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nection with its North-India Mission, left this country in 1814: they have since been followed by 18 other Labourers: and there were, according to the most recent returns, engaged in the eleven Stations of the Mission, 4 European Missionaries, all of whom are married; 1 Native Missionary; besides 105 Native Catechists and Assistants.

The operation of various causes has interrupted the PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL in North India. Within the last six years, the Society has, in the providence of God, been deprived of the active services of 9 Missionaries:-1 of them has relinquished his connection with the Society; 4 have died; and the same number have been compelled, by the failure of their health, to return home. Notwithstanding these interruptions, God has not left Himself without witnesses to His power and grace; and, at many of the Stations where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed, some have been gathered out of the heathen population, whose character and conduct satisfactorily prove, that the servants of God have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain.

It may not be amiss here to remark, that the establishment of Episcopacy in India was hailed with joy by the Conductors of the Society. While they gladly bade God speed to those who, differing in sentiment from themselves, were conscientiously pursuing one common end-the advancement of their Master's Kingdom-they could not but regard this event as well calculated to unite and strengthen the efforts of those members of their own communion who were labouring for the spiritual interests of India; and they looked up to the Head of that extensive Diocese, not merely as a controlling power over the subjects of his ecclesiastical jurisdiction, but, under God, as a master-spring, imparting vigour as well as regularity to the efforts of those who are engaged in seeking

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"for Christ's sheep that are dispersed abroad, and for His children, who are in the midst of this naughty world, that they may be saved through Christ for ever." In conformity with these sentiments, and with the constitution of the Society, desirous of adhering to the discipline as well as attached to the doctrines of the Church of England, its Missionaries, by the Standing Regulations of the Calcutta Committee, exercise their functions under the Bishop's license, and bear a relation to their Diocesan in India similar to that which exists between the Parochial Clergy and their respective Diocesans in this country.

In connection with the Ministry of the Gospel, the department of EDUCATION has not been overlooked: though this has, from the causes already adverted to, been considerably impeded. In the various Schools, maintained by the Society, there were, according to the last Report published at Calcutta, 1500 children receiving the benefits of Christian Instruction.

The important work of NativeFemale Education was commenced at Calcutta early in 1822, and has met with much encouragement. A Ladies' Society has been formed for the furtherance of this object, and a Central School erected at Calcutta. Female Schools have also been established at several other Stations.

The PRESS, which is generally found to render much valuable aid to Missionary Labour, has had, in common with the other departments, many difficulties to encounter; and the Society has long needed a Printer, of genuine piety and devotedness, to undertake the entire superintendence of it. Many useful Publications have been issued from it; and, if circumstances admitted of its being placed on an efficient footing, there is reason to hope that it would become an engine of extensive good. The Printing House, a Chapel, a School, and the Buildings appropri

ated to the Missionaries' residence, are situated on the premises purchased by the Society, in 1821, in Mirzapore, in the midst of the Native Population.

In thus briefly sketching the pr the proceedings of the Society in North India, one circumstance connected with them should not be omitted. Bishop Middleton having recommended the


and another in the evening, which is kindly taken by the Rev. W. Morton, Missionary of the Incorporated Society for Propagating the Gospel. There is also a Service in the same Chapel on Wednesday Evening, which is attended by the Christians, School Sircars, &c. In the Society's Chapel in Potuldunga, there is regular preaching three times a-week, and occasionally at other times. The number and demeanour of those who attend on

legeblishment of a Mis- these occasions are very encouraging.

sion College Calcutta, for the benefit of the Native Population of India; and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and that for Promoting Christian Knowledge, having each contributed the sum of 5000l. toward this important undertaking, the Society, in 1820, granted a similar suma This was followed by an Annual Grant of 1000. during the six following years; but the reduced state of the Society's means, since 1826, has led to its discontinuance. The Committee, wishing to perpetuate the memory of their regarded Bishop Heber, directed, in 1826, the appropriation of a sufficient sum for the foundation in Bishop's College of two Theological Scholarships, to bear the name of “Bishop Heber's Church Missionary Scholarships," the pepetual nomination to which is vested in the Society's Refed presentatives at Calcutta,

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In con


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From the destitutes state in which this Progress it will not be expected

can have been made

during the past year. Only one person
has been baptized in the Society's Chapel-
a young woman, who for several months
previously had been living in the house
with Mrs. Wilson, and under her instruc-
state of mind appeared such as
to warrant her admission to the privileges
of the Gospel. About 20- Native Chris-
tians continue connected with the Mission,
who are all employed, either in the So-
ciety's Printing-Office, or by Mrs. Wil-
son of these, two were dismissed for mis-
and though few of the remainder

Since that lively concern for their salva

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tion which it would be desirable to see in

them, yet, no ostensible reason; of rejec

appearing, the Lord's Supper was administered to 18 Native Christians on Easter Sunday. zaigon borbe i

SCHOOLS-Mr Latham, on being left without a fellow labourer, was obliged to

relinquish the English School, which he had revived at the publication of the last Report, that he might give himself more entirely to the study of Bengalee and


From the Sixth Annual Report of the Calcutta Auxiliary, we now proceed to give an account of the Mis-ant, sionary Labours at each of the Society's Stations. ¥É À 919bi2705 4S BUY CALCUTTalldanaf consequence of the want of Labourers, the Rev. John Latham has been the only Missionary, for some time, stationed at Calcutta ;nary operations.votad and, on becoming sufficiently acquainted with the language, he renewed the Services, which had been discontinued, in the Society's Chapel, and also at Potuldunga. Of this Station, the Committee thus report:MINISTRY OF THE WORD- -The regular Services are as follows: two every Sunday in the Society's Chapel at Mirzapore-one in the morning by Mr. Latham,

other calls of Missionary duty which dévolved on him, 29 A suitable Assisthowever, having been found, the English School has been re-opened.

The Native Schools are under the care of the Calcutta Church Missionary Association; but the Superintendant of them is supported by the Auxiliary Society; and, besides the care of the Schools, he assists, as Mr. Latham directs, in other Missio

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The Society has been enabled to renew a connection with Dum Dum, which has more than once been relinquished on account of the distance and consequent difficulty of superintendence. The present Chaplain of that Station states the disposition of the Natives around as much changed in reference to their wish for Schools, and the field of exertion as daily becoming wider: he writes

I have been solicited by the inhabitants of

several villages near this place to establish Schools: a small piece of ground in the village of Coee Callee has been obtained for that purpose, and a School House is now building; and I have received earnest application for the admission of about 100 Boys, as soon as it is ready. The same feeling exists in most of the neighbouring villages;

Church Missionary Society. That Report states—

The Central School opened with 58 Scholars; and Mrs. Wilson, after seven years' painful experience of the very slow progress made in the various detached and, in two others, I am treating for ground Children of all the Schools to this spot. Schools, used every exertion to draw the for that purpose. At Coee Callee, we have obtained the use of a small house till the School House is completed: we have already a daily attendance of 19 Boys'; and should have many more, could the house

contain them. At the Hindee School at the Station, we have daily from 35 to 40 Boys,

She therefore, in addition to those shut up last year, closed three of the four separate Schools mentioned in the last Report, leaving only the Baug-Bazar School, on the bank of the river. The distance of this Central School is too great

all of whom are not merely instructed in spot of the children's daily attendance.

reading the Scripture, but have what they read explained to them.

PRESS-The Publications in the Native Languages, which have issued from the Society's Press during the past year, have consisted chiefly of Tracts and Sermons, in Hinduwee, for the use of Native Christians and Hindoos of which, in all, 40,800 copies have been struck o., and 5000 in Bengalee; and, with a view to the establishment in the faith of Converts, as well as the information of Mahomedans, 500 copies of that portion of "Jones on the Trinity," which treats of our Lord's Divinity, has been printed in Hindostanee. The Scripture Doctrine on the subject is there set forth in the most striking manner, for the conviction of, such as own the Divine Authority of the Christian Scriptures. copies of a

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Hindostanee of a short Tract on the Evidences of the Truth of the Bible is nearly through the Press A masterly Abstract of Dr. Wardlaw's Work, on the Divinity of Christ, and translated by the same hand, is also in progress. These have been called forth by the remarkable attention to these points which was excited in the course of the journeys made by the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, last cold season; and, in these Tracts, whilst the Christian Doctrine is plainly asserted and proved, all allusion to opposing systems is abstained from."

Before we pass on to the other Stations occupied by the Society, we beg to lay before our readers the following Extracts from the Report of the Ladies' Society for promoting NATIVE-FEMALE EDUCATION; closely connected, as its proceedings are, with those of the Church Missionary Society. It has, from its commencement, been aided by an Annual Grant of 500l. from the Funds of the

to admit

Mrs. Wilson visits it as often as she can; and makes the head classes attend weekly at the Central School, to be examined. The Society's Schools in Calcutta have, therefore, been reduced to three; one on the Church-Mission, Premises, containing from 30 to 50 Girls, under the care of Mrs. Latham; the Baug-Bazar School, containing from 40 to 60; and the Central School. In this School, in the cold weather, the number amounted daily to 200; in the hot weather, it averages about 150. f of Foland as

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The advantages of this plan are thus noticed our att

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All these children, it should be recollected, without the present provision for their instruction, be left, not mental culture, but to the opera tion of numberless perverse and evil habits, arising out of the circumstances in which they are placed The taking them, therefore, out of the street or highway, and accustoming them to sit quietly, to go through their exercises with regularity and order, and to submit contentedly to lawful authority, has a tendency to civilize their habits, and to correct or restrain many evils of their nature. Thus much the establishment of the Central School may be considered to have accomplished, in a considerable degree, beyond what could have been effected by the continuation of a number of detached Schools. From the continual presence of Mrs. Wilson, and

her unwearying attention to the children, ledge of the lessons which they learn ; they also acquire a more distinct knowand become more effectually supplied with the means of improving themselves, if so disposed, after they leave School.

A general Examination of the Schools was held, December 17th, in the presence of Lady William Bentinck, the Patroness, and a large

and respectable assembly. The following account is given of the proceedings on this occasion:

Five Classes were examined, amounting to upward of 100 Scholars and Monitors, They read in their respective books with great fluency: many questions were put by Gentlemen present, to elicit their knowledge of the books which they read; and their ready and intelligent answers left a very general impression, that the labours of this Society are progressively successful, and that there is every reasonable encouragement to persevering and increased exertions in behalf of Native-Female Education in this country. There was a class of Teachers or Monitors, consisting of 25 Native Females. These have all been

educated in the Schools of this Society, and are pow exercising and improving their little stock of knowledge by communicating it to their countrywomen. Some of the children wrote on slates, with great accuracy, from dictation. The whole was gratifying to the friends of the Society.

At the end of April, Mrs. Wilson gives this brief account of her labours:

Of 300 Children, 100 are reading in Books; 40, comprising the three Upper Classes, read the Bible, the Gospel of St. Matthew, and Geography; and 40 others read the Bible History and other preparatory works; and most of the others spell on Cards.

In the Ladies' Report, it is further stated

At a recent Examination, it was found that they read with facility the portions assigned to them; and the First Class, in addition to the usual Reading Lessons, re peated with accuracy the first twelve, lessons in Pearce's Geography. It should be known, too, that the 25 Monitors, referred to in the account of the Examination in December, are almost all, young as they are, Widows, or deserted by their Husbands. In their destitution, they resorted to the friend of their youth, who thus turns their early acquirements to the general good, and, by an allowance barely enough to supply food and their scanty raiment, preserves them from wretchedness and, probably, from guilt.

The Ladies' Committee state, that Contributions of every kind, arising from Subscriptions, Donations, and the sale of Fancy Articles, have served just to meet the current ex

penses of the year; leaving the surplus, arising last year from the Contributions from England, to meet future exigencies. On this subject they remark

It must at the same time be borne in mind, that considerable reductions have been made in the expenditure, and that increased supplies would enable the Committee to extend their labours.

They further add

How small a number of the Female Population of this city have, as yet, come under the influence of this or similar Institutions, whilst the benefits intended to be conveyed are of a kind which all must pronounce to be inestimable! That they should learn to adorn themselves with

shamefacedness and sobriety — learn in silence with all subjection—be sober, discreet, `chaste, keepers at home, obedient to their husbands, love their husbands, love their children. That, as servants, they be subject to their masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward-that they be obedient, and please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloining. To effect this, they must be dealt with as moral, as well as intellectual Beings; and those truths must be inculcated, which tend to affect the heart, as well as to inform the mind. Amidst such a variety of discordant feelings and mistaken apprehensions as society in this country presents, it is not easy to accomplish even a small portion of what might be done under more favourable circumstances; but the attempts, which have and there can be no doubt as to the final been made already, have not been vain; result. The work of Education has been well compared to the labours of Husbandry; and the Teachers and Patrons of Schools have need to learn, like the Husbandman, to labour in hope, waiting for who orders the times and the seasons, disthe early and the latter rain; nor will He, appoint His servants of their hope.


The want of Labourers has been severely felt at these Stations; which, from this circumstance, are under the charge of one Missionary, whose laborious duties. Of the two Stahealth appears scarcely equal to his tions, the Calcutta Committee make the following Report:

At Burdwan, during the last year, five adults have been added to the Church by

Baptism, and six at Culna: the number of adult Converts at both places is 33, besides several of their children. When Mr. Corrie visited Burdwan in November last, the Christians of both Stations assembled on the Society's Premises; and two days were passed in inquiries into their state, and in examining the Schools. Most of the Converts are intelligent men, and well aware of the importance of the profession which they have made. One of them first heard of Jesus Christ, and was led to inquire further into the subject, from some Missiona ries who preached in Culna three years ago. Another is a Brahmin of the highest class, who first became acquainted with the Gospel from teaching it in one of the Society's Schools, and has been revolving the subject of Baptism in his mind these two years. In 14 Schools were found 860 Scholars, of whom 437 were reading the Scriptures; and of these, 305 were capable of reading with ease in the portions respectively assigned them. They were examined in the usual manner: the First Class in Arithmetic, Geography, Ellerton's Dialogues, the Four Gospels, and in Romans to the 8th chapter. A large proportion of them were well acquainted with the whole of Ellerton's Dialogues. Their examination, in St. Luke's Gospel and in the Epistle to the Romans, was peculiarly gratifying, even to nice points in Divinity, which a few answered with great preci sion. In six Schools at Culna, there are 510 Boys, of whom 218 are reading the Gospels; but these Schools are said by Mr. Deerr to be in a less-efficient state than those in Burdwan, from their enjoying less of his personal inspection. It is with no small reluctance that the Commit

tee have been obliged to reduce the number of Schools at Burdwan to six: the strength of Mr. Deerr being considerably impaired by the climate, and the want of efficient aid, have imposed this necessity.

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There are four FEMALE SCHOOLS supported by the Society for promoting Native-Female Education; in which Mrs. Deerr states, that there are 134 Girls, of whom 58 read the Gospels, and the remainder are, acquiring the elementary parts of education. An Examination of the Schools took place on the 11th of November; of which the Ladies' Committee give the following account, communicated by a friend:―

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At 11 o'clock, the Girls of four Female Schools attended for Examination : 20

Girls, being the first Class of each School, read in St. Matthew's Gospel; of the remainder, 16 had each a copy of Watts's Catechism or the Dialogue between a Mother and her Daughter, and each of the others had a Bengalee Spelling-Book. The first Class read fairly; and some of them explained readily the Parable of the Sower. The seed was the Gospel: the different classes of hearers were accurately defined; and, on being asked how Satan employed himself to counteract the Gospel,, one girl said, with great simplicity, "He says, Take care, or you will become Christians."


Of this Station, the Committee report

Kurrum Messeeh continues his useful. labours. He has a School of Native Boys, teaching those adult Christians to read who in the Bazar; and employs himself in desire to learn, and in ministering to his sited the Station in January, examined little Congregation. A friend, who vi and catechized about 25 wives and widows of the European Invalids, and expressed himself much gratified with the knowledge which they displayed, and with the evident them. This friend states, that Kurrum piety of a considerable number among Messech appears particularly well adapted for the situation which he holds: he is much esteemed by his little flock, and seems very happy in his work.

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The Rev. Ralph Eteson, with Mrs. Eteson, took charge of this Station, in December. Simon Bartholomew,

of the Youths brought up in the Society's Hindostanee School, is employed by him as a Moonshee; and, both in respect of personal piety and of the duties in which he is employed, Mr. Eteson speaks of him in terms of approbation.

Archdeacon Corrie visited Benares in December, and gave the following account of the Services and Congregation:

The number who attend Divine Service regularly, in the Hindostanee Chapel, is about 50, and sometimes 70: these are all descendants of Christians, except a few; the greater part of half-European, English, or Portuguese descent, who understand the Hindostanee perfectly, and English but imperfectly: the remainder, of native origin, have been baptized in

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