Imágenes de páginas
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Bloomfield's Greek Thucydides.

The History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides. A New Recension of the Text; with a carefully amended Punctuation; and copious Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory; with full Indices, both of Greek Words and Phrases, explained, and matters discussed in the Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. with Maps and Plans, 38s. cloth.

Bloomfield's Translation of Thucydides.

The History of the Peloponnesian War. By THUCYDIDES. Translated into English, and accompanied by copious Notes, Philological and Explanatory, Historical and Geographical. 3 vols. 8vo. with Maps, &c. £2.5s. boards.


Eccleston An Introduction to English Antiquities.

Intended as a Companion to the History of England. By James Eccleston, B.A. late Master of Sutton Coldfield Grammar School. 8vo. with numerous Engravings on Wood, 21s cloth.

Mr. Farr's Elementary History of England.

A School History of England, from the Earliest Period, to the Eleventh Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria; containing a Narrative of Civil and Military Transactions, and exhibiting a view of the Religion, Government and Laws, Literature, Arts, Commerce, Manners and Customs, &c of the different Periods. By EDWARD FARR, Esq. F.S.A. New Edition. 12mo. 58. 6d. bound. The Rev. B. G. Johns's History of the Jews.

A Sketch of the History of the Jews, from the end of the captivity to the coming of the Messiah: with an Appendix of the Names of remarkable Persons and Places mentioned. By the Rev. B. G. JOHNS, Head Master of the Grammar School, College of God's Gift, Dulwich; late Normal Master of St. Mark's College, Chelsea. 12mo. with Map, 1s. 6d. cloth.

The Rev. J. Sedgwick's School History of France.

A History of France; from the Earliest Period to the Revolution of 1848. For the use of Young Persons and Schools. Edited by the Rev. JOHN SEDGWICK, M.A. Demy of Magda en College, Oxford; and one of the Masters in the Ordnance School, Carshalton. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth.

Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, abridged

For Public and Private Schools of both Sexes. By the late E. H. BARKER, Trinity College, Cambridge. New Edition, revised and corrected throughout. By J. CAUVIN. 8vo. 12s. bound.

Blair's Chronological and Historical Tables.

From the Creation to the Present Time: with Additions and Corrections from the most Authentic Writers; including the Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the Period from the Exode to the Temple. Under the superintendence of Sir HENRY ELLIS, K.H. Imp. 8vo. 31s. 6d. half-bound morocco.

Mrs. Slater's School Chronology, and Chart. Sententiæ Chronologica; or, a Complete System of Ancient and Modern Chronology, contained in Familiar Sentences: intended for the use of Schools and Private Students. By Mrs. JOHN SLATER. New Edition, corrected to the present time. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth.-Also,

A Chronological Chart, designed to accompany the "Sententiæ Chronologicæ," and corrected to correspond with the New Edition of that work. On 2 large sheets, coloured, price 6s.; or mounted on linen on a roller, £s. od.


Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, for the Use of Young People; with a Selection of British and General Biography, &c. &c. By R. MANGNALL. New Edition, with the Author's last Corrections, and other very considerable Additions and Improvements. 12mo. 4s. 6d. bound.

Corner's Sequel to Mangnall's Questions.

Questions on the History of Europe: a Sequel to Mangnall's Historica Questions; comprising Questions on the History of the Nations of Continental Europe not comprehended in that work. By JULIA CORNER. New Edition. 12mo. 5s. bound."


Hort's Pantheon.

The New Pantheon; or, an Introduction to the Mythology of the Ancients, in Question and Answer: compiled for the Use of Young Persons. With an Áccentuated Index, Questions for Exercise, and Poetical Illustrations of Grecian Mythology, from Homer and Virgil. By W. J. HORT. New Edition, enlarged. 18mo. with 17 Plates, 5s. 6d. bound.

Hort's Chronology.

An Introduction to the Study of Chronology and Ancient History: in Question and Answer. By W. J. HORT. New Edition. 18mo. 4s. bound.

School Chronology; or, the Great Dates of History.

Drawn up for the use of the Collegiate Schools, Liverpool. New Edition. Square 12mo. 1s. stitched.

Valpy's Poetical Chronology.

Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History: with Historical and Explanatory Notes. By R. VALPY, D.D. New Edition. 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth.

Mathematical Works, by Mr. J. R. Young, Professor of Mathematics in Belfast College.

An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Theoretical and Practical: with an Appendix on Probabilities and Life Annuities. Fourth Edition, enlarged. 12mo. 6s. cloth. KEY, by SPILLER, 12mo. 6s.

The Analysis and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations: forming a Sequel to the Elements of Algebra. 12mo. 6s. cloth.

Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations of the Higher Orders. Second Edition, enlarged. 8vo. 15s. cloth.

Elements of the Differential Calculus: comprehending Curve Surfaces and Curves of Double Curvature. Second Edition, enlarged. 12mo. 9s. cloth.-An Edition in 8vo. 12s. cloth.

Elements of Geometry: with

Notes. 8vo. 8s. cloth. The Elements of Mechanics; comprehending Statics and Dynamics: with a copious Collection of Mechanical Problems. 12mo. with Plates, 10s. 6d. cloth.

Analytical Geometry:

Comprising the Theory of Conic Sections, and of Curves and Surfaces of the Second Order. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. 14s. cloth. SeparatelyPart 1. Conic Sections, 6s. 6d. Part II. Curves and Surfaces, 7s. 6d.

Mathematical Dissertations,for

the Use of Students in the Modern Analysis. 8vo. 9s. 6d. cloth.

Euclid's Elements;

the first Six, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Books: with Corrections from Simson and Playfair's Texts, and an improved Vth Book. Fifth Edition. 18mo. 5s. cloth. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry: with their Applications to the Principles of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Second Edition. 12mo. 6s. cloth. Mathematical Tables:

Comprehending the Logarithms of all Numbers, from 1 to 30,600; also the Natural and Logarithmic Sines and Tangents, &c. New Edition. 12mo. 6s. 6d. cloth.

An Elementary Essay on the Computation of Logarithms: with the most expeditious Methods of constructing a Table of those Numbers. Second Edition. 12mo. 5s. cloth. Researches respecting the Imaginary Roots of Numerical Equations being a Continuation of Newton's Investigations on that subject. Svo. 3s. 6d. sewed.

Three Lectures on some of the Advantages of Mathematical Study: with an Examination of Hume's Argument against Miracles. 12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth.

GEOMETRY, ARITHMETIC, LAND-SURVEYING, ETC. Sandhurst College Arithmetic and Algebra.

Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra. By W. SCOTT, Esq. A.M. and F.R.A.S. Examiner in Mathematics of Candidates for Commissions in Her Majesty's Service, and Professor of Mathematics in Sandhurst Military College. New Edition. 8vo. 16s. bound.

"Scott's Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra," and "Narrien's Elements of Geometry," are recommended (as useful to Candidates for Commissions in the Army) in the Instructions issued by the Commander-in-Chief.

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Sandhurst College Elements of Euclid.

Elements of Geometry: consisting of the first four, and the sixth, Books of Euclid, chiefly from the Text of Dr. Robert Simson; with the principal Theorems in Proportion, a Course of Practical Geometry on the Ground, &c. By JOHN NARRIEN, F.R.S. and R.A.S. Professor of Mathematics, &c. in Sandhurst Military College. New Edition. 8vo. 10s. 6d. bound.

Sandhurst College Trigonometry.

Plain Trigonometry and Mensuration. By W. SCOTT, Esq. A.M. and F.R.A.S. 8vo. 9s. 6d. bound.

Sandhurst College Astronomy and Geodesy.

Practical Astronomy and Geodesy: including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. For the use of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. By JOHN NARRIEN, F.R.S. & R.A.S. 8vo. 14s. bound.

Sandhurst College Analytical Geometry.

Analytical Geometry: with the Poperties of Conic Sections and an Appendix, containing a Tract on Descriptive Geometry. For the use of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. By J. NARRIEN, F.R.S. and R.A.S. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Professor Thomson's Elementary Algebra.

An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Theoretical and Practical. By JAMES THOMSON, LL.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. New Edition. 12mo. 5s. cloth.-KEY, 4s. 6d. cloth.

Nesbit a Complete Treatise on Practical Land

Surveying. For the use of Schools and Students. With 250 Practical Examples. By A. NESBIT. New Edition, corrected and greatly enlarged. To which are now added, Plane Trigonometry, including the use of the Theodolite and Railway Surveying; and Railway Engineering, including the Principles and Practice of Levelling, Planning, Laying out Curves, Cutting and Embanking, Tunnelling, Viaducts, &c. By T. BAKER, Land-Surveyor and Civil Engi neer. 8vo. with woodcuts, plates, and an engraved field-book, 12s. cloth.

Nesbit's Mensuration, and Key.

A Treatise on Practical Mensuration: containing the most approved Methods of
drawing Geometrical Figures; Mensuration of Superficies, Land Surveying;
Mensuration of Solids; the Use of the Carpenter's Rule; Timber Measure, &c.
By A. NESBIT. New Edition. 12mo. with 300 Woodcuts. 6s. bound.
KEY. New Edition. 12mo. 5s bound.

Keith's Treatise on the Use of the Globes.

New Edition, greatly enlarged and improved, by ALFRED S. TAYLOR, F.R.S.
Lecturer on Chemistry, &c. in Guy's Hospital; R. A. LE MESURIER, B.A.
Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford; and J. MIDDLETON, Esq. Professor
of Astronomy. 12mo with Plates and Diagrams, 6s. 6d. bound.
KEY. Adapted to the New Edition, by Prof. MIDDLETON.

Keith's Trigonometry.

12mo. 2s. 6d. cloth.

An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere, including the Theory of Navigation. By THOMAS KEITH. New Edition, corrected by S. MAYNARD. 8vo. 14s. cloth.

Crocker's Land Surveying.

Crocker's Elements of Land Surveying. New Edition, corrected throughout, and considerably improved and modernized, by T. G. BUNT, Land-Surveyor, Bristol. To which are added, Tables of Six-figure Logarithms, superintended by RICHARD FARLEY, of the Nautical Almanac Establishment. Post 8vo. with Plans, Field-book, &c. 12s. cloth.


Illustrations of Practical Mechanics.

By the Rev. H. MOSELEY, M.A. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in King's College, London. New Edit. Fep. 8vo. with Woodcuts, 8s. cloth. Tate's Elements of Euclid.

The First Three Books of Euclid's Elements of Geometry; from the Text of Dr. Simson together with various useful Theorems and Problems, as Geometrical Exercises on each Book. By THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Fro fessor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. 12mo. 1s. 6d. cloth.



Tate Principles of Geometry, Mensuration, Trigo


nometry, Land-Surveying, and Levelling: containing familiar Demonstrations and Illustrations of the most important Propositions in Euclid's Elements; Proofs of all the useful Rules and Formulæ in Mensuration and Trigonometry, with their application to the Solution of Practical Problems in Estimation, Surveying, and Railway Engineering. By THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. New Edition. 12mo. with 317 Diagrams and Woodcuts, 3s. 6d. cloth.

Tate's Algebra made Easy.

Algebra made Easy. Chiefly intended for the use of Schools. By THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. New Edition. 12mo. 2s. cloth.

Tate: The Principles of the Differential and Integral

Calculus simplified and applied to the Solution of various Useful Problems in Practical Mathematics and Mechanics. By THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. 12mo. 4s. 6d.

Tate: Treatise on the First Principles of Arithmetic,

after the method of Pestalozzi.__ Designed for the use of Teachers and Monitors in Elementary Schools. By THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. New Edition, with additions and improvements. 12mo. Is. 6d. cloth.


Tate Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy; or, an easy introduction to Engineering; containing various Applications of the Principle of Work; the Theory of the Steam Engine with Simple Machines; Theorems and Problems on Accumulated Work, &c. BY THOMAS TATE, late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. cloth. Hunter: Exercises in the First Four Rules of Arithmetic: constructed for the application of New Artificial Tests, by which the Teacher may expeditiously ascertain the Correctness of the Results. By the Rev. JOHN HUNTER, M.A. Vice-Principal of the National Society's Training College, Battersea. Second Edit. remodelled and enlarged. 12mo. 6d. sewed.

Colenso's School Arithmetic.

Arithmetic, designed for the use of Schools. By the Rev. J. W. COLENSO, M.A. Rector of Forncett St. Mary, Norfolk; and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. 4s. 6d. boards.

Maynard's Key to Colenso's School Arithmetic.

Solutions to all the Unworked Examples in the Rev. J. W. Colenso's "Arithmetic for Schools." By SAMUEL MAYNARD, Editor of Keith's and Bonnycastle's Mathematical Works, &c. 12mo. 6s. boards.

Taylor's Arithmetic, and Key.

The Arithmetician's Guide; or, a complete Exercise Book: for Public Schools and Private Teachers. By W. TAILOR. New Edition, revised by S MAYNARD. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound.

KEY. By W. H. WHITE. 12mo. 4s. bound.

Molineux's Arithmetic, and Key.

An Introduction to Practical Arithmetic; in Two Parts: with various Notes, and
occasional Directions for the use of Learners. By T. MOLINEUX, many years
Teacher of Accounts and the Mathematics in Macclesfield. In Two Parts.
Part 1. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound.-Part 2. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound.
KEY to Part 1, 6d.-KEY to Part 2, 6d.

Joyce's Arithmetic, and Key.

A System of Practical Arithmetic, applicable to the present state of Trade and Money Transactions: illustrated by numerous Examples under each Rule. By the Rev. J. JOYCE. New Edition, corrected and improved by S. MAYNARD. 12mo. 3s. bound.

KEY. 18mo. 3s. bound.

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Walkingame's Arithmetic and Key, by Crosby.

The Tutor's Assistant; being a Compendium of Arithmetic, and a complete Question-Book; containing Arithmetic in Whole Numbers, Vulgar Fractions, Decimals, Duodecimals, the Mensuration of Circles, a Collection of Questions. &c. By FRANCIS WALKINGAME. A New Edition, corrected by T. CROSBY. 12mo. 2s. cloth.

KEY. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth.

Morrison's Book-Keeping, and Forms.

The Elements of Book-keeping, by Single and Double Entry; comprising several Sets of Books, arranged according to Present Practice, and designed for the use of Schools. By JAMES MORRISON, Accountant. New Edition, considerably improved. 8vo. 8s. half-bound.

Sets of Blank Books, ruled to correspond with the Four Sets contained in the above work: Set A, Single Entry, 3s.; Set B, Double Entry, 9s.; Set C, Commission Trade, 12s.; Set D, Partnership Concerns, 4s. 6d.

Morrison's Commercial Arithmetic, and Key.

A Concise System of Commercial Arithmetic. By J. MORRISON, Accountant. New Edition, revised and improved. 12mo. 4s. 6d. bound.

KEV. New Edition, corrected and improved by S. MAYNARD, Editor of " Keith's Mathematical Works." 12mo. 8s. bound.

Nesbit's Arithmetic, and Key.

A Treatise on Practical Arithmetic. By A. NESBIT. New Edition. 12mo. 5s. bd.
A KEY to the same. 12mo. 5s. bound.

PART II. of Nesbit's Practical Arithmetic; containing Fractions, Decimals,
Logarithms, Chain-Rule, &c.

KEY to part II. 12mo. 7s. bound.

Thomson School Chemistry;

Or, Practical Rudiments of the Science. By ROBERT DUNDAS THOMSON, M.D. Master in Surgery in the University of Glasgow; Lecturer on Chemistry in the same University; and formerly in the Medical Service of the Honourable East India Company. Fcp. 8vo. with Woodcuts, 7s. cloth.

Peschel's Elements of Physics.

The Elements of Physics. By C. F. PESCHEL, Principal of the Royal Military College, Dresden. Translated from the German, with Notes, by E. WEST

3 vols. fcp. 8vo. with Woodcuts and Diagrams, 21s. cloth.

(Part 1. The Physics of Ponderable Bodies. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d Separately Part 2. Imponderable Bodies (Light, Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, and Electro-Dynamics). 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. 13s. 6d.

Mrs. Lee's Natural History for Schools.

Elements of Natural History; or, First Principles of Zoology: comprising the Principles of Classification, interspersed with amusing and instructive Original Accounts of the most remarkable Animals. By Mrs. R. LEE. New Edit. revised and enlarged. 12mo. with numerous additional Woodcuts, 7s.6d. bound.

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The first two Maps are adapted, that of Canaan for the reading of the Old Testament, and that of Palestine for the New Testament.

** The expression of a general desire for an Elementary Atlas of moderate price, comprehending all the great divisions of the Globe, and maps to accompany the study of the Old and New Testament, has induced Messrs. Longman and Co. to publish this work, in the hope that it will be found of practical utility. It has been compiled from the best and most recent authorities, and engraved with the greatest care by S. Hall. In the selection of the Maps, the Publishers have been guided by the advice of gentlemen of experience in the teaching of Geography connected with the Committee of Council on Education

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