need of such. But shall the clay contend with the potter? His will is his wisdom. Infinite wisdom sees good thus it shall be. With that I silence my murmurings." On the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Radford, of Chester, in the year 1699, she thus wrote: "Lord, what work has sin made! It is the old kill-friend. What a number of our dear relations have been snatched away from us in a short time. All in the midst of their days and usefulness. O that my heart were more duly affected, and that I could be learning the meaning of these providences, which have really a sad aspect. There is reason to fear, when God houses his people so fast, that a storm is coming. I am told dear brother Radford finished admirably well, and gave great satisfaction as to the safety of his eternal state. Is it not matter of comfort, that our dear friends have safely escaped the corruptions, and entanglements of this evil world?-landed at their everlasting rest? Brother Henry* preached his funeral sermon on Tuesday evening, Aug. 22, from Psalm lxxxviii, 18. Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness. It is God who removes them. They are put far out of our sight, out of hearing, out of our reach. He gave the following directions:-Bless God for the lovers and friends we have had, and for the comfort we have had in them. Learn * See Appendix, Note C. by such providences to cease from man. Retain the remembrance of the love and friendship of those who are now removed. Imitate them in what is virtuous and praiseworthy. Let it make death and the grave more familiar to us. Diligently prepare to follow after. Bless God for the remnant that are left of our lovers and friends. Since they are thus removed from us, let us make sure a friend and a lover that will never fail. He said that under such providences it is comfortable to believe that though put far from us they are gone nearer to God-though they are removed from us God is not-We are going to them, and shall be with them shortly." It would be easy to illustrate, with valuable matter, Mrs. Savage's general character; but, it being my intention to notice, more particularly, those features of it which seem best calculated for edification, I shall, at once, attempt a delineation, hoping to illustrate, thereby, the essential principles of religion. An admirer of creation is not satisfied with casually surveying a rich landscape, but, for improvement as well as gratification, finds pleasure in visiting and individualizing its minuter beauties. So a spiritual mind delights to expatiate on regenerating mercy, and to trace, in the heirs of salvation, the moral image of their Savior. As there is a beautiful uniformity in Christian experience, the following extracts may serve to shew that the people of God are engaged in a conflict, emphatically styled spiritual-that devotional exercises are their element-that their hopes of divine acceptance rest exclusively on the meritorious sacrifice of Christ-that things above' engross their affections-that present attainments cannot satisfy them-that universal obedience, and entire resignation to the will of heaven, are their habitual aim-in short, that religious excellence is characterised by godly fear, holy love, and spiritual joy. SECTION I. HER DILIGENCE IN IMPROVING TIME, AND IN STUDIOUS EXERCISES. WHEN the toil and bustle connected with a farm-house, and a large family, are considered, it is truly astonishing how so much was accomplished.-It should be borne in mind, that her preparation for eternity, which it will appear was most exemplary, never hindered her secular affairs. Her eye was fixed upon the land of Canaan, but she perseveringly walked in the paths of appointed duty. She attended, diligently to the routine of the kitchen and the dairy, the market and the fair. "Conscientious waiting upon God," it is observed in her funeral sermon, "neither prevented her discharging her duty to those who were about her, nor hurried her to the neglect of her temporal concerns. So remarkable was her diligence in her family, that, excepting the portion of time which she consecrated to God, it is said of her, by one that observed and knew her well for forty years, that she was not idle or unemployed-no, not a moment. She very well understood and knew that her duty to God did, by no means, oblige her to neglect the duties of a wife, a mother, or a mistress. When out of the more immediate service of God, she was constantly discharging these. Religion is no friend to sloth, confusion, and indolence." Mrs. Savage habitually rose early, and so miserly was she of time, that when, through the disturbances of nursing, or other causes, she slept too long. her Diary records especial dissatisfaction and regret. It was the order and wisdom of her household regulations, which enabled her to redeem time for mental improvement. She thought much, and, considering her pressing engagements, she read much. Good books were her treasure; 66 Their familiar voice, Even to old age, with unabated charm; Beguiled her leisure hours; refreshed her thoughts." Her acquaintance with, and delight in, the Holy Scriptures was extensive and sincere, and laid a firm foundation for the accurate knowledge she discovered of the system of revealed truth. The Psalms of David, and St. Paul's Epistles, were peculiarly admired. During the last years of her life she usually, while at work, kept the Bible within reach, that she might turn to such portions as were the subjects of meditation. With reading the Scriptures (in regular order) and her Father's Exposition, she commonly began the day, and the wakeful hours of night were usually improved by repeating, from memory, Psalms, and Hymns, and Catechisms. The following are pleasing specimens of a devout perusal of the divine word, in which she particularly recognizes the goodness of God. "Wednesday morning I read in course Ezekiel xvi. A portion of scripture, where, as in a glass, I may see my own face. His kindness to that poor forlorn infant was great. Surely such was his kindness to me in infancy, when I was wholly polluted and defiled with original corruption. Then he had compassion on mewashed me with water-entered into covenant with me in baptism, so that I became his. He decked me with ornaments, viz. natural abilities, both of body and mind, in a competent manner. In a word, he did much for me. But, I was unthankful-fought |