CIVIL In Crown 8vo., Price 3s. 6d. SERVICE GUIDE. EXTRACTS FROM CRITICAL NOTICES. "A complete and compendious Dictionary to the Civil Service. The title is amply developed in the work, and every particular required by intending candidates is furnished in the most explicit form."-Educational Reporter. "The design of the book is so good, that the author will confer an essential service on the rising youth of the country if he can perfect and carry it out."-Athenæum, August 21, 1869. “It is the latest, as well as the best, and most complete work of the kind. The vast amount of information brought into such moderate dimensions, its simple arrangement, the general accuracy of statement, and indeed, the nature of the whole compilation, are worthy of the highest commendation."-Civil Service Gazette, August 7, 1869. "The friends of young men who wish to get an opening for them in the Civil Service, will find most serviceable the collection of information as to the appointments in each department."-Economist, October 30, 1869. "It appears that Mr. Johnston has been the first to tabularize the various public offices, so as to bring before the reader at a glance the present position of a candidate who enters any of them, and, according to the usual course of events, what will be his future prospects."-Public Opinion, October 23, 1869. "A useful little publication, and contains much information respecting government offices, and mode of obtaining nominations, salaries, and other matters of interest to all who are in search of employment in the Civil Service."-Observer, August 8th, 1869. “A handy and compendious Civil Service Guide.”—Daily News. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Convict Service (Scotland) Copyhold, &c., and Tithe Commission (3, St. James's Square) Copying, Examinations in County Courts Judgments' Registry Criminal Law Accounts 56 14 and 83 14 and 50 14 and 93 14 and 50 111 15 and 51 15 and 51 15 and 51 15, 34, 51 16 and 84 16 and 52 Examiners, Names of Exchequer and Audit Office (6, Old Palace Yard) Euclid, Examination Papers in Exchequer (Scotland) Excise, Entrance to, and Examination for 17 and 53 17 and 94 61, &c. 18 and 93 Fisheries (Oyster) History, Specimen Examination Papers in Foreign Office Do. Treaty Department French, Specimen Papers in 18 18 135 18 and 54 143 18 and 84 128 149 110 19 and 58 49 19 and 59 96 India Audit do. 19 and 60 Latin, Specimen Papers in Law (International, Law of Evidence, &c.) Papers Loan Fund Board (Dublin Castle) Local Government Act Logic, Examination Papers in PAGE. 146 156 21 and 85 21 176 London Gazette (Dublin do.) London University 21 and 62 22 and 62 Lord Advocate's Office (Scotland) 93 Lunacy Board (Scotland) 22 and 94 Lunatic Asylum Office (Dublin Castle) 22 and 86 Lunacy Commission 22 and 62 Metropolitan Police Office 22 and 63 Mental Philosophy and Logic 176 Privy Seal Office (1, New Street, Spring Gardens) |