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of Columbia, 1406 G St.

Moore, Frederic L., Chairman, Asso. Char., 1505 Penn. Ave.

Nourse, Mrs. Emily L., Bd. of Directors, Industrial Home School, 2823 Q St., N.W. Spencer, Mrs. Sara A., Trustee, Nat'l Homœopathic Hosp.; Prin., Spencerian Business College.

* Wilson, Geo. S., Gen. Sec'y, Asso. Char., 811 G St., N.W.

Woodbury, Mrs. Anna L., Pres., Mission Sch. of Cookery and Housework, 1319 Mass. Ave. Woodward, S. W., Vice Pres., Asso. Char.; Pres.,

Bd. of Trade, 2015 Wyoming Ave. Woodward, Wm. Redin, Pres., Bd. of Chdn.'s Guardians of the Dist. of Columbia, 507 E St., N.W.

Wright, Carroll D., Commissioner of Labor.



Barclay, Jno. F., Supt., Marietta St. Mission and Rescue Home, 24 W. Alabama St.


Cofer, M. J.

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67 Lake Shore Drive.

Frank, Henry L., Pres., Jewish Training Sch. and Orph. Soc., 1608 Prairie Ave.

Gavit, John P., Editor, The Commons the Social
Settlement periodical, 140 N. Union St.

Gross, Mrs. S. E., 48 Lake Shore Drive.
Grueson, W. A., Lewis Inst.

Harris, D. J., 3145 Vernon Ave.
* Henderson, Prof. Chas. R., D.D., Univ. of Chi-
cago, Chairman, Bureau of Char.

Hobbs, Mrs. J. B., Mgr., Home for the Friend

less, etc., 343 La Salle Ave.

Holmes, Rebecca Brickell, Asst. Sec'y, Bureau of Asso. Char., 80 Commercial Bank Bldg. Lathrop, Miss Julia C., Member, Bd. of Pub.

Char., Hull House.

McDowell, Miss Mary E., Head Res., Univ. of
Chicago Settlement, 4655 Gross Ave.
Mack, Julian W., Sec'y, United Hebrew Char.,

108 La Salle St.

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MacVeagh, Franklin, Pres., Bureau of Asso. Char.,
Lake St. and Wabash Ave.
*Magee, J. J., Trustee, Ill. Eastern Hosp. for
Insane at Kankakee, 245 E. 57th St.

* Millis, H. A., 5739 Drexel Ave.

* Milner, Rev. Duncan C., D.D., Pastor, Armour Mission, cor. 33d St. and Armour Ave. Olmstead, Rev. R. E., 5412 Jackson Ave. Pettersen, C. A., Teacher, Jefferson High School,

901 W. North Ave.

Reynolds, Arthur R., M.D., Com'r of Health, Chicago, 36 Washington St.

Rosenberg, Jacob, Director, United Hebrew Char., 1620 Michigan Ave.

Rosenfeld, Maurice, United Hebrew Char., 76 5th Ave.

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Smith, Robert M., Principal, John Worthy Sch.,

Sturges, Miss Marion Delafield, 107 Pine St.
Sturm, Adolph, Supt., House of Correction.

Taylor, Graham, Hammond Library, 43 Warren

Wallace, Mrs. M. R. M., 3817 Michigan Ave. * Weller, Chas. Frederick, Dist. Supt. for Englewood and West Side Districts, Chicago Bureau of Asso. Char., 308 W. 63d St.

Woodbridge, John, Pres., Nat'l Chdn.'s Home Soc., 604 Reaper Block.

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* McLane, Miss Kate M., Mgr., Char. Org. Soc.; Trustee of the Poor, 1101 N. Charles St.

* Maxwell, W. W., Gen. Sec'y Ass'n for the Improvement of the condition of the Poor, 4 W. Saratoga St.

Niver, Rev. Edwin B., Rector, Christ Church, 1014 St. Paul St.

Penington, D. F., M.D., Pres., Masonic Lodge of Relief, 221 N. Liberty St.

* Richmond, Miss M. E., Gen. Sec'y, Char. Org.

Soc., 301 N. Charles St. Ridgeley, Miss Eliza, 825 Park Ave.

*Rogers, Miss Julia R., Treas. and Sec'y, Evening Dispensary for Working Women and Girls, 821 N. Charles St.

Shippen, Charles C., Mgr., Char. Org. Soc., 603 N. Charles St.

Steiner, Bernard C., Librarian, Enoch Pratt Free


Walker, Elisha H., Fidelity Bldg.

White, Julian LeRoy, 2400 North Ave., W.
Williams, Miss Carrie H., 1428 Park Ave.

* Woods, Frank, State Delegate, Pres., House of Reformation at Cheltenham, Md., 2113 St. Paul St.

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Allen, Rev. Frederick B., Supt., Episcopal City Mission, 132 Marlboro St.

* Barrows, Mrs. Isabel C., Official Reporter and Editor of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, 5 Park Sq.

Birtwell, Chas. W., Gen. Sec'y, Chdn.'s Aid Soc., 43 Charity Bldg.

Blake, Clarence J., M.D., 226 Marlboro St. Boston Children's Aid Society, 43 Charity Bldg. Bradley, Chas. H., Supt., Boston Asyl. and Farm

Sch. for Indigent Boys, P.O. Box 1486. Byrne, Rev. Wm. V.G., Spiritual Director, St. Vincent de Paul Soc., 6 Allen St.

Capen, Samuel B., Pres., Boston Municipal League, 350 Washington St.

*Coe, Miss Mary Alma, Agt., Asso. Char., 47

Providence St. Converse, Mrs. C. C., 348 Beacon St. Crafts, Miss Mary E., Vice-Pres., Asso. Char., 304 Berkeley St.

and Char.'

dus. Schs., 12 Otis Pl.

Fay, Mrs. Lucy Atwood, Asst. Gen. Agt., Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Chdn., 15 Pemberton Sq.

Fleischer, Rabbi Chas., Hon. Vice-Pres., Chdn.'s
Aid Soc. of Boston, 38 St. Botolph St.
Folsom, Mrs. Chas. F., Pres., Ward 6 Conf. Asso.

Char., 15 Marlboro St.

Fowler, Wm. P., Chairman, Overseers of the Poor,
etc., 931 Tremont Building.
Grew, Henry Sturgis, 89 Beacon Street.
Hale, Geo. S. (died July 27, 1897).
Hamilton, Rev. F. W., Pres., Dist. 14 Conf. Asso.

Char., 44 Townsend St.

Haskell, Edw. H., Member, State Bd. of Lun.

and Char., 11 Otis St.

Hildreth, John L., M.D., Member, State Bd. of

Lun. and Char.

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Lawrence, Wm., 122 Commonwealth Ave.
Lee, Joseph, 20 Hereford St.
Lincoln, Roland C., Director, Boston Co-operative

Building Co., 269 Beacon St.

Lincoln, Mrs. Roland C., Sec'y, Bd. of Pauper

Insts. Trustees, 269 Beacon St. Lyman, Arthur T., P.O. Box 1717. Mason, Miss Ida M., 1 Walnut St. Morse, Miss Frances R., Visitor, Asso. Char., 12

Marlboro St.

Munro, Miss Martha H., Visitor, Asso. Char., 542

Massachusetts Ave.

Overseers of the Poor, cor. Hawkins and Chardon Sts.

Paine, Robert Treat, Pres., Asso. Char., 6 Joy St. Paine, Mrs. Robert Treat (died March 9, 1897). Paine, Miss Sarah C., 21 Brimmer St.

Parsons, Miss Emma A., Visitor, Asso. Char., 903

Boylston St.

* Pettigrove, Fred G., Gen'l Supt. of Prisons of

Mass., State House.

* Pingree, Miss Laliah B., "The Ludlow."
Pratt, Laban, Member, State Bd. of Lun. and Char.
Public Library of Boston.
Putnam, Dr. Chas. P., Asso. Char.; Mass. Infant

Asyl., 63 Marlboro St.

Putnam, Miss Elizabeth C., Trustee, Lyman and Indus. Schs., 63 Marlboro St.

Rogers, Miss Annette P., Overseer of the Poor; Director, Boston Chdn.'s Aid Soc., 5 Joy St. Seavey, Mrs. Mary L., Vice-Pres., Dist. 12 Conf. Asso. Char., 542 Massachusetts Ave.

* Smith, Miss Zilpha D., Gen. Sec'y and Asst. Treas., Asso. Char. of Boston, 43 Hawkins St. Spalding, Warren F., Sec'y, Mass. Prison Ass'n,

15 Pemberton Square. Thorndike, Augustus, 101 Beacon St. Ware, Miss Mary L., 41 Brimmer St.

Wells, John D., Clerk, State Bd. of Lun. and Char. Wells, Mrs. Kate Gannett, Member, State Bd. of

Educ., 45 Commonwealth Ave.

Wentworth, Dr. Lowell F., Supt., Almshouse and

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