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strations there, or at the Church, have been attended with any decided instance of conversion; but I do hope, from the abounding grace of the Saviour, that some good has been effected that some souls have been benefited, though it has hitherto been withheld, and no doubt wisely, from my knowledge.

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Of the Services at Gibraltar Chapel, Mr. Wilhelm thus reports:- Divine Worship has been regularly kept, twice on the Lord's Day, and on Thursday Evenings. Much, however, has been left undone, through my sinful backwardness in visiting the people throughout their scattered habitations, as frequently as ought to be done, for their edification, and for my better acquaintance with their characters and the state of their souls.

The Morning Worship was but thinly attended in the first part of the quarter. After I had several times expressed my feelings on this neglect of attendance, I was requested to change the hour for Evening Worship from 7 to 6 o'clock, which I did accordingly. This, together with the erection of a bell, increased the attendance of my hearers. But a much larger attendance was occasioned by an awful dispensation of God's Providence, on the night of December the 8th, when a discharged Soldier and his Wife, and their Servant Girl of about 12 years of age, were struck dead in their house by a thunder-stroke. The man had attended the Gibraltar Chapel in the late Mr. Flood's time; but fell afterward into the habit of drunkenness, and paid no more regard to Religion, as I have been informed; the woman still, now and then, coming to the Chapel.

Their burial being attended by a large number of people, I spoke to them, at the grave, on Luke xiii. 1-9: since then, the Chapel has been crowded with worshippers and hearers. May it please God to establish their hearts, that they may not be as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goeth away!

The average attendance at the Communion has been 12: nothing inconsistent in the behaviour of the Communicants has come to my knowledge. I have baptized, during this quarter, 2 male and 4 female Infants; and buried, 3 men, 2 women, and 3 girls.


The Native Teachers, George Fox and his Wife, continue in charge of the Colonial Schools: of these they report

The attendance of the Boys, on weekdays and at Church on Sunday, has been as usual throughout the quarter. There have been 31 Boys admitted; 21 left; and 1 died: there are remaining on the books 337 names: the average number attending, during the quarter, has been 270.

Most of the Girls generally come late, not excepting those living even in the surrounding houses next to the School: something therefore is wanting, which may secure a more regular attendance. Twenty Girls have been admitted, 5 left, and 1 died this quarter. The total number of names now on the books is 240: of these, 152 have attended daily.


On the indifference manifested by the Parents for the welfare of their Children, and on the general state of the Schools, Mr. Betts remarks—

It is a pleasing thing to know that facilities are given to the inhabitants of Free.

town to have their children educated in the

Elements of General Knowledge; yet there exist many circumstances connected with these Schools which do not yield satisfaction, considered as Church Missionary Schools.

Scarcely any of the parents of these children are in any sort of spiritual connection with us: many of them are disaffected toward the Church of England and her Religious Services: and though they do not bear any part of the expense, yet they do not hesitate to complain of what they suppose to be the inefficiency of the Schools, and say that the children make but little progress; whereas one main cause of this is, the want of proper discipline at home. So long as the children are allowed to be running wild about the streets, and even joining the nightly yelling and dancing, of which there is very little cessation the year round-so long as they are not trained to any habits of order—it is not to be expected that they will make much progress in learning, which necessarily requires thought, application, and restraintexercises to which they have never been trained. If the parents felt the value of education, they would enforce regular attendance on the children; and would oblige them to spend their evenings at home, in learning their lessons, or in some rational manner by which their minds would become habituated to application. My observation leads me to conclude, that great personal exertion is called for, on the part of the

Masters and Mistresses, to carry on these Schools efficiently; owing, partly, to their, magnitude, but more especially to that

want of habits of submission and thought in the children before alluded to, by which much valuable time is consumed in maintaining order that might otherwise be employed in explaining the signification of the words in their lessons, in which they are exceedingly deficient; and also in imparting Religious Instruction.


. At the close of the quarter, there were 8 Youths in the Institution, under the care of the Rev. C. L. F. Haensel: this number has increased, by the addition of Henry Palmer and Joseph Bartholomew, two of the African Youths who went out under Mr. Raban's care: the third, William Wilson, continues, for the present, with Mr. Raban. Mr. Haensel expresses his general satisfaction with the conduct of the Youths.

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The number of Children who belong to our Day School is 95: about 54 of them have not attained the age of 5 or 6 years, and therefore much cannot be expected from them of the remainder, 13 read in the Scriptures; 5 in Sermons on the Mount; 6 in African School Tracts, No. 3, Part 2; and 11, in Cards, page 4. Seven of the elder Boys write in Copy-books, and 12 of the Girls are taught Needle-work. The Sunday School continues to be well attended: the present number on the book is 103. As the time allotted for instruction is only two hours, the progress of the scholars is necessarily slow.


William Tamba conducts Morning and Evening Worship, daily, and attends to the instruction of the sick and others; and Mr. Gerber preaches here on the Sunday as often as his other duties permit: of the Station, generally, he remarks:—

Although there has, for some time, been no resident European Teacher in this Village, still the people have not become slack in attending the Means of Grace. There have been but a few individuals among the Communicants whom I have been obliged to exclude since Mr. Metzger left them. During the quarter, I have once administered the Lord's Supper, baptized 37 children, and married 133 couples. Candidates left on trial for Baptism last quarter, 15; since received, 10: total at present, 25. Communicants, at the close of the quarter, 255.


Of this Station, Mr.Gerber writes: Favourably as I reported of this Settlement at the end of last quarter, I feel happy to state, that I have since not found myself disappointed: there is, to all appearance, a work of God among the people. Besides a good attendance at Public Worship, there is, also, a quiet and peaceful disposition among them. From the 73 Communicants last reported, I have been obliged to exclude 1: Candidates on trial for Baptism from last quarter, 40; since received, 11; total, 51: Baptized during the quarter, 17 children: Marriages, 34, besides 54 at Waterloo.

The number of Scholars attending our School is still small: there are but 46 Children, most of whom are very young, from 5 to 10 years old, and make but little progress.

Concerning those who desire Baptism, Mr. Gerber remarks:

Among these candidates are many, concerning whose sincerity I have no doubt; but, on account of their insufficient knowledge of the English Language, I find it extremely difficult to give them due instruction in the Principles of our Religion.

Mountain District.

The Labourers engaged in this District are the same as in the last quarter; with the exception of David Noah, who has for some years been employed as a Native Catechist, but

who has, on very unsatisfactory grounds, relinquished his connection with the Society. In reference to this circumstance, Mr. Wilhelm writes:

David Noah has been carefully warned by me, in private, against leaving the Society's service; since it did not appear, to me, that the Providence of God had afforded him any proper call for venturing on this step: and if it be a way of his own making, he cannot secure to himself the precious promises of God's care, protection, and blessing, and exposes himself to the danger of losing peace, hope, and joy-blessings, for the loss of which, nothing that is to be found in our own way can compensate. This, by many professors of Religion, is nei ther understood nor believed; yet it is again and again exemplified.

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Of this Settlement, Mr. Davey makes the following report:


Divine Service has been performed at Gloucester, at the usual times, on Sundays and Week-days; and the Meetings of Candidates, Communicants, and Backsliders, held as heretofore: the attendance at Church has been about 300. number of Communicants, for this Village and Leicester, last reported, was 75: since that time, 3 have removed from Gloucester, and 2 have been suspended for immoral conduct; and one at Leicester, from the same cause: the present total is 69; out of which an average of 48 have frequented the Lord's Table. The number of Candidates for Gloucester was 13: to these have been added 6 others, making 19, whose attendance at the Weekly Meetings has been regular. There were 3 Backsliders on trial last quarter: these has been dismissed, and 4 have been added; there are now, therefore, 6.

11 Women in the Evening School, and 52 Apprentices in the Sunday School. Twelve Children have been baptized, and 33 marriages solemnized.


The Church Services at Regent, on Sundays and Week-days, have been the same as in the preceding quarter; and no material alteration has taken place in the average number of attendants, which may still be stated to be about 500: on Thurs

day Evenings, about 150 persons attend. The number of Communicants, last quarter, was 206: one has died since that time; some have removed; and others have been suspended for inconsistent conduct; leaving the present number 193: there are 82 Candidates on trial. The average number of Communicants has been 132. Mr. Davey has baptized 12 Infants, and married 12 couples.

The difficulties connected with the due exercise of discipline, in the case of those who have been suspended from Communion, are thus noticed by Mr. Weeks:

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Many of them have had an impression, that, when they are suspended, we do not care any thing further about them, and have therefore absented themselves from the House of God: this feeling I have endeavoured to remove, by telling them that we shall be very glad to see them attend Church at all times; and that, as soon as they shall evidence true repentance, and manifest an earnest desire to return to the Saviour, they would be re-admitted to their former privileges. Others have told me, that they are not fit to belong to God's people: I read to them 1 John i. 7, and Jeremiah iii. 14; and several have since attended Church, but have not yet applied to be re-admitted. Others have said, they have done nothing worthy of suspension from the Church, yet readily admit that they of had neglected to attend those weekly meetings which most of the Communicants held for religious instruction, and seldom attend Public Worship more than two or three times in a quarter-of-a-year yet vainly persuading themselves, that, if their names remain on the list of Church Members, their non-attendance on the Means of Grace would be of little conse

I am unable to state any particulars about the Schools; further than, that 7 Boys and 4 Girls have been added to the Day School, making a total of 146; out of which there has been an average attendance of 130. There are 19 Men and [RECORD, March, 1830.]


quence. However, I am not discouraged, believing there are a considerable number who are the true disciples of Christ, and are walking according to their profession. Mr. Weeks gives the following account of the


The Liberated African Boys advance gradually in Spelling and Reading, and also in writing on slates; and I am not without the hope, that two or three, ere long, will be found qualified for the Christian Institution: our present number is 73. Since my last Report, we have reeeived 40 Boys, recently landed from Slave-Vessels; they, consequently, know but little of the English Language, and are in the Alphabet Class.

Of the Infants'-School Children, born in the town, we have 187 Boys and Girls; the average attendance being 160: the progress of these little-ones is very satisfactory and encouraging. The parents are anxious to avail themselves of sending their little boys and girls to school. Mrs. Weeks regrets exceedingly that she has not been able to take a more active part; having, hitherto, only been able to attend to the Sewing department and to the Sunday School.


Mr. Davey reports of this Station:

The attendance on the usual Services at Bathurst has somewhat increased; but that increase has chiefly been occasioned by an additional number of Liberated African

Girls having been placed in the School. The three Backsliders, who had been for a considerable time upon trial for re-admission, have been again received into the Church, and hitherto their walk has appeared consistent. Two Candidates, who were already baptized, have been also added to the Church, by which the number of Communicants has been increased to 13. The Candidates reported last quarter were 16; since when, two have been received into the Church, and three have been added; there are, therefore, 17 at present. I have baptized 16 Infants, and married 36 couples.



The Liberated - African - Girls' School contains 179 Scholars; of tures: 22 Scholars come to the Evenwhom, 20 are able to read the Scriping School; and the Sunday School is attended by 33 Adults and 61 Apprentices: with these are also taught the larger Children of the Infants' School, and many of the Liberated African Girls. In reference to the Sunday Scholars, Mr.Davey writes:

The improvement gives ample encouragement to proceed in this interesting work; and fosters the hope, that, by apparently weak means, much good may be done, and souls instructed in the way of God more perfectly.

In the Infants' School, under Mrs. Heighway's care, there are 139 Children, of whom she states

The Parents still manifest a great desire to have their Children instructed, and bring them while very young. They are divided into 14 Classes: 30 are reading in the Testament; the others, as they advance, read Elementary Books: several of the elder children are employed in instructing the others, as it is our wish to impress on them the pleasure derived from imparting instruction to others, after having received it themselves.


There is a Service, on the Sunday Afternoon, at Charlotte; which is attended by about 100 persons: there are 4 Communicants, and 11 Candidates. Of one of these, who died, Mr. Davey writes:—

John Attarra and I visited her, during her illness; and, from the conversation which I had with her the day before her death, I have reason to hope that her soul was resting upon that sure foundation, the Rock of Ages-Jesus Christ. said, she had no hope but in Him; and that she believed that His blood would cleanse away her sins.

pore, 12 miles further.

(Completed from p. 47.)

Jan. 17, 1829 Left Ghazeepore last night about 7 o'clock; and reaching Nundgung about 10, remained till daylight this morning, when we proceeded to Sayud


Jaunpore After taking some refreshment, we all retired to rest. I had some interesting conversation with the Thanadar. He said, that he believed Hindooism, Islamism, and Christianity, each to be of Divine origin: he is himself a

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in the Evening. Here is a fine opening for Missionary Labours: all are friendly, and some are desirous to support them. After visiting the Native Town, I returned to Chunar; where I arrived on Tuesday, having remained at a village midway during the night. On Thursday, a Fublic Meeting assembled to form an Association; Mr. Friend having preached a Sermon the Sunday previous, and made a Collection; particulars of which have been, or will be, sent you. On Sunday, I preached, in the morning, to the English Congregation, on Idolatry, as it at present exists throughout Hindoostan; briefly noticing its origin, nature, and consequences, and our duty with respect to it: and in the afternoon to the Native Congregation, from 1 Tim. i. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Monday was the Monthly PrayerMeeting. The whole time of my visit was most delightfully and, I trust, profitably spent. May the Lord, who has so evidently revived His work among us, continue to bless us !

Mussulman. The inconsistency of such a belief having been exposed, he replied— Sir, one thing is matter of astonishment to me: I read and hear of people, even Hindoos, having embraced Islamism; but they did so by force: on the contrary, you, whether from your superior wisdom, or what, I cannot tell, make people disbelieve every other religion but your own; and, self-convicted, they embrace that through choice: herein is a wonderful thing." He then took his leave. About 12 o'clock, I was awoke by some person singing: the bard, I found, on inquiry, was a Hindoo of the Chutra Caste. The burden of his song was the praise of Ram, which led to a conversation that lasted till daylight. We were joined by a Brahmin soon after our conversation commenced, who was in search of his Tattoo, which he said had broken loose and gone astray. He was well read, and took a considerable share in the discussion. In the course of conversation, taking him gently by the hand, he exclaimed, rather angrily, "Touch me not! I am a Brahmin." We, however, parted very good friends. The Chutra received a book, which he promised to read. rived at Benares on Sunday Morning, just in time to hear Mr. Eteson preach the first Missionary Sermon which I have heard in India, the result of which you will be glad to hear. It has already produced Donations to the amount of 1016 rupees.

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Jan. 21, 1829-I left Benares, and proeeeded to Chunar. After spending two days with Mr. Bowley and his people at home and in the Bazaar, we went to a village across the water: it was indeed a blessed visit. The people are principally Sectaries of the various Hindoo Systems, less bigoted than any body of people I have seen, and, with respect to this world, less needy. They had, on a former visit, which was I believe the first, asked for a Christian Schoolmaster to live among them; to meet which request, a man accompanied us. We were most cordially received; and one of the principal people of the village gave up a house of his own, for the residence of the Schoolmaster, and for a School. A great number of villagers assembled themselves, and conversed and listened with delight and attention. We left them, rejoicing at what we had witnessed. On Saturday, I proceeded to Mirzapore; and was made welcome at the house of the Judge and Magistrate, at whose house arrangements had been previously made for Divine Service on Sunday. We had two Services, one in the Morning, and another

Feb. 3-Benares. To-day, a great many books have been distributed; and a number of persons have visited me in the Suray, to converse and dispute.

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Feb. 7-This morning early, some Pundits, with whom I met in the Bazaar, came to converse. One among them strenuously maintained his system, and, till beaten from his strong-holds, was of course deaf to reason: he became at length attentive, and listened to a part of the Hindoo Poem. One took away the only copy which I had, and the disputant asked for a Sanscrit copy. Soon after the Pundits were gone, several Mussulmans came, to ask for a copy of Mr. Bowley's Rusalu," which they had heard read the day before. Having only one, two of them seated themselves and copied it: they intend probably to reply to it. This is what we want. During the morning, a number of people asked for books; and, in the afternoon, the principal Moolwee of the place came, accompanied by a host of Mussulmans. Having seated him, a conversation commenced, which continued uninterrupted till the time for Prayers. The subjects of dispute were several: the first, I believe, was the Divinity of Christ, of which he required proofs. Several having been given, he objected to the possibility of the Deity assuming human flesh.

With regard to His Resurrection, he said that could not be any proof of His Divinity, as others had died and raised themselves besides Christ, which would

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