W. Vol. No Page. Pt. War steamers. Letters of Commodore M. C Perry in relation to........ 1 nual report of the Secretary of.. 1 224 1 War, submitting a report of a board of officers in relation to additional . War, with a statement of the expenses of the national armories, &c., during 2 3 the inundations of the Mississippi river. Report of the Secretary of 3 3 15 1 3 17 1 .. 3 War, communicating the report of C. Ellet in reference to the deepening of War, communicating the report of Lieutenant Whipple's expedition from and other harbors, in the Delaware. Report of the Secretary of.... 3 22 War, communicating the proceedings of the court-martial in the case of War as to the expediency of granting the fort at Chef Menteur Pass to the 3 26 War, communicating a copy of WH. Sidell's survey of a route for a rail- Warehouses under act of August 6, 1846. Statement of the value of duti- Warehouses at the close of each quarter, from September 30, 1847, to June Water into the city of Washington for the better security of the govern- Whipple's expedition from San Diego to Colorado. Report of Lieutenant. 3 1 457 2 1 Wines and spirits. (See Imports.) 2 TABLE OF EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS-1850-'51. Interior, with estimates, &c. Annual report of the Secretary of the...... 1 (See schedule of papers accompanying, page 46.) Pensions. Annual report of the Commissioner of.... Accompanying documents, viz: .. 1 1 Report of Professor Page relative to his experiments "for testing the List of deaths, resignations, and dismissions in the navy, since the last re- Report and detailed estimates from the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, Report and detailed estimates from the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrog- the paymasters and quartermasters of the corps.. Aggregate of estimates .. 1 1 230 1 1 1 303 1 1 313 1 1 337 1 1 364 1 1 1 370 1 General estimate for the office of Secretary of the Navy and the several bureaus of the Navy Department.... General estimate for the southwest Executive building..... General estimate for special objects under the control of the Navy Depart ment. Statement of the expenditures under the head of contingent expenses, as settled and allowed at the office of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury Department, for the year ending June 30, 1850... Statement of the appropriations for the naval service, viz: balances on hand July 1, 1849; appropriations for the fiscal year 1849-150; amounts drawn from the treasury during that fiscal year; and balances on hand June 30, 1850 .. ... 1 1 397 1 |