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26th. (Sunday.)-The English services, both morning and evening, were numerously and respectably attended; the Commandant and his lady, with others, making part of the congregation there were not less than fifty or sixty young people of both sexes present; and I could not but regret that so little of our attention can be given to them. Very few natives came to the Tamul service in the afternoon.

27th. I conversed with several persons, examined an English school and our Tamul school, and distributed several books and tracts in both languages.

28th. I reached Conjeveram at seven o'clock, A. M. After taking a little milk I sat down to read, but was soon interrupted by two men: thinking that, like most others, they came to me merely from idle curiosity, I said but few words to them, told them that I was engaged in reading, and that if they wished to be employed in a similar way I would supply them with a book, and at the same time put into their hands a Tamul and a Teloogoo tract. They looked at each other with countenances that seemed to say, This is not what we wished; and one of them said they came to have some particular conversation with me, but if I dismissed them thus, they should be disappointed. I desired them to be seated, and asked what they had to say, when, to my great pleasure and surprise, one of them took out of his cloth a copy of the Tamul translation of Mrs. Sherwood's Indian Pilgrim: they said it was borrowed, that they had read the whole of it by lamplight within the last two months, being obliged to attend to their occupation of weaving the whole day; that there were many things difficult to be understood, and which they wished me to explain to them. The conversation which ensued was one of the most interesting I ever had with natives for candour and humility they surpassed any Heathen I ever saw. It is eight years since they first heard of Christianity; they have received and read many tracts from the different Missionaries who have visited this populous strong hold of heathenism, and having had access to a New Testament belonging to one of the Schools here, have read it through. They once visited Madras, for the purpose of seeing a Missionary, but not knowing under what name to inquire for him, except as Master of all the Charity Schools, they only got laughed at in that extensive town and neighbourhood, and,

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worn down with fatigue and disappointment, were obliged to return home, a distance of forty miles, without having accomplished their object. I gave them my address, and they engaged to come and see me on my return to Madras. I spoke pointedly to them about being baptized and making an open profession of what they believed to be the truth; one of them readily answered, that the Apostle had said that Christ had not sent him to baptize but to preach the Gospel; that they were not ready to make the sacrifices that step would require; and inquired whether it was not possible to be saved without baptism: I gave them my views on the subject, and, after praying with them, dismissed them.

On the road in the evening I was met by a man who reminded me that I had given him a tract twelve months ago, and now requested another.

The intense heat of the weather induced me to change my intention of travelling slowly through the country, and to make all possible haste to the end of my journey.

Chittoor. I arrived here on Thursday, March 2d, and remained until Wednesday, 15th; and during my stay preached to the natives once or twice every day, and delivered several sermons in English also. Twice I preached in Tamul out of doors, to a congregation of upwards of a thousand men, chiefly prisoners in the gaol. The Christian congregation in the church was large and serious;" most of the women having been educated in the school here, can read their own language with ease and fluency. The Catechists, who appear to be faithful men, brought to me upwards of twenty persons to be baptized, and I had three couples to marry. The London Missionary Society consider this Station as belonging to them; it is. much to be regretted that they have no Missionary residing here.

16th. I arrived at Vellore, and the following day visited the School belonging to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. In the evening, I preached twice, an English sermon to the pensioners and others, and in Tamul to the natives.

Sunday, 19th.-Public notice having been given previously, at seven in the morning I had a large and attentive congregation of natives. At ten o'clock the English congregation was numerous; the Commandant, with many of the officers and ladies of the cantonment, formed part of it, and I felt liberty and pleasure in exhorting them to "seek first the kingdom of God."

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23d. I arrived in Madras after an absence of thirty days; and here record my joy and gratitude at what I have seen of the grace of God in different parts of this heathen land, and the pleasure I have felt in the opportunities I have had of declaring to thousands of idolatrous pagans and Mahommedans, the truth as it is in Jesus. The little blessed leaven is working silently, but perceptibly, a change in the views and feelings of a great portion of the vast population of this country. Some hundreds have thrown off the yoke of Hindooism; but a much larger number are convinced of the folly and sin of idolatry; although their hearts are not sufficiently affected by the truth to lead them to forego those social and civil privileges from which they would be immediately excluded if they took the name of Christian. A removal of such impediments would immediately add thousands to the outward Christian church; but let us rather pray for such an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit, that, in the face of all opposition and danger, men may be led to join themselves to the Lord in an everlasting Covenant.

24th. Good Friday-In Royapettah chapel, at 10 o'clock, there was a goodly assembly of natives; I felt it a privilege again to worship with my own congregation.

In the evening the Bungaloe chapel in Black Town was well attended, and many Heathens stood and listened while I preached from, "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things."

26th. Easter Sunday.-Mr. Carver read prayers, and I preached in Tamul; we afterwards administered the Lord's supper to twenty native communicants. A solemn rejoicing, a holy triumph in God their Saviour, seemed to pervade the minds of the whole of the assembly.

In the evening I accompanied Mr. Carver to Black-Town, where he preached to the English congregation, while I addressed a company of both sexes, Christians and Heathens, in Tamul.

27th. I gave the translation into Tamul, of the Second Catechism, into the hands of the printer.

Journal, continued from p. 777.

The Greeks here are much more liberal than their brethren in Russia. At Astrachan they would not allow a Ruscollnick, or heretic, (for so they term all Protestants,) to be buried in the parish church-yard. At the conclusion of the service, I addressed a suitable exhortation to the sailors who attended the funeral.

MEDITERRANEAN MISSIONS. Extracts from Mr. Macpherson's SEPT. 19th. Captains Allen and M'Allum called upon me this evening to acquaint me that a young man on board the Vere had fallen from the main-top, and was killed on the spot, and to request me to read the burial-service over him to-morrow at the Greek convent, where it is intended he should be interred. Last Sabbath, when preaching to the sailors from Heb. xi. 7, I felt my mind peculiarly exercised, and had more than ordinary liberty in urging on them the necessity of being ready at a moment's warning to prepare to meet their God, lest their destruction should be as sudden and unexpected as that of the Antediluvians was. In the midst of life we are in death. Little did this young man imagine last Sabbath, when he was listening to the proclamation of mercy, that his latter end was so near! How necessary the exhortation of our Lord, "Be ye also ready.'



20th. The Janissary called upon me this morning, to accompany me to the funeral. When he brought into the church the body of the deceased, the Greek Priests ordered wax-candles to be lighted; but as I objected to it as being contrary to my religious sentiments, they were immediately extinguished.


25th. I endeavoured to improve the melancholy accident which happened last week on board the Vere, by preaching from Luke xii. 16–20. All seemed much impressed with the truths that in the course of the lecture were brought before them. But, alas! I fear it will be like "the morning cloud and the early dew."

26th.-I have almost made up my mind to accompany Dr. Madden, the English physician, and a Mr. Gallon, an English gentleman in the Pasha's service, to Cairo and Thebes, in order that I may be enabled to form some opinion of the probable prospect of success, should the Committee judge it expedient that I should travel in the interior of the country during plaguetime.

October 2d. This morning, at my request, the English Consul sent his

janissary to protect me from the insults, I ought rather to have said the assaults, of the Arab troops. A few days ago I had a narrow escape from being shot by a Turkish soldier. I lectured from the 130th Psalm, and in the evening, as usual, preached in my own house to as many as came to hear me,

5th. The Superior of the Greek convent called upon me to-day. The whole of his conversation was taken up about the state of Greece. I have a good stock of Greek Bibles, Testaments, and Tracts, but I can get none to purchase them; if I gave them gratis, they would be gladly received. Such is the state of religion here, "One goes to his farm and another to his merchandise!"

15th. My mind was deeply affected this morning on hearing of the sudden death of the proprietor of my lodgings. I saw him yesterday evening in as good health as ever he was, and before ten o'clock he was a lifeless corpse! How necessary to work while it is called today, lest the brittle thread of life should be cut asunder before the labours of the day are finished!

20th.-1 am now enabled to speak a little with my teacher on religious subjects. He is well acquainted with the Scriptures; he says he can repeat the whole of the Book of Psalms by heart. Before leaving Syria he was ordained as a deacon. Ou conversing with him on the necessity and importance of personal religion, I adverted to the Parable of the Virgins, recorded in the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew. He is a Roman Catholic, and of course believes in the doctrine of supererogation.

25th. Mr. Gliddon introduced me to a Syrian Priest. 1 endeavoured to make the visit as profitable as possible. He appeared to be extremely pleased; and when I spoke to him about his soul, he said my words made a deep impression on his heart. In the evening I visited the European hospital. I found there only one English sailor. After conversing with him for some time, I gave him two religious tracts, and returned home.

30th. In pursuance of previous ar rangements, the Bethel flag was this morning hoisted on board the Mulgrave of Scarborough, which is a large and commodious ship, well adapted to my purpose. I had a pretty good congregation. I preached from Matthew xxv. 10: "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready went in to the marriage and the door was shut ;" and in the afternoon

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I delivered a lecture from the whole of the Parable of the Virgins.

November 13th.-I visited the Coptic convent, and was told that the Superior was on a tour in Upper Egypt. I could scarcely gain admittance. At length I was introduced to the Deputy-Superior, who after exchanging a few words with me, turned away with sovereign contempt. I have once and again endeavoured to get the Superior Priest to take a few copies of the Arabic Bible, by telling him that I am well supplied with the Arabic Scriptures; but he has uniformly refused; and this evening I was informed that they did not read my books; they had enough of their own!

14th. I resolved to-day, at all risks, to go to the market-place with a New Testament and a copy of the Book of Psalms. I took my stand by an Arab School; but was no sooner observed, than I was ordered in a most contemptuous manner to move off. I persevered, and after some conversation succeeded in disposing of my books. The teacher of the school would not deign to look at them nor speak to me.

19th. I preached on board the Mulgrave. The sea ran so high that it was not without some danger that I got on board.

22d. I went to the market with two Arabic Testaments, and a copy of the Book of Psalms. I got into conversation with two Barbary merchants: they looked into my books, but refused to have them either for or without money. Finding that I could not dispose of my books in any shop at the market, I proceeded to the Syrian Priest's School, where I gave them away to his scholars. The Priest was very anxious to know my views on Pur-gatory, and asked me if I believed that such a place existed. On replying in the negative, he said, Did I not believe that Christ preached to the spirits in Purgatory? Having denied the very existence of the place, a moment's reflection might have shown him the impropriety of his second question. I referred him, however, to the usual passages of Scripture which Protestants bring forward in support of their doctrine.

24th took up my stand at the market-place; but could find no person to read my books, or even to speak to me.'

27th.-I preached afloat. My congregation is small when compared with the number of English seamen now in the port. I came in contact with an Arab who could read: I left with him a New Testament. I was yesterday requested

to go and see a poor English sailor who was apparently drawing near the confines of eternity; but who was still considered to be in possession of his reason, and could speak a little. I lost no time in obeying the summons; but, alas! I fear it was too late the fear of annoying him, by making him believe that he was going to a world of spirits, prévented me from being called sooner, and now the vital spark had well nigh fled. The doctor endeavoured to revive him, but did not succeed; his speech had left him. I addressed such exhortations to him, as I thought his peculiar case required, which he seemed to comprehend. I commended his soul to the mercy of God, and in two hours I heard that he had gone to that land from which no traveller returns.

28th. I had a long argument with my teacher, on the worshipping of Saints. During the course of conversation, I quoted to him 1 Tim. ii. 5: "For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus; and Coloss. ii. 18. He acknowledged that I was in the right; but this confession of his I considered more out of compliment than real conviction.

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29th. I attempted again to give circulation to the Scriptures; but all in vain; no person would receive a single copy! Just as I had returned home, with a heavy heart, Mr. Gliddon called with Mr. Nicholayson, a Missionary from the London Jewish Society, who is on his way to Syria. He had letters to me, from the Rev. Messrs. Jowett, Temple, and Keeling. I have received a good supply of Tracts, in Italian and Greek, from Messrs. Jowett and Temple. Mr. Jowett, too, has furnished me with a parcel of Arabic Spelling-books, for which I hope to find use.

30th.-I devoted the whole of this day in assisting Mr. Nicholayson in making his arrangements for Syria.

Dec. 2d.-According to previous arrangement, I accompanied Dr. M. and Mr. Nicholayson to the Jewish synagogue, but was too late for the service. 3d.-Mr. N. being indisposed, I set out alone for the Jewish Synagogue, and was joined by Dr. M. in the way. We were in good time for the service. My heart was melted with compassion for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. We were received courteously, and shown a bench where we might sit down. I disposed of three Hebrew Tracts; but had not time to wait the conclusion of the service, as I was apprehensive Mr. N. might set sail before I returned.

On returning to my lodgings, I found Mr. N. and the Captain, with whom he had engaged his passage to Bieront, waiting for me. I accompanied them on board, and engaged in prayer in the cabin, when we commended one another to the grace of God.

4th. I went through my usual routine of duty. My congregation aftoat is increasing. We had several new faces to-day. On my way to the city, I endeavoured to dispose of an Arabic New Testament; but none would receive it. "Lord, who hath believed our report?"

5th. I distributed several of Mr. Jowett's Arabic Spelling-books at an Arab School. If they only could be introduced into the Arab Schools, they might be made very useful. I have disposed of ten of them to my Arabic teacher, who proposes to use them as elementary books at his school.

6th.-I made the necessary arrangements for going to Cairo. Being afloat, I took along with me a New Testament, and a few Tracts, if haply I might find any Arabs who would read them. I conversed with the boatmen, both of whom were deplorably ignorant of their own religion. All they knew was, that Mahomet is the Prophet of God, and the Koran is the word of God! They did not object to Christ being the Son of God.

7th.-An Arab came up with me today in the street, and begged that I would give him a copy of the New Testament; having none at the time, I presented him with a copy of Mr. Jowett's Spelling-book, which he received thankfully. In the evening I conversed with my Arab servants; they seemed to listen to the truth with considerable interest.

10th. Since my last date, I'have again and again endeavoured to circulate the Scriptures; but without effect. The Mahometans are jealous, and refuse to take the Bible, on the ground that it is not necessary for their salvation: even the Franks are shy in taking Tracts, though I distribute them gratuitously. Necessary arrangements having been made for my departure to Cairo, I joined my companion in travels, and in the evening embarked at the Mahmodie; we soon got under way, and glided up the canal.

16th.-I have been enabled to-day, for the first time, to take a long walk on the banks of the Nile. I am surprised to see every place so well cultivated. The scenery reminds me of the banks of the Volga. I passed through large fields of cotton, and visited many villages; but when I made

inquiry, could find none able to read. The children go about in a state of perfect nudity. The hovels in which the peasantry live are truly miserable. The Arabs are a lazy, indolent race of people, or they might live much more comfortably.

18th-I spent a much more comfortable Sabbath than I anticipated. I felt, from blessed experience, that God

is not confined to temples made with hands.

19th. After dark this evening we came to an anchorage off the village My companion and 1 of Bulack. having engaged two of our boatmen as guides, proceeded immediately to Grand Cairo, and took up our lodgings in the French hotel, which is much more comfortable than the inn at Alexandria.


NEW ZEALAND.-The following extracts from Mr. Stack's Journal, continue the account of the Mission after Mr. White's departure. They will further illustrate the gross and earthly character of the Natives, the resistance which the Gospel in its spiritual influence meets with in their hearts, and the "stony" nature of the soil in which the Christian labourer has to scatter his seed. The questions of the School children show great quickness of intellect, and this is in one view a hopeful circumstance; but, on the other hand, they discover little of the true spirit of docility. A special divine influence is obviously here peculiarly necessary to give saving energy to the truths preached; and this we trust will be the subject of the prayers of our friends when they think upon New Zealand.

SEPT. 20th, 1825.-The Natives' conduct to-day has been good; many of them came into our yard, but behaved well. I tried to speak to some of them on spiritual things. On expressing my sorrow that Brother White would not be able to rejoice the hearts of the good people in England, with the news of the conversion of the New Zealandreason why ers, they replied, the they did not understand and believe was, because they eat fern-root. told them many Europeans had no better food, and many not so good as they had, at which they expressed their surprise.


21st.-Takka, a Chief, brought a sick son into our yard to-day, who seems likely soon to fall a victim to his disorder. After receiving something for him, he took him honie again. Poor fellow, as though the recovery of his child depended solely upon us, as he went out of our gate, he said with great emphasis, "If my son gets well, I will give you a great reward." To night I endeavoured to say something to our boys and girls, from Acts viii. Puru asked, if Jerusalem was the only place to worship in, that the eunuch went there from his own country.

22d.-1 was pleased and encouraged with our children to-night. I spoke to them on Peter's restoring Eneas, and raising Tabitha to life. One of them, with a great deal of astonishment, exclaimed, "Why, Peter surely was Jesus

Christ. No wonder," said he, "the people believed when they saw such things. What do you do? If only one lame man of ours was to be healed, every person else would believe directly. If Kopidi, for instance, (meaning a lame Native, who lives in our valley,) was to get the proper use of his legs, all the others would believe directly.'

25th, (Sunday).—In the afternoon, I accompanied Brother Turner on the river to the Pà village, where we conversed with old Tipuhee on the great change the Gospel will make in New Zealand, as it respects the temporal condition of its inhabitants; that there will be no more wars, nor the various

calamities attending upon them. We told him the great change that had taken place in Tahiti since the people there have embraced Christ"What!" said the old ianity. man, "shall I be gone when these good times come? Will it be after I am dead?" We spoke on the awful realities of a final Judgment, and the consummation of all things. Our boys sang a Native Hymn and prayed, and we went to see another Chief. A strange female from the river Thames was with his family, who appeared much surprised at what we said respecting the Resurrection. She told us her husband was dead, that he had been killed by the Bay of Islanders on the coast, who took him ashore and buried him. The Natives here wished to know if men

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