ANGELS AND THEIR DOCTOR. used as a stationary or a locomotive Steam Thomas Aquinas, styled "the power; it may be used on land or on angelical doctor," in his treatise on water, and it may be placed perfectly angels, investigates their substance, under human control. Its only disadorders, offices, natures, habits, &c. and vantage is its expensiveness. his conclusions are as minute and is now used to spin the finest thread positive, as though he himself had and stoutest cable, to weave muslins been an experienced angel of the first and to hammer anchors, to propel the order. "Angels," says he, "were not largest vessels, to draw our carriages, before the world! Angels might have to saw and plane our boards; and, in been before the world! Angels were fact, to accomplish almost all the created by God.-They were created purposes which require either great immediately by him. They were or unremitted force. And though its created in Empyreal sky.-They were introduction frequently throws large created in grace.—They were created masses of labourers out of employment in imperfect beatitude.-They are the cheapness of its productions incorporeal compared to us, but stimulates increased consumption, and corporeal compared to God.-An angel in the end the demand for labour is is composed of action and potentiality. much increased. -Every angel differs from another angel in species.-The bodies assumed by angels, are of thick air.-Many Sir Thomas Abney was, it is well angels cannot be in the same space. known, the steady friend of the The motion of an angel is the succession celebrated Dr. Watts, who found in of his different operations. The velocity his house an asylum for more than of the motion of an angel is not thirty-six years. This knight was according to the quantity of his not more distinguished by his hospistrength, but according to his will.-tality than his piety. Neither business The motion of the illumination of an nor pleasure interrupted his observance angel is threefold, i. e. circular, straight of public and domestic worship. Of and oblique." &c. Scriblerus, by this a remarkable instance is recorded whom Aquinas's angels are repeated, Upon the evening of the day that improves on the original, by the he entered on his office of lord-mayor additional inquiries, "Whether angels of London, without any notice, he pass from one extreme to another withdrew from the public assembly without going through the middle. If at Guildhall after supper, went to his angels know things most clearly in a house, there performed worship, and morning. And how many angels can then returned to the company. dance on the point of a very fine needle without jostling one another." INANIMATE AGENTS THE FRIENDS OF MAN. Steam possesses many advantages over every other agent. It is capable of exerting any degree of force, from the least to the greatest: it may be DOMESTIC WORSHIP. MEDITATION. Meditation is the saints' perspective glass, by which they see, "things invisible." It is the golden ladder by which they ascend in holy imagination to heaven. It is the dove sent out, and which brings back the olive-branch of peace. OPPORTUNITY. To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life. Many wants are suffered, which might have once been supplied, and much time is lost in regretting the time which has been lost before. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wishes; and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Men's behaviour should be like their apparel, not too straight, but free for exercise. Neglect no opportunity of doing good, nor cheek thy desire of doing it, by a vain fear of what may happen. "Opportunity is the cream of time." GOOD AND BAD MEN. A good man is like the day, enlightening and warning all he shines on, and is always ascending upwards to a region of more constant purity. The bad man is like the night, dark, and scattering fears and unwholesome vapours upon all which rests beneath. -Feltham. WONDERS OF NATURE. At a collection made for the behoof of the Scotch army, when in England, against Charles I., one of the contributors gave about seventeen pounds sterling. She being a poor woman, Mr. Liveston called on her, and asked her how she had accumulated so large a sum. She replied, "I have been saving it for a long time, to be a portion for my daughter; but, seeing the Lord has taken her away, I have given him her portion also." WORLDLY OCCUPATION. This world is the place for labour, The comparative strength of the insect tribes has ever been a subject of wonder and admiration to the naturalist: The strength of these minute creatures is enormous. This muscular power in relation to their size far exceeds that of any other animal. The grasshopper will spring 200 times the and not for rest, or enjoyment, except length of its own body. The dragonfly, by its strength of wing, will sustain itself in the air for a long summer day with unabated speed. The house fly makes 600 strokes with its wings, which will carry it five feet in every second, that enjoyment which may be found in serving God. We shall have time enough in the coming world to rest, and to converse with our friends; and it may well reconcile us to separation here, if we hope to be for ever with them there. Entelligence. HINCKLEY: LEICESTERSHIRE. They could never forget his earnest ON Christmas-day, the Fourth Annual exhortations and prayers for them. Old Scholars' Tea Meeting was held in Over many he rejoiced, others he the school-room of the Independent mourned, but they all loved him, and Chapel, when about 130 sat down, en- now they were anxious to testify their The Rev. T. esteem. joying the social treat. The speaker was commisJohnson, minister, was invited to the sioned to present to their highly bechair, when the presentation to several loved pastor, in the name of the teachers of the senior scholars, and young peo- and elder scholars of these schools, as a ple who had become teachers during the parting token of regard—a copy of Benpast year, of copies of the Holy Bible, gel's Gnomon of the New Testament, 5 with references, took place. On lifting vols., and 2 vols. of Tract Society's up the last book, the chairman remarked Paragraph Annotated Bible, trusting it was the last Bible he should present these books would be useful in his this side the mighty ocean. The chord studies in the distant land to which he of sympathy was touched in many a was so soon to depart; feeling certain heart, evincing he was respected and that when he placed them upon his beloved by the young and old around study table that his thoughts would him. A few other remarks passed, revert to their Christmas-day meeting, when the chairman called upon Mr. J. and to his Hinckley home. When he Lord to address the meeting, from saw inscribed on the first leaf of the whose statements it appeared that the Gnomon the names of those who had schools were in a more flourishing con- thus testified their regard, his oftdition than at any former period-the repeated prayer would rise to heaven number on the books being larger, and on their behalf. Another duty the the attendance better, than in past speaker had to perform was to present years. He trusted that the two great to the beloved wife of their dear pastor wants felt by the teachers-more help a token of esteem for the valuable in-and more room-would be supplied. structions she has given to the young The present school-room was far too people who had been accustomed to small to admit of comfortable accom- meet her by her own fire side, who modation for 335 scholars. The chair- could never forget the lessons there man then called upon Mr. W. J. Simp- imparted; he felt sure that when she son, who remarked that it was the last placed this work-box on the table in time they should meet their beloved her new home, and her eyes glanced pastor on such an occasion as the pre-over the inscription on its lid, she too sent. Before another Christmas-day would remember those who in this the mighty deep would roll its waves small gift desired to testify their esbetween them, for their pastor was teem. about to leave for the far off land of Australia, his future home. His ministrations were highly valued by them, and he rejoiced that his labours were not in vain during the five years' residence of the rev. gentleman in Hinckley; but he trusted that his success in that distant country would be a thousand-fold greater than it had been here. Mr. JOHNSON, in rising to reply, said he often felt when about to speak from the pulpit that if he got through the text, it would be the most he could do, but he never felt the difficulty to express his feelings truly so great as now. The gifts he should highly value, and never part with them so long as life lasted. Every Christmas-day they there pursued. The meeting was subsequently addressed by Messrs. Wright, Boreham, Harding, Cox, Hearson, and other gentlemen, who were extremely entertaining in their remarks, keeping up the enthusiasm of the audience to a late hour. These speeches were interspersed with hymns, sung with admirable effect. The occasion was one that will be long remembered, both for the interesting character of the statements made, and the evident pleasure should be specially brought to notice, vantages accruing both to children and and as he looked over the names of teachers from the studies that were those who had testified their regard, he should continue to offer up earnest prayer for them, and as one after another was removed from this world, he should put the death mark against their names, and continue to pray on for the living. He thanked them again, but could not find words to express all he felt on receiving these parting tokens. It was painful for him to say farewell-to rend those ties which bound them together as pastor and people, but a sense of duty constrained him. Messrs. Chaplin, of the children at being thus feasted. Marvin, Buswell, and Chamberlain addressed the meeting, in short and appropriate speeches. G. H., Secretary. HOXTON. A CITY PARISH AS IT IS. You have often expressed a wish to have statistics bearing upon our Sunday school work, and it occurs to me that correct particulars regarding one of our MANCHESTER parishes may be useful in various ways, which I need not specify: Population Children 3 years old, and under 16... at School not at School ... ... 11,224 2,308 not at School or Work PAVEMENT CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL. —The anniversary of the above Sunday schools Hoxton, took place on Wednesday evening, January 12th. Tea was provided for the children and their friends. The occasion is always looked forward to with great pleasure by the children, who, by the kindly attention which the treat allows being bestowed upon them, are encouraged in attention to their studies, and, at the same time, have their attachment increased both to their teachers and to the congregation. The room was over-crowded, and, whilst this circumstance was on some accounts to be regretted, it gave gratifying evidence of the increasing interest attaching to the above schools. The Rev. L. Herschell took the chair on this occa sion, and, on the cloth being removed, gave a brief address, commending the devotion of the teachers, and the general assiduity of the scholars, and further encouraging the friends of the schools. He was followed by Jas. Harman, Esq., the excellent superintendent of these schools, who confirmed what the Rev. Chairman had stated as to their ex- of relief from the poor rates; and the treme efficiency, and dwelt on the ad-proportion of the widows to the widowers is as four to one. There is adjoining | for beginners, and slates for the more the church a depository for the sale of advanced. In 1818, the numbers on the Bibles and religious tracts and books, books were 130, which necessitated the which is most valuable. I have omitted erection of a larger room, which was all names, but to any person taking opened at the close of the year; but special interest in the matter, I shall from this time the attendance begun to be glad to prove the correctness of the decline, till in January, 1824, there was various particulars; and to any wealthy only eight boys present in the morning, person wishing to assist such a parish and nine in the afternoon. Vigorous in a pecuniary manner, I shall be glad efforts were made to remedy this unhapto be the medium of state of the school, which were so Yours faithfully, T. S.-Church Sunday far successful, that in 1830, the superSchool Quarterly Magazine. HAMMERSMITH.-MIDDLESEX. THE Jubilee of West End Chapel Sunday school was celebrated on Thursday, 18th November. The Rev. John Graham, of Craven Chapel, preached the Jubilee Sermon in the afternoon, from 22nd Proverbs, 6th verse. After the service, nearly 300 friends of the cause, among whom were a large proportion of old teachers and scholars, sat down to tea in the school room, which was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens, while appropriate mottoes adorned the walls. intendent was able to report forty six as the average attendance for the year. Since then the school has steadily advanced, till there are now 230 names on the books. In 1839, the girls' school was commenced at the suggestion of the Rev. Daniel Katterns, who was then pastor of the church, and by whom the foundation stone of the present school room was laid in 1844. During the present year great improvements have been effected in the school room, and large additions made to the library, which now numbers 428 vols. The Juvenile Missionary Association have raised £24. 19s. 5d., being a large increase upon any former year. The church have had the happiness of receiving into fellowship forty-two of the scholars, five of whom have been added during the past year. The report concluded by stating that the condition of the school was most encouraging, and expressing a hope that the Lord would pour a yet more abundant blessing upon the labours of the teachers in years to come. A public meeting was held in the evening, Rev. J. Leechman, A.M., Pastor of the church, took the chair, and after singing and prayer, introduced the business of the evening in a few remarks expressive of his happiness at seeing the school, at this interesting period of its existence, in so prosperous a condition, at the unanimity and good feeling which existed among the teachers, and at the success which had crowned their labors. He then called upon the Secretary, Mr. John Leechman, to read a brief history of the school, from which it appears, that the boys' school was founded on 14th February, 1808; and in four years had so far increased in numbers, that a school room was erected for their accommodation. At first, the superintendent received a salary, though the teachers always gave their services gratui- OFFORD ROAD SUNDAY SCHOOLS.-IN tously. Writing was taught on Monday connection with the above institution, evenings, a tray of sand being provided | two instances of an interesting character Very interesting and appropriate addresses were then delivered by Revs. W. Isaac, D. Katterns, F. Trestrail, and De Kewer Williams. The meeting, which was one of great interest, was brought to a close by singing the Doxology. ISLINGTON. |