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edification, by inftruction, admonition, rebuke; exhorting one another to manifeft the grace of God, in denying ungodliness and worldly lafts, and in living godly, foberly, and righteously in this prefent world; by comforting the feeble-minded, and praying with, or for one another which duties refpectively are to be performed upon fpecial occafions offered by divine providence; as namely, when under any cala mity, crofs, or great difficulty, council or comfort is fought, or when an ffender is to be reclaimed by private admonition, and if that be not effectual, by joining one or two more in the admonition, according to the rule of Chrift: that in the mouth of two or three witneffes every word may be established,

XIII. And, beca ufe it is not given to every one to speak a word in fcafon to a wearied or diftreffed confcience, it is expedient, that a perfon (in that cafe) fin-ling no ease after the ufe of all ordinary means, private and publick, have their addrefs to their own paftor, or fome experienced Chriftian: But if the perfon troubled in confcience, be of that condition, or of that fex, that discretion, modefty, or fear of fcandal requireth a godly, grave and fecret friend to be prefent with them in their faid addrefs. it is expedient that fuch a friend be prefent.

XIV. When perfous of diverse families are brought together by divine providence, being abroad upon their particular vocations, or any necellary occafions; as they would have the Lord their God with them whitherfoever they go, they ought to walk with God, and not neglect the duties of prayer and thanksgiving, but take care that the fame be performed by fuch as the company fhall judge fitteft. And that they likewile take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouths, but that which is good, to the ufe of edifying, that it may minifter grace to the hearers.

The drift and scope of all thefe directions is no other, but that upon the one part, the power and practice of godliness amongft all the minifters, and members of this kirk, according to their feveral places and vocations, may be cherished and advanced, and all impiety and mocking of religious exercifes, fuppreffed: and upon the other part that under the name and pretext of religious exercifes, no fuch meetings or practices be allowed, as are apt to breed error, fcandal, fchifm, contempt, or mifregard of the public ordinances and minifters, or neglect of the duties of particular callings, or fuch other evils as are the work not of the Spirit, but of the flesh, and are contrary to truth and peace.



A TABLE of the chief matters contained in the CONFESSION of FAITH, and LARGER CATECHISM.

con. Signifies the Confeffion of Faith. The first figure denotes the chapter. The following figures denote the paragraph. eat. Signifies the Larger Catechifm, and the figures denote the Numbers of the Questions.



CCEPTANCE The perfons of believers are accepted as righteous in the fight of God only for the obedience and fatisfaction of Christ, con 11.1 cat. 70. Which is imputed to them by God, and received by faith, con. 11. 1. cat 70, 71, 72. How their good works are accepted in Chrift, con. 16. 6. aceeptance in prayer, through Chrift and his mediation, cat. 180 Accefs.No accels unto the prefence of God, without the Mediator Jetus Christ, con. 12. cat. 39, 55. 181. Who hath purchased for believers under the gospel, a greater boldness of accefs to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of con. 20 1. Actions. God orders and governs all the actions of his creatures by his most wife and holy providence. according to his infallible foreknow ledge, and immutable decree, con. 5. 1. cat. 18. See providence. Actual fins Proceed from the original corruption of nature, con 6. 4. cat. 25. See fin.

Admonition of the church, con.30 4. Adoption, the nature and privileges of it, con. 12. cat. 74. Adultery, a just ground of divorce, con. 24 5, 6.

Aggravations of fin, cat. 151. Amen, the meaning of it, cat. 196. Angels, God's decree concerning them, con 3.3, 4. cat. 13. How created, cat, 16. God's providence tą

wards them, cat. 19. They are all employed at his plea fure in the adminiltrations of his power, mercy, and justice, ib. Not to be worthipped con. 21. 2. cat. 105 Antichrift, what, con. 25. 6. The pope is antichritt, ib. Actiquity, no pretence for ufing the devices of men in the worship of God, cat. 109.

Anxiety about the things of this life, finful, cat. 105, 136, 142. The Apocrypha, not being of divine infpiration, is of no authority in the church, con. 1. 3 Immodeft Apparel, forbidden, cat.


A cenfion of Chrift, con 8.4. cat 53. Affembly See councils. Public Affemblies for the worship of God not to be carelefly or wilfully neglected, con. 21. 6. Affurance of grace and falvation, attainable in this life, con 18 I, 2. cat. 80 Without extraordinary revelation, con. 18 3. cat. 80. Upon what it is founded, con. 3 8 18. 2 cat. 80. It is frengthned by good works, con. 16 2. Believers may want it, con. 18. 3. cat. 8o. 172. They may have it diminished and intermitted: and be deprived of comfort and the light of God's countenance, con. 11. 5. 17. 3. 18. 4. cat. 81. But they are never utterly deftitute of that feed of God, and life of faith and love, &c out of which affurance may, by the fpirit, be in in due time revived; con. 18:4 M m 2 cat.


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APTISM, what, con. 28. 1, 2.



cat 165. To continue to the end of the world, con. 28. 1. cat. 176. But once to be adminiftred to any perfon, con. 28 7. cat. 177. By whom, con. 27. 4. 28. 2. 179. To whom, con. 28. 4. cat. 166 Dipping not neceflary in baptim, but it may be rightly adminifired by prin ling, con 28. 3. Bap. tifm not neceflary to falvation, yet it is a fin to neglect it, con 28, 3. The efficacy of it, con. 28. 5. How to be improved, cat. 167. Wherein it agrees with the Lord's Supper, cat. 176 And wherein they differ, cat. 77.

Believers, Sec faith, justification, ac. ceptance, adoption, fanctification, union. communion, liberty, works, perfeverance, affurance.

Benefits which the members of the invifible church enjoy by Chrift, cat. 65. The benefits of Chrift's mediation, cat 57, 58.

The Body of Chrit, how prefent in the facrament, con. 29. 7. cat. 170. The Mythical Body of Christ. True believers are members of Christ's myftical Body, con 29 1. cat 168. Which is the whole number of the elect that have been, are or fhall be united to Chrift as their head, con. 25. 1. What that union is, cat. 66. See communion

The bodies of the elect after death,

and at the refurrection, con. 32.

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Vows of celibacy unlawful, con. 22. 7. cat. 139.

Cenfures of the church, what, con. 30 2. 4. Their use, con. 30. 3. Who are to be proceeded against by the cenfures of the church, con. 20. 4. 29.8 30. 2. They are to be managed according to the nature of the crime and the demerit of the Perfon, con, 30. 4. penitent finners are to be abfolved from cenfures con 30 2.

Cenfuring, rafh, harsh, and partial cenforing, finful. cat 145. Ceremonial law See law. Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it confifts, cat. 155, 141, 144, 147. What contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. Giving and lending freely according to our ability and the neceflities of others is a duty, con. 26. 2. cat. 141. Charms, unlawful, cat. 13. Chastity, cat. 137.

Children that die in infancy, how faved, con. 10. 3. The children of fuch as profefs the true religion, are members of the vifible church, con. 25. 2. cat, 62, and are to be baptized, con. 28. 4. cat. 166. Chrift, why fo called, cat. 42. Is the only Mediator between God and man, con 8. 1. cat. 36. Who being very God, of one fubftance, and equal with the Father, con 8. 2. cat. 11. 36. In the fulness of time became man, con. 8. 2. cat 36. 37. The neceflity of his being God and man, cat 38, 39, 40 He was ordained by God from eternity to


be Mediator, con. 8. r. He was fanctified and anointed with the holy Spirit, to execute the office of Mediator, con. 8. 3, cat. 43. To which he was called by the Eather, con 8. 3. And willingly undertook and difcharged it, con. 4. 8. By his perfect obedience, and facrifice. of himself, he purchased reconciliation and eternal life for all the eleft, con 5. cat 38 To whom in a ages the benefits of his mediation are effectually applied con. 8. 6, 8. Chrift's offices of prophet, prieft, King, cat 43, 44, 45. See acceptance, accefs, body of Christ, church, death of Christ, exaltation, expiation, humiliation, imputation, interceffion. judge, merit, Meffiah, name of Chrift, perfonal union, propitiation, reconciliation, redemption, refurrection righteoufnefs, facrifice, falvation, fatisfaction, furety Chriftian liberty. See liberty.

The church is the object of God's fpeccial providence, con. 7. 5. cat. 81. 25 6 The catholic church invifible, What, con. 25


62. Given to Chrift from all eternity, con, 8 1. The benefits which the members of it enjoy by Christ, cat. 65, 66, 69, 82, 83, 86 99. The catholic church visible, What, con. 25. 2. cot. 92. Out of it no ordinary poffibility of falvation, con. 25 2. Its privileges,con. 25 4 cat. 63. Particular churches more or less pure, con. 25 4 The pureft fubject to mixture and error, con. 25. 5. There shall always be a church on earth to worship God according to his will, ibid. Church cenfures See cenfures Church-Government, Appointed by the Lord Jefus in the hand of church officers, diftinct from the civil magiftrate, con, 30. 1. cat. 45, 108 But they are not exempted from obedience to the magiftrate,con.23.

4. They have the power of the keys committed to them. con. 3. 2. what that power isand its ufe, con. 30 3,4. They are not to be oppofed in the lawful exercite of their powers upon pretence of Chriftian liberty, con. 20. 4. See concils. There are fome circumstances concerning church goverament, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and chriftian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con. 1 6 Circumcifion, One of the ordinances by which the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the law, con 7 5 cat 34.

Civil magiftrate or civil powers. See magiftrate.

The Ten commandments are the fum of the moral law, con. 19. 2. cat. 98 They are a perfect rule of righteoufnefs, con. 19 2 Rules for unde ftanding them, cat 99 The prefac explained, cat 101 The first commandment cat 103-106· The fecond, cat 107,-110. The third, cat. 111,-114. The fourth, cat. 115, 21. The fifth, cat. The fixth, cat. 134,


-136. The feventh, cat. 137,139 The eight. cat 140.-142. The ninth, cat. 143145. The tenth, cat 146.-148 The fum of the first tour commandments, which coutain our duty to God, cat 102. The fum of the other six which contain our duty to man, cat 122. No man is able to keep the commandments of God perfectly, cat. 149.

The Communion, See the Lord's Supper.

Communion of Saints, wherein it con. fits, con. 26. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privileges of the visible church, cat. 63. In the Lord's fupper, communicants testi. fy their mutual love and fellowthip Mm 3


each with other, cat. 168. That facrament being a bond and pledge of believers communion with Chrift, and with each other, as members of his mystical body, con. 29 1. The communion of faints doth not enfringe a man's property in his goods and poff fhions, con. 26. 3. Communion which the elect have with Chrift, con 26 1. In this life, Cat. 67. 83. Immediately after death, cat 86 at the refurrection and day of judgment, cat 57 90. It is a confequence of their union with him, con. 6. 1. It doth not make them partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, con. 26.

It is confirmed in the Lord's upper, cat. 168 Unchafte company not to be kept, cat 139. Nor corrupt communications to be used or liftened to, ib. Condition, Perfe&t, perfonal and perpetual obedience the condition of the covenant of works, con 7. 2 19. 1. cat. 20 God requires faith as the condition to intereft finners in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32. Confeffion of fin always to be made in private to God, con. 15 6. and is to be joined with prayer, cat. 178. When to be made to men, con, 15. 6. Upan confeflion, the offending brother is to be received in love,ib. Confcience, See liberty of confcience, Peace of confcience, a fruit of the fenie of God's love, con. 18. 1, 3. cat 83, Believers may fall into fins which wound the confcience, con, 17. 3. 18 4. The wicked are punithed with horror of confcience, cat. 28.83.

Contentment, fubmiffion to God is our duty, cat. 104 Difcontent at his difpenfations is finful, cat 105. a 'ull contentment with our con. dition, is our duty, cat. 147. Dif contentment with our own eftate, a fin, cat. 148.

Controverfies, it belongs to fynods and councils ministerially to determine controverfies of faith, and cales of confcience, con 31.3. The Spirit fpeaking in the fcriptures, is the fupreme judge of all controverfies in religion, con 1. 10. The original text of the fcriptures is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. 8.

Our converfation ought to be in holinefs and righteouinefs, answerable to an holy profeffion, cat. 112. 167

Corruption of nature, what, con. 6.2, 4. cat. 25 a confequence of the fall of man. ibid actual fin a fruit of it, con 6. 4. cat 25. How it is propogated, con. 6, 3. cat. 26. It doth remain during this life in the regenerate, and all its motions are truly fin, con. 6. 5. 13. 2/ cat. 78. But it is pardoned and mortified through Chrift, con 6 5.

Covenant, no enjoying of God, but by way of covenant, con. 7. 1. Covenant of works, what, and with whom made, con 4 2. 7. 2. 19. 1. cat. 20. 22. Perfect, perfonal and perpetual obedience the condition of it, con. 7. 2. 19 1, cat. 20, It is called a law and a command, con. 4.2. and a law given as covenant, con. 19. I and a cove. nant of life, of which the tree of life was a pledge, cat 20. Covenant of grace, what, con 7 3. cat 30, 32 It was made with Chrift as the fecond Adam, and with all the elec in him as his feed, cat. 31 In it God requireth of finnets faith in Chrifl, that they may be jultified and faved, con. 73 cat, 71, Faith being required as the condition to intereft them in Christ, 32. Who is the mediator of this covenant, con 8,1 cat. 36 Why it is called a teftament, con. 7. 4 It was differently adminiftred in the time of the law, and in time of


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