Imágenes de páginas

Pocahontas. Six months after Smith left, ern Continent. A seal for the colony was the settlement of 500 souls was reduced adopted by the company. It was made of to sixty. The three commissioners reached beeswax, covered with very thin paper, Jamestown in June, 1610, and Gates de- and stamped on both sides with approtermined to leave for Newfoundland with priate devices. On one side were the royal


the famished settlers, and distribute them among the settlers there. In four pinnaces they departed, and were met at Point Comfort by Lord Delaware, with provisions and emigrants. Failing health compelled him to return to England in March, 1611, and he was succeeded by a deputy, Sir Thomas Dale, who arrived with 300 settlers and some cattle. Sir Thomas Gates came with 350 more colonists in September following, and superseded Dale. These were a far better class than any who had arrived, and there were then 1,000 Englishmen in Virginia. New settlements were planted at Dutch Gap and at Bermuda Hundred at the mouth of the Appomattox. In 1616 Deputy-Governor Gates was succeeded by Samuel Argall, but his course was so bad that Lord Delaware sailed from England to resume the government of Virginia, but died on the passage, at the mouth of the bay that bears his name.

George Yeardley was appointed governor in 1617, and he summoned two delegates from each of seven corporations or boroughs to assemble at Jamestown, July 30. These delegates formed a representative assembly, the first ever held on the West

arms of Great Britain, and on the other an effigy of the reigning monarch, with the sentence in Latin "Seal of the Province of Virginia." Kneeling before the monarch was an Indian presenting a bundle of tobacco, the chief product of the country. In the seal was a figure representing Queen Anne. The original from which the en


graving on preceding page was copied was somewhat defaced. It was sent to the colony almost immediately after the beginning of Queen Anne's reign, with instructions from the secretary of the privy council to break up the seal of her predecessor, William III., and send the fragments to England.

were sent to

The same year 1,200 colonists arrived, among whom were ninety "respectable young women," to become the wives of planters, who were purchased at a profit to the company and were paid for in tobacco, then become a profitable agricultural product. Within two years 150 respectable young women Virginia for the same purpose. Homes and families appeared, and so the foundation of the commonwealth of Virginia was laid. Already the Indians had been made friendly by the marriage of Pocahontas to an Englishman. The tribe of goldseekers had disappeared, and the future of Virginia appeared bright. The King injured the colony by sending over 100 convicts from English prisons, in 1619, to be sold as servants to the planters, and this system was pursued for 100 years, in defiance of the protests of the settlers. The

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same year the colonists bought twenty of burial sequestered and paled in." negro slaves of a Dutch trader, and so Absence from public worship "without slavery was introduced (see SLAVERY). On allowable excuse" incurred the forfeiture July 24, 1621, the London Company of a pound of tobacco, or 50 lbs. if the granted the colonists a written constitu- absence were persisted in for a month. tion for their government, which provided Divine public service was to be in confor the appointment of a governor and formity to the canons of the Church of council by the company, and a representa- England. In addition to the Church festive assembly, to consist of two burgesses tivals, March 22 (O. S.) was to be annuor representatives from each borough, to ally observed in commemoration of the be chosen by the people and clothed with escape of the colony from destruction by full legislative power in connection with the Indians. No minister was allowed to the council. This body formed the Gen- be absent from his parish more than two eral Assembly. Sir Francis Wyatt was months in a year, under pain of forfeiting appointed governor, and brought the con- cne-half of his salary, or the whole of it, stitution with him. and his spiritual charge, if absent four The first laws of the commonwealth months. He who disparaged a minister were thirty-five in number, concisely ex- without proof was to be fined 500 lbs. pressed, repealed all former laws, and of tobacco, and to beg the minister's parclearly showed the condition of the col- don publicly before the congregation. The ony. The first acts related to the Church. minister's salary was to be paid out of the They provided that in every plantation first-gathered and best tobacco and corn; there should be a room or house "for the and no man was to dispose of his tobacco worship of God, sequestered and set apart before paying his church-dues, under pain for that purpose, and not to be for any of forfeiting double. Drunkenness and temporal use whatsoever"; also a place swearing were made punishable offences.

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armed, nor to leave his house exposed to attack; no powder was to be spent unnecessarily, and each plantation was to be furnished with arms. Persons of "quality" who were delinquent might not undergo corporal punishment like "common" people, but might be imprisoned and fined. Any person wounded in the military service was to be cured at the public charge, and if permanently lamed was to have a maintenance according to

The levy and expenditure were to be go to work in the fields without being made by the Assembly only; the governor might not draw the inhabitants from their private employments to do his work; the whole council had to consent to the levy of men for the public service; older settlers, who came before Sir Thomas Gates (1611), "and their posterity" were to be exempt from personal military service; the burgesses were not to be molested in going to, coming from, or during the sessions of the Assembly; every private planter's lands were to be surveyed and their bounds his "quality"; and 10 lbs. of tobacco recorded; monthly courts were to be held were to be levied on each male coloby special commissioners at Elizabeth nist to pay the expenses of the war. This City, at the mouth of the James, and at war was that with the Indians after the Charles City, for the accommodation of massacre in 1622, and much of the legismore distant plantations; the price of lation had reference to it, such as an

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order for the inhabitants, at the beginning of July, 1624, to fall upon the adjoining savages as they did last year."


corn was to be unrestricted; in every parish was to be a public granary, to which each planter was to bring yearly a bushel of corn to be disposed of for public use by In 1624, of the 9,000 persons who had a vote of the freemen, and if not disposed been sent to Virginia, only a little more of to be returned to the owner; every set- than 2,000 remained. The same year the tler was to be compelled to cultivate corn London Company was dissolved by a writ enough for his family; all trade in corn of quo warranto, and Virginia became a with the Indians was prohibited; every royal province. George Yeardly was ap freeman was to fence in a garden of a pointed governor, with twelve councillors. quarter of an acre for the planting of He died in 1627, and was succeeded by Sir grape-vines, roots, herbs, and mulberry- John Harvey, a haughty and unpopular trees; inspectors, or censors," of to- ruler. Harvey was deposed by the Virbacco were to be appointed; ships were ginians in 1635, but was reinstated by to break bulk only at James City; weights Charles I., and ruled until 1639. Sir Willand measures were to be sealed; every iam Berkeley became governor in 1641, at house was to be palisaded for defence the beginning of the civil war in Engagainst the Indians, and no man was to land, and being a thorough loyalist, soon


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came in contact with the republican Par- ginia. That was Washington's first apliament. The colonists, also, remained pearance in public service. He performed loyal, and invited the son of the behead- the duty with so much skill and prudence ed King to come and reign over them. that he was placed at the head of a miliCromwell sent commissioners and a fleet tary force the next year, and fought the to Virginia. A compromise with the French at and near Fort Necessity. Durloyalists was effected. Berkeley gave way ing the French and Indian War that enRichard Bennett, one of the commis- sued, Virginia bore her share; and when sioners, who became governor. But when England began to press her taxation Charles II. was restored, Berkeley, who schemes in relation to the colonies, the had not left Virginia, was reinstated; the Virginia House of Burgesses took a patrilaws of the colony were revived; restric- otic stand in opposition, under the leadertive revenue laws were enforced; the ship of PATRICK HENRY (q. v.). From Church of England-disestablished in Vir- that time until the breaking out of the ginia-was re-established, and severe legis- Revolutionary War the Virginians were lative acts against Non-conformists were conspicuous in maintaining the rights of passed. Berkeley proclaimed Charles II. the colonies. King of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Virginia," and ruled with vigor. Under Berkeley, the colonists had become discontented, and in 1676 they broke out into open rebellion, led by a wealthy and enterprising young lawyer named NATHANIEL BACON (q. v.).


On March 20, 1775, a convention of delgates from the several counties and corporations of Virginia met for the first time. They assembled in St. John's Church in Richmond. Among the conspicuous members of the convention were Washington and Patrick Henry. Peyton Randolph was chosen president and John Tazewell clerk. A large portion of the members yearned for reconciliation with Great Britain, while others saw no ground for hope that the mother-country would be just. Among the latter was Patrick Henry. His judgment was too sound to be misled by mere appearances of justice, in which others trusted. The convention expressed its unqualified approbation of the proceedings of the Continental Congress, and warmly thanked their delegates for the part they had taken in it. They thanked the Assembly of the island of Jamaica for a sympathizing document, and then proceeded to consider resolutions that the colony should be instantly put in a state of defence by an immediate organization of the militia.

Charles II. had given a patent for Virginia (1673) to two of his rapacious courtiers (Arlington and Culpeper), and in 1677 the latter superseded Berkeley as governor. He arrived in Virginia in 1680, and his rapacity and profligacy soon so disgusted the people that they were on the verge of rebellion, when the King, of fended at him, revoked his grant and his commission. He was succeeded by an equally unpopular governor, Lord Howard of Effingham, and the people were again stirred to revolt; but the death of the King and other events in England made them wait for hoped-for relief. The Stuarts were driven from the throne forever in 1688, and there was a change for the better in the colonies. In 1699 Williamsburg was founded and made the capital of Virginia, where the General Assembly met in 1700. The code was revised for the fifth time in 1705, when by it slaves were declared real estate, and this law continued until 1776. Hostilities with the French broke out in 1754, they having built a line of military posts along the western slope of the Alleghany Mountains, in the rear of Virginia, and at the head-waters of the Ohio. To one of these posts young George Washington was sent on a diplomatic mission towards the close of 1753, by Dinwiddie, governor of Vir

This meant resistance, and the resolutions alarmed the more timid, who opposed the measure as rash and almost impious. Deceived by a show of justice on the part of Great Britain, they urged delay, for it was evident that the numerous friends of the colonists in England, together with the manufacturing interest, would soon bring about an accommodation. This show of timidity and temporizing roused the fire of patriotism in the bosom of Henry, and he made an impassioned speech, which electrified all hear

ers and has become in our history an ad- tainder, with those of Randolph, Jefferson, mired specimen of oratory. The resolu- the two Adamses, and Hancock. tions to prepare for defence were passed, Governor Dunmore soon called a meet


ing of the Virginia Assembly to consider a conciliatory proposition made by Lord North. They rejected it, and in his anger he

fulminated proclamations against Henry and the committees of vigilance which were formed in every county in Virginia. He declared that, should one of his officers be molested in the performance of his duty, he would raise the royal standard, proclaim freedom to the slaves, and arm them against their masters. He sent his family (May 4) on board the British man-of


and Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, war Fowey, in the York River, fortified Robert C. Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, his "palace," and secretly placed powder Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam under the magazine at Williamsburg, Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Chris- with the evident intention of blowing it tian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jeffer- up should occasion seem to require it. son, and Isaac Lane were appointed a The discovery of this "gunpowder plot " commitee to prepare a plan accordingly. greatly irritated the people. A rumor Their plan for embodying the militia was came (June 7) that armed marines adopted, and Virginia prepared herself were on their way from the Fowey to for the conflict. Provision was made for assist Dunmore to enforce the laws. the enrolment of a company of volunteers The people flew to arms, and the govin each county. The convention reappoint- ernor, alarmed, took refuge on the maned the Virginia delegates to seats in the of-war. He was the first of the royal second Continental Congress, adding governors who abdicated government at Thomas Jefferson, "in case of the non- the beginning of the Revolution. From the attendance of Peyton Randolph." Henry Fowey Dunmore sent messages, addresses, had said, prophetically, in his speech, "The next gale that comes from the North will bring to our ears the clash of arms!" This prophecy was speedily fulfilled by the clash of arms at Lexington. His bold proceedings and utterances in this convention caused his name to be presented to the British government in a bill of at

and letters to the burgesses in session at Williamsburg, and received communications from them in return. When all bills passed were ready for the governor's signature, he was invited to his capitol to sign them. He declined, and demanded that they should present the papers at his residence on shipboard. Instead of this,

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