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somely bound copy of D'Oyly and Mant's Bible and Prayer, in remembrance of her faithful and valuable service; and her pupils have made her a present of Plate.

New Subscriptions.

The following Donations and new Annual Subscriptions have been contributed since the last announcement, and are hereby thankfully acknowledged. The List is made up to the 19th December.

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Contributions may be paid to MESSRS. DRUMMOND, Bankers, Charing Cross; to MR. HENRY STRETTON, the Society's Receiver, 67 Lincoln's Inn Fields, to whom all Remittances should be made; or they will be received at the National Society's Office, Sanctuary, Westminster, or by any of the Local Treasurers to the Society, or by the Society's Travelling Agents.





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"The Committee have been favoured with an announcement from the Executors of the late H. O. Roe, Esq., of Weston, near Baldock, Herts, of a legacy of 3007. His Executors observe, that amongst many noble charitable legacies, and two of 15007. each to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the late Mr. Roe in his life founded one school for education of a better class, materially assisted others, and besides 2001. gift to the National School at Baldock, has left 2007. for the Weston National School, 500l. as a repairing fund and for general purposes of Stotfold National School, and 10007. for apprenticing deserving children from the latter for ever.

Lincoln Diocesan Board.

The Report of this Board records an important crisis in its operations. The Diocesan Middle and Training School, which has been ably superintended by the Rev. T. R. Crowther since 1840, is not to be continued as a middle school; but active steps are being taken to secure efficient training for the teachers to be employed in the Diocese.

The Report further states, that

"At a meeting of the committee of management holden on the 13th of September, 1854, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese reported that he had convened a meeting of the clergy, for the purpose of uniting the county of Nottingham and the county of Lincoln into one Diocesan Board of Education. Such a meeting was accordingly held at Newark upon the 29th of September; and the Bishop of the Diocese, in a long and able speech, pressed upon the meeting the expediency of such an Union, the express object in view being the organisation of training-schools for masters and mistresses in the respective counties. The cordial support which this proposition of the Bishop received from a numerous meeting of influential persons, both lay and clergy, in the county of Nottingham upon that day, suggests the hope, that great as may be the difficulties attending the carrying out of this scheme, they may be surmounted by a cordial co-operation of the laity and clergy of both counties towards the success of a plan which appears to promise results so beneficial to the cause of the education of the humbler and laborious classes of the community, based upon sound religious principles.

At a Meeting held at Lincoln on the 13th of October, 1854, which was attended by many influential members of the laity and clergy of the counties of Nottingham and Lincoln, and at which the Lord Bishop of the Diocese presided, rules were submitted to the Nottinghamshire gentlemen present, as the basis upon which a joint Diocesan Board should be formed, and as yet no answer has been received from them."

Report of the Ripon Diocesan Board.

The Ripon Diocesan Board of Education present their thirteenth annual Report with a deeper conviction than ever of the great importance of the work which the Society undertakes to aid-the scriptural education of the young from among the working classes of our country. In reviewing the transactions of the past year, they have rather to remark the steady working of the existing machinery, than any great increase in the number of our schools.

During the year ending the 30th September, 1854, there were admitted into the Male Training School at York, 31 ordinary pupils; of these 26 still remain under instruction in the institution; the remaining 5 have withdrawn either from want of means, from failing to obtain an exhibition, or from inaptitude for the office of teacher.

Besides the above, there have been received, for periods varying from a week to an entire quarter, 9 extraordinary pupils to visit the practising-school and attend the classes. The average number of resident pupils during the year has been 52. There have been received during the year 113 applications for schoolmasters; the number of students appointed to schools during the year after the completion of at least a twelvemonth's residence is 25; of these, 9 have found employment in the Diocese of York, 9 in that of Ripon, and 7 in other Dioceses. Of these 25 pupils, 6 had completed the full term of 3 years' residence, 4 had remained 2 years, 1 for a year and a half, and 14 for 1 year.

The total number of schoolmasters sent out from the commencement of the institution to the 30th September, 1854, is, to the Diocese of York, 111; to the Diocese of Ripon, 107; to other Dioceses, 29. At the examination by her Majesty's Inspectors in December 1853, 36 resident students presented themselves as candidates for certificates; 5 settled masters, former pupils, also competed at this examination. Of the students, 22 were successful, and were placed as follows:

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The amount awarded by the Committee of Council on account of this examination was 4851. Under the new regulations, which came into operation at the end of last year, 37 pupils have been maintained by the Committee of Council as Queen's scholars since January last. Of these, 11 hold full scholarships of 201. per annum; the remaining 26 are scholars of the 2d class, on whose account only 20%. per annum is received from the Committee of Council. To such of these latter as propose to remain for a second year's training, the Board have granted exhibitions of 51. to make up the sum required for their maintenance.

In addition to these, this Board has maintained during the year four exhibitions of 187. 158. and two of 121. 10s. The holders of these exhibitions are for the most part pupil-teachers who failed in obtaining Queen's scholarships when the number of such scholarships was limited to 25 per cent upon the resident students.

Of the pupils in general, and of the Queen's scholars in particular, the late Principal reports that he is happy to be able to speak in terms of high commendation, on account of" their great industry, excellent conduct, and general freedom from that pretension which has sometimes caused the best friends of education to feel serious misgivings as to the wisdom of the plan acted upon by the Com

mittee of Council. In no former year has he observed, whether in Queen's scholars or in other students, a greater carefulness and propriety of conduct, or a more gratifying earnestness of purpose and devotion to their work."

It may be useful here to mention, for the general information of school-managers, that at Christmas 18 students will be ready to proceed to take charge of schools; of these, many are as yet disengaged. With a few exceptions, all have completed at least a two-years' residence at the institution.

Turning to the Female Training Institution, we find that the number of pupils admitted during the past year has been 23 ordinary pupils and 5 extraordinary, for various limited periods. In December, 1853, 22 students were examined for certificates: of these 9 were successful; 2 were placed in the first class, one of whom was a Ripon exhibitioner, who had resided in the institution three full years, and is now appointed to the office of assistant mistress in the school; 3 others were placed in the 2d class, and the remainder in the first division of the third class.

There are 27 students now resident in the institution, of whom 8 are Queen's scholars, and one is a Ripon exhibitioner. During the past year, 40 applications have been made for schoolmistresses. The institution has been able to supply 3 pupils to schools within the Diocese of York, and 9 to schools within the Diocese of Ripon; 3 have taken schools in other parts of the kingdom. 75 schoolmistresses have been trained in this institution since it was originally formed.

In last year's Report the Board were under the necessity of stating that certain charges of erroneous teaching had been brought against the Principal of the Male Training School and the Mistress of the Female Training School. The Board requested his Grace the Archbishop of York to institute an inquiry into these charges, and to associate the Lord Bishop of Ripon with himself in making such inquiry. This inquiry was entered upon by their Lordships; and in the case of the Rev. the Principal they came to the decision that there was nothing in his teaching other than a faithful minister of the Church may hold and teach. In the meantime, however, that rev. gentleman was offered and accepted the headmastership of the Grammar School at Louth; and in accepting his resignation, the Board of Management came to a unanimous vote expressive of their high esteem for his character and attainments, and of his valuable services during the period of his connection with the Training School.

In his room the Rev. G. H. Robinson, Incumbent of Burley, in Otley, has been unanimously elected by the Board of Management to the vacant mastership. This gentleman's qualifications for this important situation, and in particular his aptness to teach and influence young men's minds for good, are highly spoken of by many of those most competent to give an opinion, and great hopes are entertained that under his direction the training school may maintain a high position among the institutions of the kingdom.

In the case of Miss Cruse their lordships came to the following decision: "Whilst those who doubted the soundness of Miss Cruse's teaching would hardly apply to her for schoolmistresses, in justice to her we are bound to say that we have received no complaint from any parties who have ever employed schoolmistresses trained under her care, and we have received very strong testimonials signed by various parties who have from time to time engaged such, speaking in very high terms of their qualifications. It appears to us that considerable misconception has prevailed as to what Miss Cruse has said and done, and it is not unnatural that such erroneous impressions should have led to suspicion and distrust in the quarters in which they existed. We cannot, however, but hope well of one of whom the Government Inspectors have spoken, in their recently published Report, in terms of high commendation."

As the Board of Management has determined to alter the time for making up the accounts, it is impossible to give an accurate statement of the cost of managing the training schools. It will not, however, be much less nor much more than the expense of preceding years.

The grants made by the Board in this year have been to Crake Hall 107., to Thurlstone 207., and to Linthwaite, for a master's house, 101.

The Board, since the commencement of this branch of their operations in 1852, have made 27 grants, amounting to 3257., towards the erection or enlargement of 20 schools, affording accommodation for 4952 scholars.

Legacies of 5001. each, left by Miss Elizabeth Cawood and Miss Sarah Cawood, to the York Board of Education, have been reduced by the Court of Chancery in the first case to 3267. 18s. 4d., and in the second to 227. 17s. These reductions have been made in consequence of those ladies not having left pure personalty sufficient to discharge their legacies to charitable objects.

In consequence of the York Diocesan Board as well as our Board claiming the legacies, it was arranged on behalf of both Boards that whatever was received should be handed over to the TrainingSchool treasurer, so that each Diocesan Board has in effect received benefit to the amount of one-half of the above sum.

With regard to the general state of education in the diocese, some very important deductions may be eliminated from the recent Census on education.

This diocese is composed of portions of West and North Ridings. In the West Riding the number of day-scholars is 12.2 per cent on population; in the North Riding, ditto 13.7 per cent. The population of the diocese was 1,041,257 in 1851; and taking the average attendance at 123 per cent throughout the diocese, it will give 130,157 scholars as then attending day-schools. The West Riding contains 426 day-schools, supported by the Church of England, containing 51,516 scholars; the North, ditto 162, containing 9362 scholars.

The population of the West and North Ridings is 1,540,709, and the two Ridings have 60,878 scholars; therefore the population of the diocese being 1,041,257, the diocese will contain 41,143 of these day-scholars. The West Riding contains 601 Church Sunday-schools, and there are 68,902 Church Sunday-scholars, being more than one-third of all the Sunday-schools in the Riding, and less than one-third of all the scholars. The North Riding contains 251 Sunday-schools, and there are 13,554 Church Sunday-scholars, being more than one-half of all the Sunday-schools and Sunday-scholars in the Riding.

From the Report of her Majesty's Inspector for Yorkshire, we may gather two encouraging facts in regard to the state of education in the diocese. The first is, the satisfactory increase of certificated teachers, both masters and mistresses, and the corresponding decrease of those who are uncertificated. In 1850-1 the number of uncertificated teachers examined in Yorkshire was 112; in 1851-2 the number was 96; but in 1852-3 it was only 62.

The other encouraging fact is connected with the important subject of age. There is an improvement in either direction: there are more children of (what may be called) advanced age, and fewer of almost infantine years than heretofore; and this amelioration has been proceeding gradually but steadily for the last three years. The number of children attending school, under ten years of age, in

1851, was 78 82 per cent, in 1853 it was reduced to 69.91 per cent. The number of children above 12 years of age was only 10-62 per cent in 1851, but had risen to 19-21 per cent in 1853. This gradual and progressive amendment in so important a point is a hopeful and encouraging sign; for without it all hope of raising education to its proper moral influence and power is altogether vain: it can only be meagre, unsatisfactory, and resultless.

In conclusion, the Board have only to remark, that, in their judgment, the nation has now entered upon the right path of educational improvement; that much has been done, and more is easily attainable; and they have only to express their fervent hope that the plans now so auspiciously begun may be followed out consistently, till the most perfect system that our present circumstances admit of shall be carried into full and effective operation. They remain fixed in their conclusion, that in a rightly constituted system of education the secular must be subordinated to the sacred, or rather must be guided, informed, and consecrated by it; that when the secular is separated from the sacred, and is either indifferent or opposed to it, there may be instruction, but there cannot be education. They are content that the state, as the condition of its assisting education, should inspect, and advise of, and take every security that can be devised for the sound teaching secular knowledge, without trammelling and controlling the teaching of God's Word and truth. And in accepting the correlative duty which this imposes upon the Church, of largely contributing from the private resources of her members to the maintenance and diffusion of sound religious education, they fearlessly invite the hearty co-operation of all who profess and call themselves Churchmen in this blessed work, and would urge as the only but sufficient motive to compliance the great Christian principle of love,-sure that all who feel its constraining influence will gladly give to Him, who has made and preserved and redeemed us, of that which He has given to us.

The cash account in connection with the Board of Education showed that the total income for the year had been 5137. 9s. 6d., of which 4897. 10s. 7d. was by annual subscriptions. The expenses included 3677. 1s. 6d. for current expenses of training schools, 1337. 15s. for male exhibitions, 751. for grants, 147. 5s. for female exhibitions, and 147. 14s. for schoolmasters in the archdeaconry of Richmond.

Committee of Council on Education.

The following correspondence has taken place on the subject of the application of the Management Clauses to schools held on a leasehold tenure:

5 Clevedon Street, Park Road, Liverpool, December 16, 1854. SIR, I beg leave most respectfully to request information on the following subject, which is of great importance to Certificated Teachers.

Do the "Management Clauses" inserted in trust-deeds of Church of England schools, defining the respective powers of the clergyman and the lay Committee, apply, either in letter or spirit, to schools having Certificated Teachers, Pupil-teachers, and other grants from the Council Office, where the school building is held on a leasehold tenure for a limited number of years? Or, must the Certificated Teacher of such a school, and receiving augmentation grants, consider that the lay Committee have no power in the management of the school, and that the clergyman can appoint and dismiss the teacher on his own responsibility, and even contrary to the desires and opinions of the lay Committee. The subject is important, and the information for the guidance both of Certificated Teachers and School Managers seems at present very vague and indefinite. A. BOARDMAN. Master of St. Paul's School, Princes Park, Liverpool, and President of the "Associated Body."

To the Secretary of the Committee of Council on Education.

I have, &c.


Reply to the foregoing Letter.

Committee of Council on Education,

Council Office, Whitehall, 23d December, 1854. SIR,-In reply to the inquiry contained in your letter of the 16th instant, I am directed to state that much misconception exists as to the effect of any minutes passed by the Committee of Council with reference to the management of particular schools.

The Management Clauses, as they are called, are nothing more than certain trusts which my Lords recommend for insertion in the deeds, whereby the sites of schools (to be built with aid from the Parliamentary grant) are conveyed to trustees.

These trusts, when so inserted, have no further force whatever as minutes of this Committee, but only as so many parts of an ordinary legal instrument; just in the same way as if they were parts of a man's will, or of any writing to which a court of justice would give effect.

When a school is already built, and the application made to this Committee is only for aid to maintain it, my Lords simply inquire whether the tenure is such as to promise the permanence of an efficient school. Their Lordships, in such a case, have no power whatever to alter or to interfere with the management. That point has been settled before the case comes before their Lordships, either by the terms of a particular trust-deed, if there be one, and, if not, then it depends upon the will of the owners of the property, or of those whom the owners may choose to empower. No reference whatever lies to the Committee of Council in such a case, nor does any minute passed by this Committee, with reference to the management of schools, in any degree apply. My Lords look to the annual reports of the inspector for an account of the practical working of the school, and their Lordships pay or refuse their grants accordingly.

The members of your Association cannot too carefully bear in mind that the respective powers of the clergy and other managers in their schools are defined by the deeds thereof, and not by any recurring interference of the Committee of Council, while the interpretation of those deeds, in case of question, belongs to the ordinary legal tribunals of the country.

I have, &c.

Mr. A. Boardman, 5 Clevedon Street, Park Road, Liverpool.



Examination Papers,


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1. The Supplementary Questions are not to be attempted by any candidate of the first year who has not answered one question in each of the preceding sections. No such candidate may answer more than two of the Supplementary Questions.

2. Candidates of the second year, and teachers in charge of schools, may not answer more than six questions, but may choose them from any part of the paper,

SECTION I.-1. Write out the promises and menaces of the Book of Deuteronomy, and show their fulfilment.

2. Give an account of the Book of Judges, and of the practical lessons which it teaches, illustrated by quotations from the song of Deborah.

3. Name in order the events which occurred between the departure of the Israelites from Egypt and their entrance into Canaan; and show the bearings of those events upon Christian doctrine and practice.

SECT. II.-1. What prophecies of Joel, Amos, and Zachariah are quoted in the New Testament, and on what occasions?

2. What evangelical truths are most clearly taught in the prophetical books? In what terms do the Prophets describe the Christian covenant?

3. In what passages of the Old Testament are the vine and vineyard used as figures of Christ or the Church? Quote one of these, and explain it.

SECT. III.-1. Compare the conduct of St. Peter before and after the resurrection of our Lord. 2. Give an account of St. Paul's first journey from Troas to Thessalonica, or of his last visit to Jerusalem.

3. What discourses of our Lord are recorded by St. John only? Write out the heads of one of these discourses, and add thereto from 8 to 12 consecutive verses in the words of the original.

SECT. IV.-1. Write out the texts that show the inspiration and uses of Holy Scripture.

2. What spiritual truths are illustrated by reference to military affairs in the Gospels, Epistles, and in the Baptismal Service?

3. Give texts and examples to show that fortitude, temperance, prudence, and justice are indispensable to Christians.

4. Show the progressive power of Divine grace in believers, by texts and examples.


1. Arrange in order the texts that show the personality and Godhead of the Holy Spirit, and His offices in the Church.

2. Write an analysis of one of these Epistles-Romans, Ephesians, Galatians; and quote fully the most important texts under each head.

3. In what respects was the Law an imperfect dispensation? For what purposes was it given? Show that these purposes have been effected. Give full proofs of each assertion from Holy Scripture.

4. What are the characteristic features of the four gospels? Illustrate your answer by clear reference and quotations.

5. On what occasions are these persons mentioned in the New Testament-Timothy, Titus, Trophi mus, Aristarchus, Gaius, John Mark, Demas, Luke? Show the coincidences in the Epistles and Acts of the Apostles with reference to these names.

6. What doctrinal points are most clearly established in the following books: 2 Corinthians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 Peter, and Revelations.

7. What may be learned of the constitution, discipline, and customs of the Primitive Church from the Acts of the Apostles?


SECT. I.-1. Explain these expressions clearly, and illustrate them by reference to Holy Scripture: 'Catechism' inheritor of the kingdom of heaven-state of salvation'-'put in authority'-'ghostly enemy'' death unto sin'-' children of wrath'-' charity.'

SECT. II.-1. State briefly the leading points in the Confession, Absolution, Te Deum, and the Litany.

2. Give a succinct account of the baptismal service.

3. When and by what authority were the following additions made to the daily service? The introductory part-Prayer for all orders of men-Prayer for the king-For the clergy and people.

SECT. III.-Write out one of these articles with scriptural illustrations: Of the Old TestamentOf Christ alone without sin-Of the Lord's Supper.

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