should bow, by giving the Opposition the permission they desired. Mr Cardwell then, amidst tremendists, moved that the vote of censure ous cheering from the Ministerialbe withdrawn! "He was sure that he was only speaking the sentiments of a large number of those hon. gentlemen who would be compelled from previous promises to vote for the motion (cheers and roars of laughter from the Ministerial benches) when he expressed a hope that the motion would be withdrawn. He said this in a spirit of frankness (renewed cheers and laughter), which he was sure the House would appreciate. He could not but believe that the avowal that many of the right hon. gentleman's friends would be placed in a most unenviable position (laughter) if his motion were pressed to a division, and the overpowering consideration of the bad effects of a dissolution to many of them (roars of laughter from the Ministerialists), would induce the right hon. gentleman to withdraw his motion." The mutiny became general. Mr Duncombe said "he had intended to vote for the motion, and had not disguised his opinion; but as the case stood, if Mr Cardwell persevered in his motion, he would put on his hat and wish him 'good-night,' leaving him to the tender mercies of honourable gentlemen opposite !" At length, after much consultation held by Mr Cardwell with Lord John Russell, Sir C. Wood, and Lord Palmerston, the latter, as leader of the routed faction, rose (confused, and with the worst grace he ever showed in his life), and joined in the appeal that Mr Cardwell should withdraw his motion. Mr Cardwell, of course, assented; and then came the capitulation. The motion could not be withdrawn without the permission of the House, and the Ministerialist leader was appealed to. The hour of victory had come. Like a consummate general, Disraeli, to appearance as impassive as marble, had watched every feint and move of his troubled antagonists; and now, calm and concentrated amidst his unparalleled triumph, he rose amidst deafening cheers. With a magnanimity which was true wisdom, and with admirable taste, he said that if he were only to consult party interests, he should prefer to go on with the debate, and was quite ready to divide the House on the motion; but that there were higher interests than those of party, and that to those higher interests he And so ended this memorable debate. The Factions had chosen their field of battle-had made their grand attack-had been beaten-and now lowered their flags and capitulated! Much as Lord Palmerston had been damaged both in character and in prestige by his fall from office and its causes,-low as Lord John Russell has been sinking for several years past,-both of these statesmen have now reached a lower depth still. A party too easily pardons faction in its leaders if it be united with skill and success; for then the personal interests of all are temporarily advanced, even though the chiefs reserve to themselves the spolia opima. But when faction is combined with incapacity, producing exposure and defeat, that is a very different matter; and we are persuaded that it will be a good while before the Liberals as a party again make themselves the tools of the "official" Whigs. Let us ask, too-and though the question be a momentous one, time forbids us to do more than put it-whether, after this extraordinary debate, the country relish the prospect of the House of Commons being intrusted with the direct government of India? We cannot conclude the narrative of these remarkable events-a narrative which, we believe, speaks trumpet-tongued its own moral-without according a mead of highest praise to Lord Ellenborough and Mr Disraeli, -the two men to whom it is owing that such a battle for political wisdom and humanity against persecution and terrible folly, was fought at all, and that it was fought successfully. The one saved India in this matter, and the other England. Mr Disraeli has the honour, we believe, of having from the first discerned the strength of the Ministerial position, and boldly resolved to appeal to the country rather than abandon it. And to his consummate leadership, it is mainly due that the House of Commons has been saved from committing one of the most terrible errors, as well as delinquencies, which ignorance ever prompted, or faction inspired. But our last and best word must be reserved for Lord Ellenborough. Personal connection and the influences of distinguished circles, and still more, the factious interests of party, caused the praises of Lord Canning to be sounded throughout the recent debate with a zeal that far overshot the limits of truth. But how few the tributes to that far nobler man, who interposed to save our Indian empire from an act of insanity, and then sacrificed high and honourable office rather than allow faction to obtain a triumph at the expense alike of British honour and British dominion. Lord Canning had fallen into the greatest and most momentous error_ever committed by any Viceroy of India; and instead of dealing harshly with him, Lord Ellenborough's only error was on the other side. Had he recalled Lord Canning at once, history would have said that never was Governor-General more justly displaced; and the Factions, compelled to encounter the question purely on the merits of the rival policies, would probably have shrunk from contesting the decision. It was on account of the noble Earl's leniency - it was just because he censured and did not recall that the Factions were able to find a specious ground of attack; and it is deeply to be regretted that it has cost the State so dearly to repel an attack so entirely selfish and unjustifiable. England and India can ill afford to lose the services of such a man at such a juncture. "Would that we had Ellenborough here!" is the cry of many of our best officers and soldiers in India. What will they say when they learn that he no longer rules even at home, and that the factious efforts of the Whig chiefs have driven from the helm of Indian administration the statesman who could do most to right the shaken fortunes of that mighty empire? Lord Ellenborough's only fault was, that his prescient mind saw things too early and too clearly for the purblind chiefs of the Opposition. Densely ignorant of India and its governmental wants, they thought wrong was right, and right wrong, until the march of events undeceived them. Like Mr V. Smith, they esteemed Canning's proclamation wisdom, and Ellenborough's despatch folly. They maintained that the latter would paralyse our soldiers, and rouse the natives against our rule; whereas the arrival of successive mails now shows that it is the very thing our generals are calling for,that it is the only way to allay the hostility excited by the edict of confiscation, and so far from weakening our Indian Executive, it only enjoins a policy which, ere the published despatch reach Calcutta, that Executive will have found itself compelled to adopt. The stern logic of events, and the protests of almost every man of mark in India, will already have produced their effects, by convincing the erring Governor-General that he must either recall his unjust and persecuting proclamation, or sacrifice both our army and our empire in an interminable war. INDEX TO VOL. LXXXIII. 388 et seq. African travel, present aspects of, 282. Albuminous substances, true place of, in Alcohol, relations of, to nutrition, 413. Alligator, the, at Pangany, 283. Amoeba, analogy between the blood cor- Andersson, on the suffering from thirst, Ancient empires, the degeneracy of, 139. Animal food, cases of antipathy to, 327. Appetite, what, 1. Arabs of Zanzibar, &c. 203. Army, the, allowance for food in, 525. 201. Arterial blood, characters of, &c., 695. sity, 75, 76-examination for, 78. Australia, transportation to, 295. Bagshawe, lieutenant, murder of, 659. Bajee Rao, the treaty concluded with, 137. Bardul-Ki-Serai, battle of, 123. Barnard, general, at Umballa, 645— Barnes, Mr, at Umballa, 646. Beatson, captain, at Delhi, 135. Beaumont, Dr, his theory of hunger, 10 Beecher, colonel, wounded before Delhi, BELLS OF BOTREAUX, THE, 41-chap. ii. Beltain, or Beltane, the, 349. Berard, M., cases of prolonged fasting Bernard, C., on the conversion of gela- Blackhole of Calcutta, the, 13. Blackie, professor, on university reform, BLOOD, 687-taken as a standard for Blood-discs or corpuscles, the, 688. Body, the waste and repair of the, 2- 3. Bone soup, experiments, &c., on, 409. Bosjesmans, gluttony of the, 523. Botany Bay, first transportations to, 292. Brind, Major J., at Jullundhur, 242. BUCKLAND'S CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL Buddhism, ancient prevalence of, in Sind, Bueny, village of, 282. Bulwer, the novels of, 60. Bunsen, chevalier, preface to Debit and Buonaparte, Lucien, and Beranger, 113. Burns, contrast between and Beranger, Burton, captain, Zanzibar, and Two Months in East Africa, by, part i. 200 Butler, lieutenant, 125-at Delhi, 133, Butler, colonel, at Phillour, 244. Cagliari, the case of the, 505 et seq. Carpenter, Dr, on Liebig's theory of Caseine, relations, &c. of, as a nutritive Catacombs, first appearance of Christian Caulfield, captain, at Delhi, 133, 134. Caxton, Pisistratus, What will he do with Chach, king of Sind, 313 et seq. Chameleon, habits, &c. of the, 363. Chemistry, true function of, as regards in- Chogway, sketches at, 286. Church, influence, &c. of the, in Pied- Cimmerians, the, 549. Civilisation, relations of hunger to, 1- Classics, proposed entrance examination Clay, the edible, of South America, 325. Clyde river, the, 472, 476. Clydesdale, scenery, &c. of, 472. Commissariat, the, in India, 650. Comte, A. on the origin of slavery, 291. Cornaro, dietary of, 522. Council, the proposed Indian, 495 et seq. Crime, diminution of, in Scotland, 307. overrun, antiquities of, &c. 548 et seq. Dalhousie, lord, the annexation of Oude DEBIT AND CREDIT, 57. Delhi, first indications of the revolt in, 94 Delhi, king of, insurrectionary letter of, Denis, experiment by, on transfusion of Dennis, captain, 126. Derby ministry, the, 498 et seq.-first Detective, skill of the, in distinguishing Dickens, Charles, the school of fiction Diligences, Spanish, 456. Divinity, faculty of, in Edinburgh Uni- Dobbin, lieutenant, at Phillour, 242. Doondy Rao, see Nana Sahib. Draper, professor, on the blood cor- East India bill, remarks on the, 370 et seq. Cockburn, lord, sketch of the Heart of East India Company, the, and the Midlothian by, 292. Cold climates, greater consumption of COLLEGES AND CELIBACY, 557. mutiny, 245 et seq. the proposed Edwardes, colonel, 589, 591, 592. Elliot, Sir Henry, history of Sind by, English, passion for travelling among the, English Universities, difference between, Executions, former frequency of, 292. Fellows, College, restriction of, from mar- Ferozepore, measures for the security of, Fever of East Africa, the, 586 et seq. Fiction, the modern schools of, 59. Part III., 515. Food, circumstances which regulate the France, the misunderstanding with, 499 et seq. Fuga, journey to, and sketches in, 572, 581 et seq. FUSILIERS, THE FIRST BENGAL EURO- Galla tribes, the, 219. Gelatine, relations, of, to nutrition, 409. German life, sketches of, in Debit and Gerrard, colonel, death of, 723. Ghalib Jung, career, &c. of, 630 et seq. Ghoorkahs, the, before Delhi, 126, 132. Gil Blas, Bunsen on, 59. GLASGOW, RAMBLES ROUND, 467. Gluten, relations, &c. of, as a nutritive Gluttony, examples of, 523. Gotama Buddha, scene of the exploits Goths, the, in the Crimea, 551 et seq. Granié, the case of, 7. Greased cartridges, the case of the, 95. Greek, proposed entrance examination Greville, captain, at Delhi, 126, 129- wounded, 130-at the assault, 134. Hardinge, lord, on the commissariat in Hartley, colonel, measures of, at Jul- Harvey, views of, on the blood, 692. Heart of Mid-Lothian, sketch of the, Heatmaking foods, Liebig's classification Hejjaz, conquest of Sind by, 317. Hindoo Sepoys, means adopted to ex- Hippopotamus, hunting the, 584. Holwell, Mr, account of the Black-hole |