Abp Grindall founded two scholarships and one fellowship at Pembroke College, Cambridge, also two scholarships and one fellowship at Queen's College, Oxford, for poor scholars from St Bees' School. (See p. 221.) 1587. Sir Christopher Wray founded a scholarship of £4 per annum at Magdalene College, Cambridge, for a native of Westmoreland or Cumberland, who had been educated at St Bees' School. (See p. 330.) There are also exhibitions at Oxford which may be held by scholars from St Bees' School. DERBYSHIRE. REPTON SCHOOL. FOUNDED 1556, A. D. SIR John Port, of Etwall, Knight of the Bath, bequeathed certain estates to his executors for the foundation of an hospital at Etwall and a free grammar-school at Repton. After his death in 1557, the hospital and school were established and continued by the licence of Queen Mary, under the direction of the Harpur family, until the year 1621, when the superintendence of the school and hospital was conveyed to the Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Stanhope and Sir Thomas Gerard, Bart. the three several descendants of Sir John Port's three daughters, the right heirs of the founder. In 1621, on the petition of the co-heirs, the hospital and school were made a body corporate by the style and title of "The Master of Etwall Hospital, the Schoolmaster of Repton, Ushers, poor men, and poor scholars ;" and in consequence of that settlement, the estates were conveyed to the corporation. The endowment when the charter was granted was £350, but from the improved state of its revenues, it now exceeds £3000 per annum. The superintendence of the school and hospital is hereditary in the noble families of Hastings and Chesterfield, and of Sir William Gerard, (the representatives and co-heirs of Sir John Port's three daughters), who have the power of regulating the corporation, and electing the master of the hospital, the schoolmaster, and the usher. Repton School is not limited with respect to the number of scholars. Those on the foundation are required to be not less than seven years of age nor more than twelve at the time of their admission. There are two Exhibitions from this school for students at Oxford or Cambridge, which are tenable for three years if the Exhibitioners are resident. They are confined to the scholars on the foundation, and the value of each is £50 per annum. CHESTERFIELD. THE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE Grammar-school of Chesterfield was founded by Godfrey Foljambe, Esq. of Watton, in that parish, and endowed with a payment annually out of his estate at Attenborough, in the county of Nottingham. The school was built upon the site of the chapel of the Gild of St Helen. 1851. An exhibition was founded as a testimonial to the late Venerable Archdeacon Hill, vicar of Chesterfield, for a scholar proceeding from the Grammar-school there to any English university. "Archdeacon Hill's Exhibition" is somewhat more than £10 a year. DERBY. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL. THE Free-school at Derby, according to Mr Lysons, existed as early as the twelfth century, and is one of the most ancient endowments of the kind in the kingdom. Walter Durdant, Bishop of Lichfield, in his charter speaks of the school at Derby as the gift of himself and William de Barba Aprilis. In 1554, Queen Mary granted a Charter by which the school was given to the corporation, with an endowment for the support of the master and usher. In 1609, Jane Walton, widow of the Rev. John Walton, B.D. Archdeacon of Derby, gave, among other benefactions, £100 to the Master and Fellows of St John's College, Cambridge, for the maintenance of scholars there, from Derby School, or in default of such, from Derbyshire. (See p. 314.) In 1654, Mr Francis Ash, citizen of London, founded ten Exhibitions at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, each of the value of £10 per annum. Scholars educated at the grammar-schools of Derby and Ashby-dela-Zouch have a second preference. (See p. 365.) DEVONSHIRE. EXETER. THE FREE GRAMMAR-SCHOOL, THE Free Grammar-school of Exeter derives a peculiar interest from its association with the ancient Hospital of St John the Baptist. The deed of endowment of the school bears the date of the twentieth day of February in the fifth year of Charles I. who also in the thirteenth year of his reign issued letters patent for the settlement of the school. To the liberality of Thomas Walton, Esq. and his daughter Elizabeth, Walter Brough, Esq., and others, together with the charity school founded by Hugh Crossinge and others in the twenty-first year of James I. the present grammar-school owes its existence. 1745. Rev. Lewis Stephens, D.D. Archdeacon of Chester and Rector of Drokinsford in the county of Southampton, directed that £3000, after the death of certain persons named in his will, should be employed for ever in assisting six Exhibitioners at either of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, to be styled "Doctor Stephens' Exhibitioners." The present value of each of Dr Stephens' exhibitions is £40 per annum * The following extracts from Dr Stephens' will explain the design and object of these exhibitions. "When both annuitants are dead, I appoint and ordain that the whole annual interest of the £3000 shall be applied for ever for the maintenance of six Scholars who have been educated three years each in the free-school at Exeter; two whereof shall always be sons of freemen and natives of Exeter; two always natives of the county of Devon; and two always of the county of Cornwall......In every future election a Cornish man shall always succeed to a Cornish exhibition,—a Devonshire man to a Devonshire vacancy,-and a freeman's son of Exeter to the like vacancy; that there may be always two for each of the three respective places. And when the exhibitioners are chosen, they shall repair within two months to Oxford or Cambridge, and shall enjoy their exhibitions for seven years next ensuing from the day of their election, unless expelled by the University for immorality, and no longer,-for, my full intent is, that no person whatever shall enjoy it longer than seven years, nor be capable of being ever again re-chosen to it, after his seven years were expired. If the natives of Devon or Cornwall neglect to send their sons to Exeter, to be educated in the free-school there, then the mayor and chamber shall choose into the vacant exhibitions, sons of freemen, natives of the city of Exeter, pro hac vice, and no more, provided there are natives of Cornwall and Devon qualified to succeed into the county exhibitions at the end of the next seven years, when those exhibitions become vacant again. And my will and intent is, that an Mr Stephens founded one Exhibition of £40 per annum, to be held by the son of a freeman or native of Exeter, for five years at Oxford or Cambridge. intermission of choice, for want of qualified persons, shall not break off the right of either county, nor be an obstacle to the right of future claimants duly qualified by school and county. "When the £3000 is settled, my desire and intent is, that the mayor and chamber shall choose, out of the freemen of the city, a sober, frugal, substantial person, a tradesman, and not an attorney, to receive and pay to the two annuitants during their lives, and after their respective deaths, to the exhibitioners, the annual interest or income of the said £3000, as is directed by this will: which receiver shall enter into a register all certificates of residence which are sent by the exhibitioners to the mayor and chamber; and he shall call for them at the end of the year, if they are not sent; and if no certificate comes from the exhibitioners in due time, he shall stop the payment of the exhibition, until it does come. "If any dispute arise between the trustees and the guardians of the settlement, they shall, within one month of the said meeting, choose a gentleman of Somersetshire, to make a fifth man for that time only, and determine it by the majority of five; and if that does not end the dispute within three months, then the dispute shall be referred to the mayor of Exeter, whose sentence shall be final; and if any suit at law commences, then I will that the whole benefaction shall become void; for my design is to assist exhibitioners, and not attornies. "If the trustees and guardians of the settlement think it necessary to convert the £3000 into lands, then I will and ordain, that they lay it out in farms of as large value as they can purchase, not in houses in Exeter, or in any other town, or village, unless they have a considerable quantity of lands adjoining; not in parochial tythes, nor lands which have a great deal of timber on them, nor in leases from bishops, deans and chapters, single dignitaries, prebendaries, archdeacons, or other ecclesiastical bodies, nor in leases from colleges. "I do by this will exclude all sons, grandsons, nephews, first cousins of all bishops of Exeter, deans of Exeter, internal or external dignitaries of the cathedral church of Exeter, from enjoying any benefit of these exhibitions; for the laborious part of the parochial clergy, and the sons of country gentlemen of moderate fortunes, I do intend to have the benefit of these exhibitions, and for the advantage of the city: and therefore I solemnly desire and strictly enjoin, that in all elections, no particular regard shall be had to my relations within any degree of kindred whatsoever; but that every exhibitioner shall be chosen according to merit only; therefore, I have placed this trust in the mayor and chainber of Exeter, preferably to ecclesiastical bodies; I confide in their honour, justice, and integrity, as plain men and honest men, and as those that will act with the same impartiality that the Company of Merchant Tailors do in the election of scholars from that school to St John's College in Oxford; and I make it a reward, and not a charity. "If the mayor and chamber, through any quarrel among themselves, or through any neglect, or any design of serving particular friends or relations, delay the election of exhibitioners of any of the respective counties or city, longer than six months after any vacancy, then my will and intent is, that the vacant exhibitions shall be filled up, pro hac vice, by the trustees and guardians of the election for each respective place, within the next six months, and after that, to devolve to the sole nomination of the mayor of Exeter for the time being......And that there never may CC Mr Vidal founded two Exhibitions of the value of £20 each, and tenable for four years by students at St John's College, Cambridge. These exhibitions are open to all the scholars in the school, with a preference, cæteris paribus, to boys bearing the name of be wanting trustees and guardians of the election by any failure, I appoint and ordain that whenever any trustee and guardian of the election dies, the surviving guardian and trustee shall nominate another trustee and guardian of election for the same respective place, and so on for ever; always intending that such persons shall be chosen as live within the city or county for which they are chosen. "At the election of every exhibitioner, I desire the mayor and chamber to take to them two learned clergymen, or more, to examine the candidates; the clergymen to be of the city or county of Devon, as the mayor and chamber shall think fit; and enjoin that they shall examine publicly in the free-school, that any persons may hear the examinations and judge of the merit of the boys. After the election is made, I insist on it, that the exhibitioner so elected, shall within two months after his election repair to Oxford or Cambridge, and enter himself in some College or Hall, and reside therein nine months out of twelve, every one of the first four years, from the day of his election, without fraud or collusion; this I insist on as an indispensable condition, and therefore I require, that every exhibitioner shall, for the first four years, send a certificate to the mayor and chamber of Exeter, signed by his tutor and the bursar or steward of his College, that he has resided nine months in twelve that year; which certificate shall be registered by the receiver at Exeter, and if not sent, the next payment of his exhibition shall be stopped, until it is sent. "I will and ordain, that any person duly qualified, may be chosen unto my exhibition that is under the age of twenty-two; and that any person above that age shall be incapable of being chosen: and I appoint, that before every election of an exhibitioner, notice shall be given in the public news of the election, addressed to the gentlemen and clergy of the county for which he is to be chosen; and after the exhibitioners are members of a College in the University, they shall not be deprived of their exhibitions for any other cause but immorality, writing against the doc trine of Christ or his Apostles, or turning papist at home or abroad: therefore as bare exhibitioners, and not fellows or scholars of Colleges or Halls, I do not subject their exhibitions to the penalties of College statutes,-for I would have them bred up in a free, generous, English spirit, and in the best morality of the philosophers, heightened and improved by the nobler precepts of Christianity. "If any of my exhibitioners, after they have kept four years' residence, and taken the degree of B.A. in one of the Universities, (which I positively insist upon) desire to apply the remaining years in the study of the law, in any of the Inns of Court in London, or in the study of civil law, or divinity, or physic, in any foreign Universities, or to travel for the improvement of botany, architecture, painting, or foreign trade, I will and ordain that such exhibitioner shall receive his or their exhibitions annually, to the full end of the seven years, as if they were actually residing in one of our English Universities; provided that they send a certificate once a year to the mayor and chamber, signed by the chiefs where they reside, setting forth what they are studying. And I further ordain, that any exhibitioner shall continue his exhibition seven years from the day of his election, that goes abroad the last three years in any public office, under an envoy or ambassador; for my desire is that my exhibitioners may be mingled in all professions, and make a figure in every science, language and nation. |