3. (a) Vegetable Physiology. (6) Animal Physiology. No Candidate may offer more than one of these three subjects. No part of 3 may be taken with Greek. No Candidate will pass in this Section who does not shew a fair knowledge of one at least of the divisions 1, 2, 3. In all cases a practical acquaintance with the subject-matter will be indispensable. The answers should be illustrated by diagrams and drawings, where these can be introduced. SECTION E.--DRAWING. 1. Drawing from the solid, with light and shade. 2. Drawing in perspective. 3. Drawing in colour from a natural object. 4. Drawing from memory. No Candidate will pass in this Section who does not satisfy the Examiners in Drawing from the Solid. SECTION F.-MUSIC. In addition to a thorough knowledge of the subjects prescribed for Junior Candidates, the Seniors must shew an acquaintance with the chords of the Added Ninth and Minor Ninth and their inversions, and must be able to harmonize a figured bass introducing these chords. They may be called upon to add three parts to a given melody. A few questions may be set in Musical History. Separate lists of those who distinguish themselves will be published for each of the sections A, B, C, D, E, F, arranged in two Divisions. The names in each First Division will be placed in order of merit; those in each Second Division alphabetically. The names of all the successful Candidates will also be published in one list, arranged in three Divisions, the First and Second Divisions in order of merit, the Third in numerical order under the several centres. Certificates, signed by the Vice-Chancellor, will also be issued to the successful Candidates, conferring the title of Associate in Arts, and specifying the subjects in which they satisfied the Examiners, and the Division or Divisions in which their names are placed. Those Candidates who shew sufficient merit in translations from Latin and Greek authors, in Grammar, in Latin Prose Composition, and in Mathematics, to be excused from Responsions, may receive a Certificate from the Delegates to that effect. Candidates will be examined in Oxford, and in such other places as the Delegates may appoint. An application to have a place appointed for this purpose should come to the Delegates from a Local Committee: such Committee being prepared to guarantee a payment of £25 (in case the Fees paid by the Candidates fall below that sum) and to undertake all those expenses which are occasioned by the Examination being Local, that is, by the Candidates being examined at that particular place instead of coming to Oxford for the purpose. Those expenses are mainly the following: the cost of providing suitable rooms for the Examination; the charges incurred by the Superintending Examiner (appointed by the Delegates) in travelling, lodging, and board; postage; carriage of parcels from and to Oxford; and some stationery. Each Committee should appoint a Local Secretary. Applications must be made, and notice of the discontinuance of old Centres must be given, before the 1st of February, 1882. Girls may be examined at any place where boys are examined, and at such other places as the Delegates may appoint. But in every case the Delegates must first be satisfied, I. That there is a Local Committee of ladies, who will efficiently superintend the examination of the girls; 2. That such Committee will see that girls who do not live in the place find suitable lodging and accommodation; 3. That the examination room for girls is quite separate from the room or rooms intended for the boys. Printed Forms, on which Candidates are to make application, will be prepared by the 1st of March and may be obtained until Saturday, 8th of April, after which date none will be issued. The Forms for Junior and Senior Candidates are distinct. For examination in Oxford the Forms may be obtained from G. E. Baker, Esq., Clarendon Building, Oxford. For the following places the same Forms may be obtained from the respective Local Secretaries, whose names are subjoined; from whom also copies of these Regulations and other necessary information may be procured. Girls may be received for Examination in Oxford and at those centres which are marked with *. BARNSLEY.... G. J. Raley, Esq., Barnsley. H. D. Skrine, Esq., Guildhall, Bath. (Boys) { F. Ernest Shum, Esq., 3 Union Street, Bath. (Girls) Mrs. Jeffery, 9 Norfolk Crescent, Bath. G. W. Hickman, Esq., 20 A Temple Row, Birmingham. (Boys) Barclay Phillips, Esq., 75 Lansdowne Place, Brighton. (Boys) H. A. James, Esq, Hill Court, Marle Hill, Cheltenham. CHIPPING CAMPDEN tenham. Rev. J. Foster, The Grammar School, Chipping Campden. *CRYSTAL PALACE (Girls) Mrs. Robert Hardwicke, School of Art, Science, and Literature, Crystal Palace, S.E. DOWNSIDE.... Rev. H. E. Ford, St. Gregory's College, Downside, Bath. *HARROGATE.. *LEEDS * LINCOLN .... *LIVERPOOL * LONDON *LYTHAM .... .... *MANCHESTER *NORWICH.... *NOTTINGHAM *PRESTON *RAMSGATE .... *REIGATE. .... *SALISBURY (Boys) S. Atkinson, Junr., Esq., West Cliff, Cold Bath Road, Harrogate. (Girls) Mrs. Punshon, 3 Belvoir Place, Robert Street, Harrogate. Rev. Dr. Henderson, the Grammar School, Leeds. C. R. Crossley, Esq., Leicester. Rev. W. W. Fowler, School House, Lincoln. (Boys) E. F. Evans, Esq., Orrell Park, Aintree, Liverpool. (Boys) E. R. Lightwood, Esq., Pembroke House School, Lytham. (Boys) Rev. T. C. Skeggs, 1 Seedley Road, Pendleton, Manchester. *SOUTHAMPTON (Boys) Rev. J. L. Carrick, Spring Hill, Southampton. *STREATHAM HILL B. Hawkins, Esq., St. Anne's School, Streatham Hill, S.W. *SWANSEA (Boys) G. S. Davies, Esq., 2 St. James's Terrace, Swansea. (Girls) Miss Aubrey, 4 Walters Terrace, Swansea. (Boys) Mr. Reginald Barnicott, Parade, Taunton. (Girls) Miss Gibson, The Crescent, Taunton. *TAUNTON.... G. Plummer, Esq., Thame Grammar School, Thame. Rev. G. L. Church, Chacewater Vicarage, Cornwall. Rev. W. Grundy, King's Grammar School, Warwick. Rev. H. W. Russell, London Orphan Asylum, Watford. WEST BUCKLAND Rev. J. H. Thompson, West Buckland, South Molton. *WATFORD The Printed Forms, duly filled up, must be returned to the several Local Secretaries by Saturday, April 15th. No Candidate's name will be received at any place after that day. Fees. Every Junior Candidate is required to pay a Fee of 208., every Senior Candidate 30s. These Fees (together with the Local Fee, if any) are to be paid to the Local Secretaries by Saturday, April 15th. No Fee can be returned under any circumstances, or be carried to the credit of a Candidate at a subsequent Examination. OXFORD, MAY 7, 1881. G. E. BAKER, SECRETARY TO THE DELEGACY. N. B. The words "Local Examinations" should be written on the covers of all letters addressed to the Secretaries. The Delegates are prepared to undertake the Examination of Schools. Applications should be made to the Secretary not less than two months before the day on which it is desired that the Examination should commence. Examination Papers, and Annual Reports with Division Lists, price 28. each, also the Papers set at the Examination of Women, price Is. 6d., and the Report, price 3d., may be obtained from Messrs. Parker and Co., Oxford, and 6 Southampton Street, Strand, London. Holy Scripture. S. J. Geography and Map. S. 2 to 4 9 to 11.15 Latin. S. 11.15 to 1 9 to 12 Latin. J. 2 to 4.30 English History. S. 9 to 11 French. S. 11 to 12.30 French (Higher). S. 9 to 12 French. J. .2 to 4.30 Algebra. S. J. 9 to 11 German. S. 11 to 12.30 German (Higher). S. 9 to 11.30 German. J. 2 to 4.30 Euclid. S. J. 2 to 4 English History. J. 4 to 4.30 Dictation. J. 5.30 to 7.30 Practical Chemistry. } S. J. Saturday, June 10. N.B. The letters S. and J. signify Senior and Junior respectively. The times for the exercises in "Drawing" and for "Reading aloud are subject to the discretion of the Examiner at each place. The times for giving out the Papers at the London and Crystal Palace Centres will be slightly earlier or later, as the case may be, than those stated in this Time Table. DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES. I. Look carefully at the Time Table, in which the hours are fixed for the subjects of Examination on each day, and always be at your seat in the Examination Room five minutes before the time. II. Before you begin to write your answers, insert in the blank spaces at the top of your Paper, 1. The Name of the Centre at which you are being examined. 2. The Number by which you are known in the Examination. 3. The Subject in which the questions are set which you are about to answer. Mark your Map also, and every Drawing, with your Number and with the name of the Place at which you are examined. III. In writing your answers 1. Write only on the ruled side of the Paper. 2. Put in the margin the number of the question before each answer. 3. Leave a blank space after each answer. 4. Number your pages as you go on. IV. Paper is provided for Scribbling: do not use the Ruled paper for that purpose. V. If you want anything in the course of the Examination, do not leave your seat; but call out your Number, and hold up your hand, and some one will attend to you. VI. As soon as notice is given, (which will be five minutes before the end of the time,) finish your Papers, see that they are numbered rightly and in their proper order, and take them UNFOLDED to the Examiner. CAUTIONS. Candidates are strictly forbidden to communicate in any way with each other while under Examination. Any Candidate detected in taking any unfair advantage, such as getting others to help him in answering his questions, or using any Book or Written Paper for the purpose, will be turned out with disgrace. And any Candidate detected in helping another to take any unfair advantage will be subject to the same penalty. No Candidate is permitted to have in his possession, while he is in the Examination Room, any Book, Memorandum or Pocket Book, Notes, or Papers whatsoever, except the Questions set by the Examiners and this Time Table. In case he may have brought any such Book or Papers with him to the Examination Room, he must deliver them up to the Examiner before the Examination commences. He will otherwise render himself liable to the same penalty with those who may be detected in taking unfair advantages. OXFORD, May 7, 1881. G. E. BAKER, Secretary to the Delegacy. |