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" And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go, and search diligently for the young child, and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. "
Hē Kainē Diathēkē. The New Testament, in Greek and English; with a marginal ... - Página 7
editado por - 1837
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The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1835 - 636 páginas
...Governor that shall rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And...word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed ; and lo, the star which they saw in the east went before...
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The Book of common prayer. [With] Psalms, in metre, selected from the Psalms ...

1835 - 604 páginas
...Governor that shall rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And...word again, that I may come and worship him also. "When they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star which they saw in the east went before...
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Psalms, in Metre, Selected from the Psalms of David

Episcopal Church - 1835 - 406 páginas
...them to cording to the gift of the grace of GOD, given unto me by the effectual Bethl appear* hlehem, and said, Go, and search diligently for the young...word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had icard the kins, they departed ; and o, the star which they saw in the east went before...
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The Holy Bible: According to the Authorized Version, Containing ..., Volumen3

1838 - 900 páginas
...when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8 lory in his riches : 24 But "let him that glorieth...this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that h im, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also. > Luke S. 6, 7. «Mk.5.S. John 7....
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The Biblical Analysis: Or, A Topical Arrangement of the Instructions of the ...

1837 - 324 páginas
...Clovemor, That shull rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he hud privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And...word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before...
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The Ministry of Jesus Christ: Comp. and Arranged from the Four Gospels, for ...

Thomas Bayley Fox - 1837 - 258 páginas
...that shall rule my people Israel.' " Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared, and...word again, that I may come and worship him also. When they had heard the king, they departed. And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, wenthefore...
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Diatessaron, Or, The History of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Compiled from the ...

1837 - 232 páginas
...people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, 3enquired of them diligently 8 what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem,...word again, that I may come and worship him also. 8 eastern magi. C. 3 procured from them exact information. C. 1 4 Herod's massacre of the infants....
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An exposition of the four Gospels, ed. by A. Westoby, Volumen1

Thomas Adam - 1837 - 440 páginas
...when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search...word again, that I may come and worship him also. Herod stands upon record for his craft and policy to get and preserve his kingdom, and we have a flagrant...
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An exposition of the four Gospels, ed. by A. Westoby, Volumen1

Thomas Adam - 1837 - 440 páginas
...when he hitd privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search...when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I mav come and worship him also. Herod stands upon record for his craft and policy to get and preserve...
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The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindustha'ni'

1837 - 554 páginas
...had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appe ared. 8 Ai (I he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search...when ye have found him, bring me word again, that J may come and worship Mm also. 9 When they had I -card the king, they departed; and, lo, the star,...
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