POLITICAL REGISTER. VOL. XI. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, 1807. LONDON: NDON PRINTED BY COX AND BAYLIS, GREAT QUEEN STREET; PUBLISHED BY RICHARD BAGSHAW, BRYDGES STREET, COVENT GARDEN; 1807. ADVERTISEMENT. ; THIS, which is the Eleventh Volume of the Political Register, contains, like those immediately preceding it, Thirty-three Sheets.— The Sheets, when sold separately, are retailed at Ten-pence each and, when collected in a volume, the thirty-three sell for £1.7s. 6d. making the annual cost of the work £2, 15s, Od.There are, during each half year, seven double numbers published; because, without obtaining this room, somehow or other, it would be impossible to include all the official political documents which appear within the six months, and without which the work, as a Register, would be greatly incomplete. In presenting this volume to the public, I cannot refrain from suggesting to my readers the necessity of using great care in the preservation of their single numbers; because, when once a chasm is made, it is very difficult to be filled up, without breaking into a complete volume, which no one can reasonably expect me to do. Botley, 25th July, 1807, WM. COBBETT, |