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CANON I.-Concerning Parochial Registers and Reports. (Passed 1826, amended 1830 and 1834.)

In order to give effect to the 40th Canon of the General Convention, it is hereby required, that every Minister of this Church shall keep a record of all the Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals, solemnized by him, specifying the names of the parties married, the names of the persons baptized, and of the persons buried, and the time when each rite was performed. He shall also keep a register of the names of the persons confirmed, of the communicants, and of the families belonging to his Parish, which documents shall be deposited with the Clerk, in case of his removal from the Parish. And it shall be the duty of every Minister to report to the Annual Convention, an abstract of said registers, together with a written account of the state of each Parish. And at every visitation, the Minister of the Parish, or the Wardens, if the Parish be vacant, shall submit to the Bishop, for his inspection, the Parish Register.

CANON II.-Providing for the Convention Fund. (1838.)

The several Parishes in this Diocese shall annually pay to the Convention Fund, at the rate of seventy-five cents on every one hundred dollars paid to their respective Clergymen, as their annual salary.

CANON III.—Declaring the Offenses for which a Clergyman shall be brought to trial. (1825.)

Disorderly and immoral conduct, vicious or unseemly diversions, neglect of duty, disregard of the Constitution and Canons of the General or State Convention, a deviation from the Rubrics, and disseminating or countenancing opinions which are contrary to the doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, are offenses for which a Clergyman may be brought to trial.

CANON IV. Of the Manner in which a Clergyman shall be brought to trial. (1825.) In order to bring a Clergyman to trial before an ecclesiastical court, a charge shall be made in the first place to the Standing Committee, in writing, under the proper signature of at least two persons, one of whom shall be a Presbyter of this Diocese. And if the Standing Committee shall deem the offense charged, as coming within the offenses enumerated in the Canons of

the Diocese of Connecticut, or of the General Convention, they shall present the same to the Bishop, in the following form:

To A. B., Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut :

The Standing Committee of this Diocese respectfully represent, that C. D. has been accused, under the hand of E. F. and G. H., of [here recite the charge or charges,] and the Committee are of opinion that there is sufficient ground for presenting the said C. D. for trial, agreeably to the Canons in such cases made and provided. [Signed by the Standing


Whereupon the Bishop shall summon nine Presbyters to meet, at some time, not within ninety days, at some place within the county where the accused shall reside or officiate, for the time being: five of whom shall be sufficient to constitute a court for the trial of the charge or charges. If more than five of the persons summoned shall appear, the accused may object to any individual over that number, at his own discretion. If no objection be made, the whole number present shall sit on the trial..

The Bishop shall forthwith give notice to the Standing Committee of the time and place of the meeting of the Court. And the Standing Committee shall act as prosecutors in the case; and at least sixty days before the trial, shall furnish the accused with a copy of the presentment-notice of the time and place of trial-and a specification of the facts on which they expect to maintain the charges. And the accused, at least thirty days before the trial, shall furnish the Standing Committee with a statement of the grounds of his defense on each specification.

At the fixed time for the trial, the members of the court shall choose a President from their own number, and a Secretary, either from their own number or otherwise, as they shall see fit; and they shall, before they proceed, adopt and declare the rules by which the trial shall be conducted: Provided, however, that no layman shall advocate for either party on the trial; though both parties may, at their option, employ or consult legal or other advisers.

If the accused shall neglect or refuse to appear, or to answer to the charges in the manner herein prescribed, the court shall order judgment to be rendered against him by default. But if he shall appear, the court shall proceed to a fair and impartial hearing of the whole matter, and shall adjudge him guilty, or not guilty, according to the evidence; and if guilty, the sentence which in their opinion ought to be pronounced.

The Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings-containing a copy of the presentment-of the specifications-of the notice to the accused, and of his answer-with a statement of all the evidence, both oral and written and the final judgment of the court: and an attested copy of this record shall be forthwith delivered to the Bishop. If the judgment be not guilty, the Bishop shall give a certificate of acquittal to the accused, embracing a copy of the presentment and specifications; and the accused shall not be subjected to a second trial on the same facts. If the court judge him guilty, on one or more points at issue, the Bishop may disapprove the judgment and order a new trial, stating his grounds for such decision: or he may approve the judgment; and in that case he shall, within thirty days, proceed to such ecclesiastical censure, as the case may, in his opinion, require-whether it be admonition, suspension, or degradation from the ministry.

CANON V.-Concerning the Manner in which Clergymen are to take Charge of Parishes, and their separation from them. (1826.)

No Clergyman shall take the charge of any Parish in this Diocese, without having first obtained the written permission of the Bishop, or in case there be no Bishop, of the Standing Committee of the Diocese. Nor shall any

Clergyman having the charge of a Parish, relinquish the same without the written permission of the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, of the Standing Committee. And every violation of this Canon shall constitute an offense for which a Clergyman may be tried under the Canon of 1825, providing for the trial of Clergymen.

CANON VI.-Providing for the Preservation of the Records of the Standing Committee. (1826.)

It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Standing Committee, to prepare an abstract of their proceedings from year to year, and present the same to the Convention at its annual meeting. The abstract shall specify the time and place of each meeting of the Committee during the year-the number present the names of the candidates presented for admission, with the decision of the Committee in each case-and the substance of all other matters which shall be brought before them, and such abstract shall be entered on the Journals of the Convention, and published therewith.

CANON VII.-Concerning Parochial Collections. (1839.)

It shall be the duty of every Parish in this Diocese to establish Parochial collections, not less than four in each year, for the aid of the benevolent institutions of the Church, and to appropriate at least once a year to the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, such portion of these collections as the Rector and Vestry, or the Vestry when there is no Rector, or a Committee appointed by such Vestry, or by a vote of the Parish, shall deem expedient.

CANON VIII.-For the Regulation and Maintenance of Cures. (1828.)

It shall be the duty of the Convention, from time to time, to examine and declare the limits of the several cures within the Diocese-and in the settlement and maintenance of Clergymen, the several Parishes shall steadily adhere to such arrangement, except in cases of imperious necessity, and with the advice and consent of the ecclesiastical authority. And any Parish refusing to acquiesce in such arrangement, shall, while such refusal continues, be thereby excluded from representation in the Convention. And further, no Clergyman of this Diocese shall accept a settlement in any of the Parishes in this State, which may refuse to acquiesce in the arrangement of the Convention as to cures, unless for special causes it may seem good for the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese to dispense with the provisions of this Canon.

CANON IX.-Concerning Annual Parish Meetings. (1830.)

There shall be an annual meeting of the parishioners of every Parish in this Diocese, on Easter Monday, or some other day legally appointed, for the purpose of electing the Wardens and Vestry, and of transacting such other business as may come before said meeting: which Wardens and Vestry shall constitute the Society's Committee, agreeably to the provisions of the


CANON X.-(1838.)

It is declared to be the duty of every Clergyman, having a seat in this Convention, to attend every meeting of the same, or send a reasonable excuse for absence, to the Bishop.

CANON XI-Providing for a List of Clergymen entitled to Seats in the Convention. (1839.)

It shall be the duty of the Bishop and Standing Committee, or in case of vacancy in the Episcopate, of the Standing Committee, previous to the

meeting of every annual Convention, to prepare an accurate list of the Clergymen of this Diocese, entitled to seats in the Convention, agreeably to the existing Constitution and Canons; to be presented and read by the Secretary, before any other business shall be transacted; and this shall be the list according to which the Convention shall be organized.

..CANON XII.-Concerning the Settlement of Clergymen. · (1839.)

Every cure in this Diocese, on the call of a Clergyman, shall, within one month after such call, apply to the Bishop, or in case of vacancy in the Episcopate, to the Standing Committee, for permission to settle such Clergyman; and no Clergyman, by virtue of a Parochial cure, shall take his seat in this Convention, until such permission shall be obtained.







Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.
Rev. CALEB I. GOOD, M. A.,
Professor of Ancient Languages.
Professor of Botany.

Professor of Law.

Assistant Professor of Ancient Languages.
Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology.

Annual Commencement, first Thursday in August.



RT. REV. T. C. BROWNELL, D. D., ex officio President.

Rev. E. Edwards Beardsley, Vice President and Principal. The year is divided into two Terms of 22 weeks each; the vacations occurring in April and October.

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