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and at the same time so adapted to the wants of the classes for whom it is intended, as to render the schools in which that education is given self-supporting.

The grants towards the salaries of masters and pupil-teachers in the Model Schools of Canterbury and Maidstone, which in former years were readily voted and very usefully bestowed, have been for some time gradually diminished, and have now ceased to be voted by the Board.

Monitors' grants, not exceeding 41. in the first year, and 64. in the second year for boys; and not exceeding 31. in the first year, and 57. in the second year for girls, have been voted to schools in the following six parishes, viz. Sevenoaks Weald, West Wickham, Stowting, Plaxtol, Bekesbourne, Woodlands. The total receipts of the Society during the past year have been 8071. 2s. 4d., and the payments have amounted to 8881. 158. Od. The balance at present in the Treasurer's hands is 2601. 15s. 7d., but the claims for grants unpaid amount to 5107., so that there is a deficiency on this account alone of 2491. 4s. 5d. independent of other liabilities.

At their quarterly meetings in May and August last, the Board found it necessary to pass resolutions with reference to the exhaustion ofthe funds placed at their disposal; and they now tender their respectful thanks to the Archbishop for the readiness with which his Grace has issued a Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese in behalf of the Society. The Board trust that both clergy and laity will cheerfully respond to the appeal thus made to them by their Diocesan. While they especially look for aid to those parishes in which schools have been built or improved with assistance (in many cases with large assistance) from the Diocesan Board, they beg to remind the diocese at large that it is indebted to the Board for many good teachers, for the payment of monitors, for grants towards schools in poor districts, for diocesan inspection, for model schools established at a time when model schools were alike rare and needful, and above all for a general stimulus given to the cause of good education according to the teaching of the Church of England, a stimulus continuously and most beneficially exerted from its establishment in the year 1839 up to the present time. The Board, therefore, confidently request from all whom this Report may reach, their assistance and their prayer, that God may speed the Society in its good work, designed to promote the glory of God and the welfare of His


Examination Papers.


MALES. Second Year.


SECT. I.-1. On what occasions was St. Peter cast into prison at Jerusalem, and under what circumstances was he set free? In what words did he address the council on his second appearance before them?

2. Describe geographically the countries from which those persons came who heard the Apostles preach on the day of Pentecost.

3. "And all that believed had all things common" (Acts ii. 44). In what sense are the words 'had all things common' to be received? Give scriptural grounds for your answer to this question.

SECT. II.-1. Relate shortly the history of the Church between the conversion of St. Paul and the departure of Barnabas from Antioch to Tarsus to seek Saul (Acts xi. 25).

2. Give some account of the chronology of the Acts of the Apostles.

3. Have you any observations to make on the following passages: "Which was the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus" (Acts xiii. 7). “Philippi, which is the chief of that part of Macedonia, and a colony" (Acts xvi. 14). "For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD" (Acts xvii. 23).

SECT. III.-1. What is recorded of St. Paul's last visit to Jerusalem ?

2. What probable account may be given of St. Paul's labours during his confinement at Rome and after his release?

3. What is known of the following persons mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles: Apollos, Titus, Erastus, Aristarchus, Tychicus, Trophimus, Gallio, the high priest Ananias (Acts xxiii. 2), Herod the king (Acts xii. 1), King Agrippa (Acts xxv. 13)!

SECT. IV.-1. Describe Galatia geographically, and give some account of its history.

2. What is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles concerning St. Paul's visit to Galatia?

3. "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you" (Gal. i. 6). To what period does the expression 'so soon' probably refer? Assign reasons for the answer you give to this question. SECT. V.-1. What difference is observable in respect to the authority with which St. Paul addresses the Galatians and the Romans? How do you account for the difference?

2. St. Paul does not, in the Epistle to the Galatians, lay down the doctrine of the Gospel at large, as he does in that to the Romans: assign a reason for this.

3. The church of the Galatians included Jews and Jewish proselytes: how does this appear from the epistle?

SECT. VI.-1. "When the brethren knew, they brought him down to Cæsarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus, a city of Cilicia" (Acts x. 30). What passage in the Epistle to the Galatians refers to this journey, and what argument may thence be derived for thinking that the journey in question was made by land?

2. "And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased" (Gal. v. 11). Explain this passage, and illustrate it by passages from the Acts of the Apostles.

3. "Then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days" (Gal i. 18). Prove from the Acts of the Apostles that St. Paul abode but a short time at Jerusalem on this visit, and show how he was employed.

SECT. VII.-1. Explain the following passages: "Brethren, if any man be taken in a fault, ye which are spiritual restore such an one, in the spirit of meekness considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted" (Gal. v. 1). "Brethren, I beseech you be as I am; for I am as ye are: ye have not injured me at all" (Gal. iv. 12).

2. Explain the following passage: "Having begun in the spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?" (Gal. iii. 3.) In what sense are the words 'spirit' and 'flesh' used in this epistle?

3. What reason is to be assigned for the use of the following words by St. Paul in the commencement of his epistle: "Paul, an apostle, not of man, neither by man" (Gal. i. 1)! Give other passages in which he asserts his apostleship to have been derived immediately from Christ. From what other apostle was he distinguished in this respect?


The Constitutional History of England. The History of Manners and Customs in England.

SECT. I.-What particulars can you give of the manners and customs of the people in England in one of the following periods: 1. The Anglo-Saxon period. 2. From the reign of Henry IV. to that of Richard III. 3. The reigns of Charles II. and James II.

SECT. II.-What account can you give of the condition of the people, as regards their habitations, their clothing, and the relation of the employers to the employed, in one of the following periods: 1. The Norman Conquest to the death of King John. 2. The reign of James II. and Charles II. 3. From the accession of George III. to the commencement of the present century.

SECT. III. What general account can you give of the progress of arts and manufactures, and of the state of national industry and commerce, in one of the following periods: 1. From the revolution of 1688 to the accession of George III. 2. The period from the accession of George III. to the commencement of the present century. 3. The present century.

SECT. IV.-1. Into what four periods does Blackstone divide the history of the laws of England? 2. What great department of law does he state to be of Anglo-Saxon parentage? What principal changes in the law were introduced at the Norman Conquest? Of what classes of persons did the nation then consist? In what terms does Blackstone describe the violence and oppression of that period? In what respects were these mitigated in the reign of Henry I.?

3. Mention some of the chief of our liberties established by Magna Charta. In what respects were these violated by the Tudors and the Stuarts? What circumstances favoured the encroachments of power under the Tudors? What does Blackstone say of the reign of James I.?

SECT. V.-1. Under what circumstances were knights of the shire first called to Parliament? How were they elected? When did the two Houses begin to sit separately?

2. Give some account of the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Bill of Rights, and the Act of Settlement.

3. What is the right of the House of Commons in regard to taxes; on what constitutional principle is it founded? What is the method of bringing a Private Bill into the House of Commons; and what is that of bringing in a Public Bill? What is done at the first, and what is done at the second reading? What is a committee of the whole House!

SECT. VI.-1. How did the feudal system originate? What were the qualifications of knighthood in feudal times?

2. Give some account of the conditions under which the barons held lands of the crown, and particularly of the money payments to which they were subject.

3. What was Doomsday Book? What was the distinction between free soccagers and villains? Give some account of the condition of the latter. What causes led to their emancipation?


The first two Sections refer to the second book of Milton's Paradise Lost; the last two to Shakspeare's play of Julius Cæsar.

You are not at liberty to answer upon each author.

Your paper will not be read over unless it contains a paraphrase of one of the passages (including the parsing of the words in italic in the same passage).

You may take the other questions for answering, at your discretion, from either of the two Sections; but you must not attempt to answer more than four questions (exclusively of the paraphrase and parsing). You are advised to confine yourself as far as possible to the questions arising upon the passage which you paraphrase.

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1. Paraphrase this passage. (You will bear in mind that you are not asked to expand it, but to render the sense in different though equivalent words.)

2. Parse the words printed in italics, and fully explain the construction of each with the rest of the sentence.

3. By whom is the passage supposed to be spoken? How does it connect the preceding and subsequent parts of the book?

4. What is the difference between the indicative and subjunctive moods? Illustrate your answer from this passage.

5. What is the precise difference of meaning between sovereignty' and 'royalty? Does your answer enable you to say whether the epithet 'imperial' is idle, or has a specific force in line 2?

6. In each of the following words, separate the root (by hyphens) from the other part, and state precisely the grammatical difference which that other part makes to the root: Splendour, assume, moment. Exhibit the same roots in combination with other prefixes or terminations, and state the precise change thereby occasioned in each instance.

7. Define a pronoun. Apply your definition to the word 'him' in the tenth line. Define the objective Apply your definition to the same word 'him' in the tenth line.



"Part in the plains, or in the air sublime
Upon the wing, or in swift race, contend,
As at th' Olympian games, or Pythian fields;
Part curb their fiery steeds, or shun the goal
With rapid wheels, or fronted brigades form 5
As when, to warn proud cities, war appears

1. Paraphrase this passage (as above).

Wag'd in the troubled sky, and armies rush
To battle in the clouds; before each van
Prick forth the airy knights, and couch their

10. Till thickest legions close; with feats of arms
From either end of heav'n the welkin burns."

2. Parse the words printed in italics, and fully explain the construction of each with the rest of the sentence.

3. Give so much of the argument of the book as will serve to connect this passage with the rest. 4. Divide the first two lines into subject and predicate, and distribute the accessory clauses, accordingly as they belong to one or the other of those parts. Give your reasons for the analysis which you adopt.

5. Fiery steeds.'

Make this epithet the text whereby to explain (as you would to pupilteachers) the use of metaphors in language. Endeavour to state precisely the several steps of your explanation.

6. Exemplify from the foregoing passage, (a) The distinctions between active verbs and neuter; (b) Adjectives proper, and participles used as adjectives; (c) Nouns which are plural in form, and nouns which are plural in sense; (d) Adverbs expressed not by one word, by several.

7. What particulars in classical or Jewish history may have suggested to Milton the imagery of this passage?

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1. Paraphrase this passage (as directed under Section I.).

2. Parse the words printed in italics, and fully explain the construction of each with the rest of the sentence.

3. Analyse the second and third lines into subject and predicate.

4. "Sacrificers, but not butchers." In what subsequent lines of the passage is this same idea repeated? To what practice of ancient times does the passage allude?

5. Distinguish between the characters, as represented in his play, of Brutus, Cassius, Julius Cæsar, Casca. In each instance quote or refer to passages in the play which support your view.

6. Exemplify from the foregoing passage the rule that pronouns agree in number, gender, and case with the substantives to which they refer. In connexion with this answer, show to what extent the inflections of the pronouns in English do, or do not, mark such distinctions. In the absence of inflections, how are we to determine the grammatical relation of words to each other?

7. "Antony is but a limb of Cæsar." In what case is the word Antony?' in what case limb?' State the general rule on which your answer depends; and examine thereby the correctness or otherwise of the following expressions: "All things are vanity"-" Godliness is great riches."

8. Distinguish exactly the meaning of those imperative moods in the foregoing passage which begin with the word let, from the meaning conveyed by the words, “O that we then could." Explain fully the construction of this last phrase, and show what is the peculiar force of the word then in it.

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1. Parse the words printed in italic, and fully explain the construction of each with the rest of the sentence.

2. Who are the speakers in this dialogue? What was the result of this advice to the giver? Quote or refer to passages in this or other plays of Shakespeare, which illustrate the same person's character. 3. Select from the foregoing passage, and write out in separate columns, the verbs (with perfect tense and past participle) which are inflected by changing the radical vowel, and by adding another syllable respectively.

4. Divide the passage made up of lines 14, 15, 16, into subject and predicate, and distribute the accessory clauses accordingly, as they belong to one or the other of those parts. Give your reasons for the analysis which you adopt.

5. Set out, as you would on a black-board, a table of the pronouns compounded with the word self, showing the original force of the expression, and the reason of the inflections.

6. Separate the root from the other parts in the following words, and show the precise effect of each of the additions: Unmeritable, slanderous, business, empty, valiant, provender, corporal, barren, fashion.


SECT. I-1. The surface of the globe may be divided into hemispheres, of which one contains nearly all the land, and the other the greater portion of the water. Illustrate this division by a diagram.

2. All the continents rise gradually from the shores of the seas towards a line of highest elevation. What is observed generally in respect to the position of this line? How does it affect the slope of the land? Illustrate your answer by examples.

3. The continents of Asia and Europe are divided physically into a northern and a southern region. Contrast these regions with one another, and trace their common boundary. Contrast the races of men who inhabit them with one another, and show in what respects history confirms this contrast.

SECT. II.-1. Draw a map of the basin of one of the following rivers :-1. The Thames. 2. The Seine. 3. The Mississippi. Can you give any particulars as to the dimensions of these basins, and the rain-fall upon them?

2. Give some general account of the classification of rocks, and draw an outline geological map of Great Britain.

3. (a) What causes the waters of equatorial and polar regions continually to intermingle, and what is the influence of this on the temperature of the earth's surface? (b) If there were no land, what would be the currents of the ocean? (c) Give examples of the influence of prevalent winds on the mean temperature, and the rain-fall of regions within and without the tropics. What seasons are the rainy seasons of the tropics, and why?

SECT. III.-1. Point out analogies in the forms of the different continents.

2. Give some account of the animal kingdom in South America. Under what varieties does it represent the typical forms of other continents?

3. By what astronomical causes is the extreme summer heat of different latitudes influenced? Show that these have a tendency to counteract one another. Give examples of extreme summer heat attained in high latitudes, and account for them.

SECT. IV. 1. What is conjectured to be the total number of the human race, and how is it distributed through the different continents of the world? Out of what number of persons does one die annually in England, and out of what number is one born?

2. The varieties of the human race have been classed as the White Race, the Yellow Race, and the Black Race: what parts of the globe are inhabited by these races respectively? They have also been grouped as civilised, half-civilised, and savage: how, with reference to this division, would you place


3. In what countries do the following forms of religious belief respectively prevail: Brahminism, Buddhism, Mahometanism? Give some account of one of these forms of religion.

SECT. V.-1. From what countries may the principal articles sold by a grocer be supposed respectively to come, and from what ports and through what hands? Give some account of the growth and cultivation of one of them.

2. Into what six principal classes may the manufactured articles exported from Great Britain be divided; to what amounts are they annually exported; and what are the seats of their manufacture respectively?

3. The commerce of Great Britain differs from that of other countries in this respect, that in many cases it exports to them articles in a manufactured state, which, as raw material, it has first imported from them. Give examples of this, and account for it.

SECT. VI.-State generally how the following astronomical truths are proved: 1. The great distance of the fixed stars as compared with the Sun. 2. The nearly spherical form of the Earth and its dimensions. 3. The annual motion of the Earth.


SECT. I.-1. Define a logarithm; and show that the logarithm of the product of two numbers is equal to the sum of their logarithms, and the logarithm of their quotient to the difference of their logarithms.

2. Show that the integral portion or index of the logarithm of an integral number is equal to one less than its number of integers.

3. One person out of 46 is said to die every year in England, and one out of 34 to be born; if there were no emigration, in how many years would the population double itself?

SECT. II.-1. Find the value of (1·0365) × (59-4283)

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SECT. III.-1. What will a capital of 1207. amount to in ten years, at 6 per cent per annum, compound interest?

2. In how many years will 17. become 27. at 4 per cent per annum, compound interest?

3. What is the present value of an annuity of 20%. to continue 40 years, reckoning interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum?


SECT. I.-1. If the angle of a triangle be bisected by a straight line which also cuts the base, the segments of the base shall have the same ratio which the other sides of the triangle have.

2. If two triangles have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the sides about the equal angles proportionals, the triangles shall be equiangular, and shall have those angles equal which are opposite to the homologous sides.

3. If four straight lines be proportionals, the rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the rectangle contained by the means, and conversely.

SECT. II.-1. To describe a rectilineal figure which shall be similar to one, and equal to another given rectilineal figure.

2. To cut a given straight line in extreme and mean ratio.

3. If an angle of a triangle be bisected by a straight line which likewise cuts the base, the rectangle contained by the sides of the triangle is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the base, together with the square of the straight line which bisects the angle.

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SECT. III.-1. Show that equal triangles on equal bases have equal altitudes, whether they be situ

ated on the same or on opposite sides of the same straight line.

2. Divide a given straight line into two parts, such that the squares of the whole and of one of the parts shall be equal to twice the square of the other parts.

3. From a given point without a circle, at a distance from the circumference of the circle not greater

than its diameter, draw a straight line to the concave circumference which shall be bisected by the convex circumference.

SECT. IV.-1. Describe a levelling instrument. Explain the method of using it for determining the difference of level of two distant objects, and give an example of a level-book, making the calculations indicated by it.

2. Prove the formula for determining the area of a triangle in terms of the sides.

3. There is a rectangular plot of land of two different qualities, one portion of it being worth £m, and the other £n per acre; the boundary of the two is a straight line whose intersections with the side and one end of the rectangle are at the same distance a from one of its angles. A portion of this land of a given value £c is to be cut off by means of a straight fence parallel to the end of the rectangle whose length is b. Where must this fence be drawn?

SECT. V.-1. Describe and explain the use of (a) the Vernier Scale, (b) the Prismatic Compass. 2. Give an example of a field-book, lay down the corresponding field, and calculate its area.

3. Prove Thomas Simpson's rule for determining an area bounded by a curved line.

SECT. VI.-1. Given the meridian altitude of a heavenly body whose declination is known; show how the latitude of the place of observation may be found.

2. Given the mean time at any place, and also the Greenwich time; explain fully how the longitude of that place may be found.

3. There are two points A and B, situated due north and south, 21 feet from one another; and there is a third point C, half way between them. Supposing to be exceedingly small as compared with the radius of the earth, determine how much less a distance A is carried round in an hour by the rotation of the earth than C, and how much greater B. Apply the resulting formula to explain Foucault's pendulum experiment.

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2. Find the series in arithmetical progression of which 2 and 10 are the 4th and 7th terms. 3. Investigate expressions for the number of permutations of n things taken r together; and of n things taken all together when the quantities recur, and calculate the number of permutations that can be made with the letters taken altogether of the word 'characteristic."

SECT. II.-1. Prove the binomial theorem in the case in which the index is a positive integer. 2. Show that a number and the sum of its digits leave the same remainder when divided by 9. 3. Show that converging fractions are alternately too great and two little; deduce the law by which any continued fraction may be converted into a series of converging fractions, and show that the difference between any two consecutive convergents has 1 for its numerator.

SECT. III.-1. Show by the method of indeterminate coefficients that

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3. Solve the equations

xy3+x3y 42500




x(x-2)-2(x-2) 2x

SECT. IV.-1. If an event may happen in a ways, and fail in b ways, determine the chance of its happening or failing; and apply it to determine the probability of a person's death in his 23d year; the number of persons out of 586 of the age of 22 who attain their 23d year being 579.

2. A sum of money £a is to be raised in n years by the investment of £b at £r, per 11. compound interest for a certain portion of the term, and of £c, at the same rate of interest, for the rest of the term. At what period of the term must the £c be substituted for the £b?

3. The toll of a bridge is one penny; it is proposed, when the decimal coinage shall be introduced, to fix the toll at 5 mils for a part of the n years which the lease will have to run, and at 4 mils for the rest of the term. How long should 5 mils be paid, that its excess over the penny toll may compensate for the deficiency of the 4 mils; compound interest being allowed at £r per 1. per annum?

SECT. V.-1. Show, by means of a diagram, under what circumstances the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle become negative quantities; and prove that sin. (A+B) = sin A cos. B±cos. A sin. B. 2. Having given sin. 18°(√5-1) and sin. 30°, find sine 480 and sine 12°.

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SECT. VI.-1. Having given three sides of a plane triangle, show how either angle may be determined.

2. Having given two sides of a plane triangle, and the angle they contain, show how either of the other angles may be determined.

3. Standing on line of railway, I can see each of two distant objects; but if I move either way along the line, I lose sight of one of them. By what observations and calculations may I determine the distance of those objects from one another?


SECT. I.-Describe fully one of the following instruments, and explain the precautions to be adopted in the use of it. Illustrate your description by a diagram. 1. The Air Pump. 2. The Electrifying Machine. 3. The Galvanic Battery.

SECT. II.-1. Describe the thermometer, and explain the two principal graduations of that instrument.

2. Describe the hydrometer, and show how it may be graduated.

3. Explain why it is that an object appears magnified when seen through a lens. Describe the construction of the astronomical telescope, and show how its magnifying power may be determined. SECT. III.-1. Explain what is meant by specific gravity. Describe a method of determining the specific gravity of a solid, and give an example illustrative of it. What is the weight of a cubic foot of iron whose specific gravity is 6'953.

2. By what three methods may heat be transferred from one portion of matter to another? Describe experiments illustrative of these three forms of the propagation of heat.

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