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become irremediably exposed to the powerlessness, and condemnation of nature-had near been hopelessly, and helplessly, for ever buried, in a wretched state of degradation and humiliation, then it was, that by a special interposition of heaven's grace and mercy-a sinless and precious sacrifice was made and accepted,

these latter days. And this is a scheme that we are determined to watch, and hold up to the full gaze of the friends of truth and religion. Does any one ask why this species of warfare is practised by the advocates of Romanism? The very nature of the subject contains a sufficient answer. Can "iniquity" be propagated but by iniquity? Can " mystery" be established but by the tortuous windings of dark and inexplicable labyrinths? Can" lies" be made to pass as uncounterfeit coin, except by the accumulations of thousands of others? In short, can Satan be divided against himself? If we read-if we know -if we believe the lively oracles of Divine inspiration, we can be no strangers to such subterfuges, and artifices. With good truth has it been pronounced by one of the most venerable of the fathers of our apostolic church-one of the most profound, and tried experience in the workings of the Papacy-Archbishop Wake-" Popery, in its proper colours, is so unlike Christianity, that it is in vain ever to hope to promote it, if it appear in its own shape. It is necessary, therefore, that this religion be made to look as orthodox as possible. Some things are denied, others mollified, all disguised; and a double benefit is thereby obtained. Popery is to be received as a very innocent, harmless thing; and the Protestants, especially the ministers and first Reformers, are to be represented to the world, as a sort of people, who have supported themselves by calumny and lies; and make a noise about errors and corruptions, which are nowhere to be found but in their own brains or books, but which the Church of Rome detests as well as we.' But this observation is more to be regarded at present, than in the days of this great prelate. The passing events of every day prove it. There is now however more to contend against, than the perfidious, and deceitful liberalism of Papists. There is a protestant liberalism-a departure from any principle whether approved or not-a crouching subserviency to any fashionable, any "wise and expedient" measure, provided there is a prospective view of the execrable wages of falsehood, and chicanery. If ever there was a time when the apostolic prophecy as it is written, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold"—was likely to receive a perfect verification, it is at the present moment. We do not say this from the too common display of mere professional cant. We speak from the deliberate, and disinterested conviction of our own breasts. We care not whom it offends, but the truth, we will without reserve or fear declare. We should deem ourselves unworthy, and incapable of the honorable task, of giving our feeble assistance to the outwarks, of our pure, and scriptural


whilst a direct communication proceeded from the Sanctuary of the eternal author of all truth, containing such doctrines, institutions, and information, by means of which, the hitherto rebel, outcast creature, was fitted to be exalted from earth to heaven, and conducted to the Primary, and Everlasting Fountain

church, if we shrunk from discharging our immeasurable debt of gratitude to those illustrious martyrs, who with the banner of Jehovah, the shield of faith, and the torch of truth, fearlessly plunged into the depths of misery, persecution, and blood-to confer on their ungrateful posterity, the boon of civil and religious liberty; which, like rescuing angels, they emancipated from the thraldom of superstition, the sleep of ages, and the darkness of the tomb. We do assert that time-serving, and flesh-pleasing appear on the very threshold of our sanctuaries. Where can we at this day descry an unalterable, a fixed rule of action? Where are any sacrifices to the glorious cause of truth? Where are the altars on which the vestal flame of Faith burns with a powerful-an undiminished-an inextinguishable lustre? How long is this benumbing coldness of apathy-this chilling frost of indifference-this ignis fatuus of moderation, charity, liberalism, "wisdom and expediency," to paralyse with a withering influence, the cause of religion and order? Where are the holy men of God who stand up, and with a voice of thunder, denounce in the spirit of the Lord, the pernicious maxims and disgraceful motives of men, who, running in the wild career of their unsubdued passions, care not, if Omnipotence be blotted out from the face of his own works, or the imperishable truths of his revelation be spurned, degraded, or denied? It is true that some have raised their voices, even though unsupported through the ingratitude, and recklessness of their once called friends; but these Judas-like friends, now in the undisturbed enjoyment of their distinctions and elevation, too plainly appear, to forget the munificence of their patrons, and leave the Conservators of principle and of order, to meet the brunt of popular opprobrium and caprice-single, alone, and unassisted. The hopes of every man of sound and disinterested rectitude, are reposed on this small and despised band; which, in the honesty of conscious virtue, appears in the Senate Houses of our country, with decision and power, to stand proudly forward, lifting up their testimony against the inroads of faction, rapine, libertinism, sacrilege, popery, and infidelity. May they go on undismayed by the menaces of misrulethe clamour of party-the deadness of their friends, or the treachery of apostates! May they all press forward, unbendingly, and determinedly, in the spirit of a public declaration, which one of the most distinguished, and enlightened statesmen of the day, recently made -a declaration worthy of the most devoted of our protestant forefathers, and deserving of close imitation as a rule of action, among those, who profess to follow the guidance of such illustrious lumina

of Perfect Intelligence, Perfect Good, and Perfect Love -to a closer union with the never-failing Source of all our happiness and perfections-to the immoveable Centre of all our hopes, and unchanging End of all our labours-and to the Sovereign Creator, Preserver, and Disposer of all things, whose arm is abroad upon

ries! "These were not times in which it was safe to abandon the great bulwarks of principle, but I stand upon still higher grounds than rights of property-the support and maintenance of Religion" (Sir Robert Peel's Speech about the robbery of the Irish Church, in the House of Commons, May 6th 1833.). Let such be the line of conduct of those bold, and faithful spirits, who have, amid all opposition, exerted their strength to uphold the constitution in Church and State, as settled at the glorious epoch of the Revolution-to maintain Christianity as part and parcel of the law of the land-and to protect Protestant Christianity, as that which was intwined with the vitals of the Constitution at that memorable era, and had infused the elements of vitality into its every branch, nourishing, adorning, and defending it; and by which the discordant members of society, were cemented by a mutual bond of one common interest, preserved alike from the stagnant marshes of putrefaction, and the furious attacks of innovation. If these honoured individuals do indeed remain, devotedly, in front of the mighty bulwarks of principle, resolutely determined to stand in the Thermopylae of the moral world, steadily braving the innumerable, hostile attacks, that are daily made against all the venerable institutions, and established strongholds of rank, property, and religion—they may, 'tis true, be immerged beneath the overwhelming floods of popular fury, democratical fanaticism, and jacobin despotism-but they will assuredly arise, when the storm and deluge are overpassed, encompassed with a more brilliant halo of triumphant virtue, and imperishable renown. In the darkness and tempests, which at present overhang the world, their splendour may for a season be eclipsed, but when the convulsion subsides into the repose of an unruffled calm, posterity will gratefully admire, and practically copy the increasing brilliancy of examples, which then, may be regarded as the friends of man, the advocates of truth, and the protectors of all that is virtuous and good. We have been drawn into these reflections from a cool, and dispassionate review of the extremes, into which men now seem to fall, when they are hurried away from the paths of consistency, either by the rude impulse of passion, or the more detestable motives of self-interest. Nor can we omit mentioning an instance, which has just come to our knowledge, of a clergyman, who, in a late display at the Annual Exeter Hall meetings, must needs perform the public penance of confession and repentance, for having suffered himself to be formerly "borne away with the whirlwind of intolerance" when he professed an obedience to his oaths an attachment to Evangelical religion--and a horror of

the endless range of innumerable systems, and whose everlasting counsels and mind, are as extensive, and capacious, as infinity and eternity. And is there not here an awfully sublime, and overpowering magnificence? Are there not here avenues laid open, which impressing the mind with their mighty influence,

"damnable doctrines," "dangerous conceits," and "blasphemous fables." The Rev. J. W. Cunningham, the gentlemanly Christian to whom we allude, determines no longer to be infected with "the passing bigotry and intolerance of the day," and in the genuine spirit of a man of honour, of elegance, and fashion, declares that he disclaims "the spirit of religious party feeling." We should like to know what this Reverend oracle would wish to substitute in its place. Perhaps the liberalism of anti-religious latitudinarianism," would have better served his fastidious appetite. Perhaps the free, and easy creed of→ "By saint, by savage, and by sage Jehovah, Jove, or Lord."-Pope.

would meet with a better acceptance from a taste so squeamish, and chastised. Let the matter be as it may, we cannot but deeply mourn over such shameful delinquencies and inconsistencies; and we cannot but think with the wise man- better is it that we should not vow, than that we should vow and not pay." This Reverend personification of charity and moderation, may, indeed, urge his plea of "wisdom and expediency;" but we had much rather that he had not bartered his principles, at the shrine of any such secularity; and if the many wants of a large increasing family, and of a "wise and expedient" marriage! had been laid upon the altar of true christian sympathy, we humbly conceive, the profit would have had a preponderance over that loss, which he must now deservedly endure, for so grossly violating the feelings of the christian, and protestant public. If, however, the substantial price of more Deaneries of Salisbury, and Bishoprics of Calcutta, glitter and dazzle in the prospect, why! he may again complacently indulge himself, with another visit to the next meeting of the Hibernian Society, and declare again his unconquerable attachment to the papistical, and educational measures of his idol ministry in respect to Ireland; and may again favour the "British and Foreign School Society," with another harangue of increased professions of "love and great respect for dissenters,” withmore well digested compliments to the noble chairman-Lord John Russel, if he should be so fortunate as again to preside; nor should the encomiastic praises of his Lordship's late frothy, catchpenny tract, which he lately published on "The Causes of the French Revolution," be passed over in forgetfulness by Mr. Cunningham, particularly as therein is contained a nonpareil specimen of kindred liberality, in the parallel, which his Lordship condescends to draw between the archinfidel Voltaire and our adorable Saviour, or as the Noble Paymaster prefers to say-the Founder of the Christian Religion !!! ́ ́ And if

arrest-fill-elevate-and expand it? Yes! there is in these lofty contemplations a grandeur, which, whilst it raises the reason, and nature of man, from weakness to power, leaves our finite faculties far behind the comprehension of a subject, so elevating and exalted. And here we are led to remark, that of every topic,


Mr. Cunningham think it "wise and expedient" to make compliments and harangues where Lord John Russel, or some other of the powers that be, takes the chair, let us recommend him to take the immortal Burke's ever-memorable letter to the Duke of Bedford in his pocket, and give a lecture to his Lordship, from such a powerful, and celebrated text-book. Then we shall begin to have some hopes for another public avowal of repentance for his present tergiversation. Let Mr. Cunningham comment on the following words, applied with a biting pungency, and withering sarcasm to Lord John's noble Ances"The Liberty they (Burke's friends) pursued, was a Liberty inseparable from order, from virtue, from morals, and from religion, and was neither hypocritically, nor fanatically followed. They did not wish, that Liberty, in itself one of the first of blessings, should in its perversion, become the greatest curse, which could fall upon mankind. To preserve the Constitution entire, and practically equal to all the great ends of it's formation, not in one single part, but in all it's parts, was to them the first object."—"The grants to the House of Russel were so enormous, as not only to outrage economy, but even to stagger credibility. The Duke of Bedford is the Leviathan among all the creatures of the Crown. He tumbles about his unwieldy bulk; he plays and frolics in the ocean of the Royal bounty. Huge as he is, and whilst he lies floating many a rood," he is still a creature. His ribs, his fins, his whalebone, his blubber, the very spiracles through which he spouts a torrent of brine against his origin, and covers me all over with the spray,-every thing of him, and about him, is from the Throne"- The first peer of the name (Bedford), the first purchaser of the grants, was a Mr. Russel, a person of an ancient gentleman's family, raised by being a minion of Henry the Eighth. As there generally is some resemblance of character to create these relations, the favourite was in all likelihood much such another as his master. The first of those immoderate grants was not taken from the ancient demesne of the Crown, but from the recent confiscation of the ancient nobility of the land (!) The lion having sucked the blood of his prey, threw the offal carcase to the jackall in waiting. Having tasted once the food of confiscation, the favourites became fierce and ravenous. This worthy favourite's first grant was from the lay nobility. The second, infinitely improving on the enormity of the first, was from the plunder of the church (!!)”—“My (Burke's) grant had not it's fund in the murder of any innocent person of illustrious rank (See the history of the melancholy catastrophe of the Duke of Buckingham. Temp. Hen. VIII.), or

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