SHEPPARD'S Touchstone OF COMMON ASSURANCES; OR A PLAIN AND FAMILIAR TREATISE, OPENING THE LEARNING OF THE COMMON ASSURANCES, OR Conveyances of the Kingdom. THE SEVENTH EDITION, INCLUDING ALL THE NOTES AND ADDITIONAL REFERENCES IN THE FORMER EDWARD HILLIARD, Esq. ALSO, AN ENLARGEMENT OF THE TEXT, &c. BY THE ADDITION OF VARIOUS CRITICISMS, DISTINCTIONS, &c. &c. AND A COPIOUS INDEX; BY RICHARD PRESTON, Esq. OF THE INNER TEMPLE. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. & W. T. CLARKE, LAW-BOOKSELLERS, PORTUGAL-STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN. 1820. MR. PRESTON'S ADDRESS TO THE READER. SHEPPARD'S TOUCHSTONE ever has formed, and for a long series of years will form, an essential part of every wellselected law library. For the soundness of its Propositions, its succinct Method, and its excellent Arrangement, this book is not surpassed by any work on the law. To the period of its date, it was a complete summary of the existing law on the modes of assurance, and on various subjects connected with titles. It is impossible to read the work and not to trace the mind of a profound lawyer, possessing extensive knowledge, founded on great experience. It is a work which does honour even to the name of Doddridge, now confessedly its author; though additions were made to the work by Sheppard the first editor. This Book was long neglected. The name of Sheppard had not any charms for the profession. It is evident, however, that the most eminent lawyers possessed this work, and were sensible of its value. In every copy of the earlier editions, which has fallen under the notice of the present Editor, the name of some eminent Judge or distinguished Lawyer was inscribed. In two copies which he possesses of the first edition, there are annotations, and proofs of the persevering industry of Fabyan Phillips, and of Serjeant Hill. That Chief Justice Willes possessed |